199 Episode 7 Iason

 After eleven days of marching, the Lemurian army led by Hercule arrived at the city of Azdavia.
 It was eighty-nine days after the desert crossing.

 "Hasn't the Azdavian garrison surrendered yet?

 Hercule raised his voice in disgust.
 Hercule could not understand the feelings of the enemy general, who was still fighting pointlessly even though the victory had already been decided.

 The enemy general, Iason, is supposed to be a rational person. I don't think he would do something so senseless. ......

 After all, there are no absolutes.
 Hercule confirmed it again.

 According to internal reports, the warbeast commanders are revolting.

 Galfis gave Hercule the information he had gotten from his inside help.
 Hercule let out an involuntary sigh.

 "An insider, huh. In other words, the enemy is internally divided between those who want to fight tooth and nail and those who want to surrender.
 Most of the soldiers seem to be in the latter camp, but the warbeast commanders seem to be in the former camp.

 Galfis supplemented Hercule's prediction.
 Hercule scratched his head in annoyance.

 Hmmm, ...... that's troublesome.

 If you ask me if the resistance of Azdavia will overturn the victory of the Lemurian army, the answer is no.
 For the time being, the Kingdom of Cerda would not even be able to wage a proper defensive war.

 The sacrifices have increased to such an extent.

 However, it does not mean that Hercule will not be troubled.
 What is troubling is that it is troubling.

 "It's hard to force them down, Your Majesty. I'd advise you to feed it. It's not a good idea to waste valuable troops on that thing.

 It was Darios who said that.
 Darius, like Hercule, had a look of utter dismay on his face.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

 In order to force the enemy to surrender, you will need more time.
 Hercule wants to take control of Teriportania as soon as possible.

 "Well, ......, let's do this.

 Hercule smirked.

 The enemy doesn't seem to be attacking us.
 I'm sure they're scared. ...... The rations will last for another month. Don't expect to succeed so easily.

 The current general in charge of the Azdavian garrison said.

 If the Lemurian army chooses to attack with food, it will surely be a long war.
 The Lemurian army does not have the luxury of keeping a large army idle in Azdavia City,......, which means that it can annoy the Lemurian army by itself.

 On the other hand, if they come at you forcefully for a short battle, you can ......
 If the enemy is aggressive, you can give him a painful blow.

 Either way, you can annoy the Lemurian army.

 The only thing he didn't realize was that ...... it wouldn't lead to victory.

 "......? What's that?

 From the Lemurian encampment, naked men were gradually approaching the city of Azdavia.
 The general attempted to attack them, but ......
 Realizing what they were, he ordered the garrison to stand ready and wait.

 He then ordered the gates to be opened.

 As soon as he saw that the naked group had gone through the gate, he had it closed.

 And the general immediately greeted them.

 He said, "It must have been ...... cold for you to be so naked. I'll get you some clothes and a hot meal right away. ...... Our friends!

 The naked group ...... 
 It was a portion of the 20000 soldiers of the Kingdom of Cerda that the Lemurian army had taken prisoner.

 We unleashed two hundred of them first. ...... You really took them in, didn't you?
 "Of course they did. We're not going to abandon the soldiers who came to our aid.

 Edmond's words were met with a sly grin from Hercule.
 They were former soldiers of the Terriportanian defenders who had come to Azdavia to defeat the Lemurian army surrounding the city.

 They ended up surrendering. ......
 The fact remains that they rushed to the aid of the Azdavian garrison.

 If they were thrown out naked and headed for the city walls, it was only natural to accept them.

 "From now on, today and tomorrow, we will release all 200,000 prisoners.
 "Are you sure? There is a possibility that the enemy's strength will increase. ......
 What good is 500 plus a bunch of naked men with no weapons? There's only so many rocks you can throw.

 The Azdavian garrison is already out of arrows.
 It's unlikely that they have enough swords, spears, and armor to spare for two hundred men.

 And when the Lemurian army attacked, they were throwing furniture and bricks at us as projectiles. ......
 This shows that there are not even enough stones left to throw.

 I'm sure you've heard of it. Your Majesty.
 "Well, a third of them.

 Hercule gave a small nod at Darios' words.
 Darios smiles.

 "Oh, ...... there's two-thirds left? Yes. ...... Are you bribing some of the soldiers?

 That's about it. They're infiltrating the city with agents in order to start a rebellion from within.

 Hercule was planning to bribe the relatively high status warbeasts among the prisoners of war with treasures and land to start a rebellion inside Azdavia.

 The enemy warlord has given some thought to this possibility. ......
 I don't think we can doubt our friends who once tried to help us.

 But there's still a third of them left.

 Do you still have a reason? May I ask?

 It's simple. Soldiers who have surrendered, who have been taken prisoner, who are relaxed that the war is over for some reason, who are eating our relatively good food, and who are feeling at peace, do you think they will be useful in a ...... siege? Do you think they will be useful in a siege?

 In fact, on the contrary, it will create an atmosphere of "Come on, let's surrender ......", which will greatly lower the overall morale.

 "Oh, yeah, ...... Nia, Jebe!

 Hercule ordered the two commanders of the independent rangers who had come in very handy.

 "Gather the inhabitants of this area as you see fit. After the third day, we'll throw all the people around here naked.

 Hercule smiles with amusement.

 "Now, how many days do you think that will last?

 Five days.
 Over the next five days, two hundred prisoners of war and three hundred local residents were forcibly thrown into the city of Azdavia.

 Ninety-four days after crossing the desert.
 Finally, a rebellion of soldiers broke out in the city of Azdavia. ...... The soldiers of the surrender faction detained the general of the resistance faction.

 They surrendered to the Lemurian army as a souvenir.

 As a result, the city of Azdavia fell.
 This was the end of the entire war.

 After the fall of Azdavia, Iason was quickly rescued.
 He was then captured by the Lemurian army as a prisoner of war and was given an audience with ...... Hercule.

 Iason is tied up on a beautiful carpet and surrounded by soldiers, while Hercule is looking down on Iason from a throne placed on a much higher step than the surrounding area.

 "Hmm, you are Iason?
 "Yes, Your Majesty. My name is Iason. My hobby is reading.

 Hercule narrowed his eyes at Iason as he answered a question he had not been asked.

 That's strange. I also enjoy reading.
 "Really? I'd love to discuss books with you.
 I'd love to discuss books with you." "Well, ...... when you get a chance.

 Hercule replied, ......
 From a chair on a high step, he looked down at Iason.

 "Is it true that you were about to surrender?
 Yes. ...... I decided it was futile to go any further.
 That's a wise decision.

 Hercule complimented Iason honestly.
 Iason had certainly been pushed around a lot in the war so far, but it seemed to Hercule that he was doing the best he could .......

"You are to come to Nova Lemuria. As a prisoner of war, you will be guaranteed at least a civilized life. Your life of inconvenience will be short-lived. That is, if you can pay the ...... ransom.

 However, the Kingdom of Chelda is not so far gone that it can't pay the ransom of a country's general.

"...... No, I have no intention of returning to the Kingdom of Chelda. Would you be willing to grant me citizenship of the Lemurian Empire?

"...... Oh, and why is that?

 Hercule narrowed his eyes.

 I've had enough of the Kingdom of Chellda. It's not just that the generals don't listen to me, they threaten me and even take away my command, General Carmine is running away, and Prime Minister Hoamel is only thinking about his own interests. His Majesty the King is unreliable and devoted to his mistress, and his fiancée is quarrelsome and racist.

 Iason let out a sigh.
 Iason let out a sigh and said to Hercule as if he were begging him.

 The Emperor is far superior to our King as a monarch. And his vassals are all working together, not dragging each other down. ...... The Kingdom of Chelda has no chance. No one wants to be on a mud boat, right?

 "I see. ......

 Hercule smiled.
 Slowly he rose from his chair.

 He slowly got up from his chair and walked down the steps.

 I know exactly how you feel.

 He put his hand on the sword at his waist.
 And ......

"Would you like to be a librarian in my country?
"Librarian? ...... Really, really? Yes!

 Are you sure? Your Majesty.

 That night, Darios asked Hercule.

 "He's quite good, sir.

 "Well, that's surprising. You were very critical of him, weren't you?

 It's true that he's good, considering his lack of experience. The lack of popularity is ...... why don't you just treat him as your second-in-command and not as a general in the first place? I think it would be a shame to keep him as a librarian.

 He may not have the talent to lead an army, but he has the ability to plan a strategy and assess a situation.
 That was Darios' assessment of Iason.

 Yeah. I appreciate his abilities as well.
 "Then why?

 Darios asked, and Hercule shrugged.

I don't like his personality. You wouldn't want to work with someone you didn't like, would you?
I thought you didn't care much for the personalities of your subjects. ...... Is there something you don't like so much?
"Well, there are some things I personally don't like about ......

 I personally don't like it much.
 But it's not his own personal feelings about Iason that Hercule has a problem with.

I'm not sure I like him much, but it's not my own personal feelings about Iason that Hercule has a problem with. ...... I think it's going to be awkward if he joins the vassals. He's the kind of guy that's hated by both the top and the bottom, right?
"...... I can't deny that.

 Darius smiled bitterly.