209 Episode 17 True Intentions

"Huh......, hmm......, hmm.......
"Oh, ......, yeah, .......
"Forgive me, ...... hey, .......

"Your ...... Majesty, what is the meaning of this?

 It was Alicia who said, somewhat puzzled.
 She usually goes back and forth between the Bulgaron Kingdom and the Lemurian Empire.

 The news of the coup d'etat in the Kingdom of Chellda happened to reach Alicia when she was in the Kingdom of Bulgalon.
 Therefore, she rushed back to find out from Hercule what had happened.

 What Alicia saw was a strange sight.

 Three women were on all fours, licking Hercule's feet.

 Their cheeks were red, their skin was flushed, and their eyes were moist.
 Every time they moved their tongues, their bodies quivered quietly as if they were enduring something.

"Oh, ......, you know about the political upheaval in the kingdom of Cerda, right?
Yes. I've come to talk to you about it.
Then let's talk. They'll suspect me as if I'm behind it. Isn't that rude?

 Then Hercule looked down at the women - Carolina, Scheherazade, and Lunalie - and snickered.

"So you're punishing me for doubting you?
"Yes. They'll lick my feet until I'm satisfied.
...... You look like you're in a lot of pain for that.

 They were letting out sweet noises with every flick of their tongues.
 I'm not sure if this is the result of just licking their feet. Alicia tilted her head with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"She's using necromancy.
"Ah, I see.

 With Asmodeus and Citrie's abilities, it's easy to play with their tongues a bit.
 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had it.

"So, Your Majesty. What's going on with the political changes in the Kingdom of Cerda?
"What makes you think I know about it? Alicia.

 Hercule asked with narrowed eyes.
 Alicia's expression hardened.

"No, no, it's ......
I'm also confused by the sudden news, why did you think I was fully aware of the situation?
It's, uh, ......, uh, .......
It's less of a crime to answer honestly than to tell a bad lie.

 I'm not sure what you're talking about.

I thought ...... you were plotting something.
"Good. Sit there.

 Hercule then pointed in front of him.
 Alicia sat down in front of Hercule's lap, her heart pounding.

 Right next to Alicia is a woman who is licking Hercule's legs hard.
 And his feet were glistening with their saliva.

You know what you have to do, don't you?
"Yes, ...... Your Majesty.

 Alicia extended her tongue, which was now hot and sensitive to the slightest movement of the air, to her toes, which were coarse with fingerprints.

 One more charming sound.

 About a week later, information finally began to come to Hercule.

"So, Sonia Geyseria has staged a coup d'etat, assassinated the king, and taken control of the kingdom of Cerda. And then she asks me to marry her and seeks a union with her ......, is that it?

Yes. It seems that there was more pessimism within the kingdom of Cerda than we thought.

 Todoris nodded.
 A series of civil wars and wars had left the Warbeasts, the ruling class of the Kingdom of Chelda, economically impoverished.
 Sonia took up their grievances and brought them together to form a new government.

 So far, so good.

 But there is one mystery.

"Why are you asking me to marry you?
"...... Wouldn't you like to resume trade with the Lemurian Empire?

 Todoris replied to Hercule's question.
 The current economic distress of the Kingdom of Cerda is due to the loss of the breadbasket of Teriportania.

 The border has divided the mainland of Teriportania and the Kingdom of Chelda economically.

 This has caused a great deal of economic turmoil.
 Therefore, if we merge with the Lemurian Empire, the border will disappear and we can reconnect economically. ......

 You can think of it as.

No, that doesn't mean that you should marry me. In the first place, there is no guarantee that I will rule the Kingdom of Cerda equally with the Lemurian Empire. We need to start negotiating on tariffs and trade first.

 Reopen the trade.
 Sell us grain at a discount.
 In exchange, I'll give you part of the administration of the Kingdom of Chelda.

 That's the proper order.

 But what Sonia is doing is

 But all Sonia is doing is giving you the administration of the Kingdom of Chelda.

 That's all.

 This can hardly be called diplomacy.

 But we can't just say we don't know, we can't just say we don't know.

What should we do, Your Majesty?
First of all, Princess Sonia must come to the Imperial City and explain everything to me. I'll send a messenger.
"Yes, Your Majesty. 

 Soon after, Sonia went to Nova Lemuria.
 It was a very quick move, even for Hercule.

"It's been a long time, Your Majesty.

 Sonia bowed gracefully to Hercule as he sat on the throne.
 Sonia bowed gracefully to Hercule as he sat on the throne, his face flushed as if he had a fever.

I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.

 I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've.

What do you mean?
I'm asking for your true intentions. I'm asking you what you really mean, and why you want a union with my country.

 Sonia replied with a puzzled look on her face.

"Unfortunately, our king has passed away. That's why.

 Why are you asking me such an obvious question?
 Sonia said.

 Hercule put his hand on his forehead.
 I don't understand what Sonia is trying to say.

"What do you mean? Would you like to tell me in detail?
"Yes, of course.

 Sonia, for some reason, began to explain happily.

"At present, the closest thing to our fathers are my father Carmine and myself. But my father, unfortunately, is not well supported by the people of our country. Therefore, I will take the throne. But as you can see, I'm inexperienced and not capable of ruling a country. Therefore, I would like you to marry me and rule my country as my co-ruler!

"...... The pretense is fine. Let's hear what you really mean.

 Hercule said in a low voice.

 In fact, Sonia's proposal is not detrimental to Hercule in any way.
 If the Kingdom of Cerda were to form a tyrannical alliance with the Lemurian Empire, ......
 The Album Sea will effectively become an internal sea of the Lemurian Empire.

 This would mean the integration of the economic sphere of the Album Sea, and the economic benefits would be immeasurable.

 Even without that, the vast granary of the southern continental coast of the Kingdom of Chellda would be very lucrative.
 Above all, the disappearance of the military threat of the Kingdom of Chelda is of great benefit to the security of the Lemurian Empire.

 If the Kingdom of Chelda disappears, the only threats to the Lemurian Empire in the west will be the Kingdom of Edelna and the Fulling Kingdom behind it.

 The less the threat in the west, the more we can focus on the threat in the east, namely the Kingdom of Fahls.

 Of course, the more the ...... Chelda Kingdom is added to the map, the more territory there will be to defend.
 The nomadic Barbals in the south and the great gold-producing nations beyond the desert are also of concern.

 However, these are nothing compared to the threat of the Kingdom of Chelda itself.
 In the first place, the Kingdom of Chelda was able to fend off these threats and even afford to mess with the Lemurian Empire.

 But, but...

 There's no such thing as a good story.

 Hercule is not foolish enough to happily make a duck hot pot just because a duck brings a leek on its back.
 The leeks brought by the duck may be poisonous, or the duck itself may be poisonous.

 Therefore, Hercule says.
 Enough with the pretense.
 Tell me what you mean.
 What are you up to?


 But Hercule knows that there's no way he's just going to tell her what he's up to. Hercule knows that there is no way he can honestly tell her what he's up to.
 Therefore, what Hercule wants to tell her is to check her, "I'm not foolish enough to be fooled by your schemes.

 For some reason, Sonia blushed.

 And then she looked around her, fidgeting strangely.

"Oh, no, ...... not in such a crowded place, ......
You can't talk about ...... things in public, you mean.

 Hercule let the man go.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to use the site, you can call us at the web site.

 Hercule and Sonia were left alone.
 Hercule called out in a whisper.

"Asmodeus, Sitri.
[Yes, yes, you wanted to see me?
It's been too long! There's plenty of payback, I've accumulated it!

 He secretly calls Asmodeus and Sitri, ready to stop Sonia at any moment.

Now, let's hear what you really mean.

 I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.
 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

"Heh, you and .......

I want to have a beautiful wedding!
'........................... ...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!