188 Episode 29 Red Wolf Corps

 Meanwhile, back in time: ......
 It was the thirteenth day after Hercule had crossed the desert.

 The day Jebe left the village early in the morning and Hercule and Stephan launched an all-out attack on the city of Teripol.

 The royal court of the Kingdom of Cerda was finally informed that Carmine had been defeated in the battle of Teripol.

 King Hilderic II hurriedly held a military council.

 In the midst of a heavy atmosphere, ...... King Hilderic II opened his mouth.

 "How many reinforcements do you think we need?

 How many reinforcements do you think we need? We must send reinforcements, of course.
 That was the only decision that had to be made.

 In response, a blue-faced Hoamel opened his mouth.

 ...... In order to deal with the Lemurian army that is currently closing in on Cerda City, I think we need to leave at least 10,000 troops behind.
 "So you're saying we should send the rest of our troops, 500, as reinforcements?

 Coincidentally, that was the exact same force that Carmine had led when he was defeated at the Battle of Teripol.
 What this means is that five hundred and fifty is not a sufficient number of troops for reinforcements.

 "...... Sonia, are you the same?
 If possible, we should send not 500 but 600, that is to say, the entire army, but considering the presence of the Lemurian army rampaging in the ...... Iphiclesia region, that will be difficult.

 In other words, you're in favor of 500 reinforcements.

 I'm worried.

 Hilderick II said in a weak voice.

 ...... What guarantee do we have that this isn't a trap for the Lemurian army? Who can guarantee that the moment we send out reinforcements, over a hundred thousand troops won't come pouring in from across the desert?


 Sonia and Hoamel kept their mouths shut.
 There are a lot of reasons why this is unlikely, but they can't provide enough evidence to say it will never happen.

 But I can't give you enough evidence to say it's impossible, because what I've already said is impossible has already happened.

 And the Lemurian army that is currently rampaging through Iphraicia is an exceptional army that marches over a hundred kilometers a day, isn't it? I don't think the general is incompetent. Who can say for sure that ...... 10,000 men will not be destroyed by that general?

 "Your Majesty. The army led by the enemy general, Jebe, is between three and four hundred. There's more than double the difference in strength. We can't expect to be defeated so easily. ......

 "Then, Hoamel. You think it's unlikely that an army will march more than a hundred kilometers a day or that a twofold difference in strength will be overturned. Which do you think is less likely? Which do you think is more difficult? I think the former, don't you?

 This is an army that can march a hundred kilometers a day.
 Can you deny the possibility that they will employ unimaginable tactics to overturn a two- or three-fold difference in strength?

 Hilderic II said to Hoamel.

 To this, Hoamel could not say anything.

 Normally, a march of more than 20 kilometers per day is considered fast enough.

 The marching speed is determined by the morale and skill level of the soldiers. ......
 The soldiers of the Kingdom of Chellda, a military state, have high morale and skill levels.

 Therefore, they are capable of marching about 25 kilometers a day, the same level as the army of the Lemurian Empire. (However, when it comes to a very strong march of more than 30 kilometers a day, the general's talent becomes more important, and it is difficult to march at the extraordinary speed of the Lemurian emperor.

 However, the Lemurian army, which is ravaging the region of Iphiclesia and threatening the capital, is marching at a speed of 90 to 100 kilometers a day.
 That speed is 'impossible'.

 I'm sure the reports say that the enemy is an elite force made up entirely of cavalry? Well, ......, but it's still an extraordinary army.

 Hilderick II said with a sigh.

 ...... I don't think we should send reinforcements. Shouldn't we gather all our troops and use them to defend here in Cerda and the region of Iphiclesia?

 "Your Majesty! Then what about the lives of the soldiers, the people of Terriportania, and the lives of General Iason ...... and General Carmine?

 What about the lives of the soldiers, the people of Teriportania, and General Iason and General Carmine?
 Hoamel, whose support base was in the region of Teriportania, had to prevent the fall of Teriportania.

 What will happen if the city of Cerda is taken by surprise by the enemy? Our country will be destroyed.

 Hilderic II said with an exhausted look on his face.
 He was completely frightened of the Lemurian army and the Lemurian Emperor Hercule.

 "Your Majesty.

 Sonia stood up.
 Hilderic II looked at Sonia with stagnant eyes and said weakly.

 "Do you agree with Hoamel?

 Sonia looked firmly at Hilderick II and said, "I understand your concern.

 I understand your concern. Indeed, ...... anything can happen now.

 Hilderick II's eyes widened at Sonia's words.
 He had been expecting a direct denial.

 I will eliminate the enemy general, Jebe. I will rid the region of him, even if it costs me my life. So rest assured, you have my permission to send 500 troops as reinforcements. Your Majesty.

 After that, another 450 troops were sent to the city of Teripol. ......
 A total of 500 troops joined the 500 troops that had gone ahead to lift the blockade, and headed to defeat the Lemurian forces besieging Teripol City and rescue Carmine and the Teripol defenders.

 More ......
 A few days later, they would learn that the city of Teripol had fallen.

 It's going better than I thought, Captain!
 Keep your guard up. The enemy is already on the move.

 It's been four days since the independent rangers under Jebe's command launched their destructive campaign within a hundred kilometers of the city of Cerda.
 So far, Jebe's troops had been able to inflict effective damage on the enemy without much loss.

 They had already burned several food stores and raided convoys, threatening the enemy's logistics.

 Jebe was skillfully sneaking through the enemy's encirclement and striking back with a surprise attack, dealing blows to the enemy.

 While Jebe's army marched a maximum of one hundred kilometers a day and a minimum of forty kilometers, ......
 While the Jebe army marched a maximum of one hundred kilometers a day, and a minimum of forty kilometers, the Chelda army marched at most twenty-five kilometers, and at most thirty kilometers if they pushed themselves too hard.

 With this, there was no way they could catch up with them or surround them.

 We should just shoot the enemy with our cavalry and leave the battle line immediately.

 But they don't have many generals left, do they?
 No, they have one .......

 Jebe has been told in advance by Hercule ......
 He recalled the information provided by Mashinissa of the Barbarians, who had engaged the Chelda Kingdom many times, to be exact.

 There are three generals in the Kingdom of Chelda that we should be aware of.

 One is the warlord Carmine.
 The other is Iason, a young genius general.

 But these two are not much of a threat, Masinissa said.
 Both are good generals, but they are "ordinary" generals, she said.

 Carmine is experienced and well-liked, but he is not particularly gifted, and he is only an ordinary soldier.
 Iason is gifted but inexperienced, and his popularity is less than flattering.

 There are definite weaknesses in each of them.

 Therefore, there is only one general to watch out for: ......
 There is only one.

 "Sonia, the Red Wolf Princess, she's here.

 Sonia Leups-Geisseria.

 She is the fiancée of the current king, King Hilderic II. ......
 And she is Carmine's daughter.

 She is the daughter of Carmine. This seventeen-year-old girl, Masinissa said, should be the only one you pay attention to.

 "You're still a little girl, aren't you?
 "Don't you know how old the Emperor was when he defeated General Darios?

 "Do you not know how old the Emperor was when he defeated General Darios?" Jebe retorted to his subordinate's underestimation of the seventeen-year-old girl.
 Everyone clammed up at this.

 "According to Masinissa-dono, Princess Sonia's army called the 'Red Wolf Corps' is famous. It is said to be a cavalry unit made up of warbeasts that General Carmine gave to his daughter out of love for her.

 It's a kind of independent ranger force owned by himself and Nia Lucarios.
 Jebe said.

 The difference is that the ...... Red Wolves are Carmine and Sonia's private army.

 In the kingdom of Cerda, however, there is no clear distinction between "private" and "public".
 Both Carmine and Sonia are vassals of King Hilderick II, and Hilderick II is the king of the Kingdom of Chelda, so the "Red Wolves" are a respectable army of the Kingdom of Chelda.

 Is red a thing? Are you wearing red armor or something?

 The elite troops are dressed in conspicuous colored armor.
 It is something that a seventeen-year-old girl would do.

 However, unifying with flashy colors is actually not such a bad idea.

 In the military of this world, which is based on the premise of massed warfare, it is more convenient to have uniforms in colors that stand out so that allies can easily recognize them.
 The more flashy the color, the more it intimidates the enemy, and the more it increases the sense of solidarity.

 No, they say it's white.
 "Then we're the Shiro Wolves. Why red?
 "Because it turns red with blood.

 Jebe's answer left the members in awe.
 Jebe's answer was enough to give them an idea of what kind of unit the "Red Wolves" were.

 The Red Wolves are said to charge head-on into a dense formation of infantry, unafraid of the bedding of spears. Its fighting ability is like that of a rabid dog ......, yes. Well, that's probably an exaggeration, but it's still a tremendous fighting ability.

 At the very least, it is certain that the Barbarians have been killed in great numbers by the Red Wolves led by Sonia.

 But we should be careful, but not overly afraid. There are no troops that can keep up with our speed.

 Jebe said confidently.
 And so they rode on to their next destination.


 What they arrived at was a warehouse where military supplies were temporarily stored.
 If the supplies stored here were burned, the army of the Kingdom of Chelda would suffer from a temporary shortage of food, even though it was within its own territory.

 But since it's still within their territory, the problem will soon be solved. ......
 That's enough harassment.

 Here we are. Now, ...... let's annihilate the garrison, burn them, and then go home.

 Three hundred and sixty cavalrymen kicked out a hundred enemy garrison soldiers as if they were working.
 One by one, they were shot and killed. ...... The guards fled like spiders.

 The Jebes then went into the warehouse and set fire to the burlap sacks full of wheat and barley.
 The food, which had been dried for preservation, burned very well.

 "Well, this is the last of it.

 Jebe led his men to open the largest of the warehouses.


 The warehouse door opened with a loud bang.
 Jebe shone his torch into the darkness.

 There was a pile of grain sacks.

 It was not.

 "It is a pleasure to meet you, General Jebe.

 There were a hundred heavy cavalrymen in bright white armor and a girl with a lovely smile on her face.