214 Episode 22 Dirty Flag

"Kassandra, is there something you are ...... making a big mistake about?

 said Hercule in an exaggerated manner.
 Everyone gulped and waited for Hercule's next words.

"The way you say it, it sounds as if I'm trying to kill you and your children.

 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.
 It's not only Kassandra, but also Sonia and everyone else in the room, who did not understand.

The only crime you have committed is disobeying ...... my order to appear before me. Well, disobeying a royal order is a serious crime. The death penalty is appropriate. But I don't think that crime should be extended to children.

 Certainly, legally speaking, Kassandra is guilty of nothing more than disobeying the king's order.
 It can't be a crime to have a child with the previous king.

"And disobeying the king's order is not without its extenuating circumstances. You were pregnant and recuperating in a monastery. You were pregnant and recuperating in a monastery in the countryside,......, where the king's orders could not reach you.

 In fact, Kassandra was hiding in a monastery in the middle of nowhere, where it would take months to find him.
 In fact, Kassandra was hiding in a rural monastery that took months to find.

If so,......, the death penalty would be too severe. By Lemurian law, Messianic law, the Warbeast, and ...... any other law, it should not be punishable by death.

 If I tell you this much: ......
 I know what Hercule is trying to say, unless he's too dumb to see it.

 Hercule is trying to save the lives of Kassandra and her child.
 Kassandra patted her chest, relieved.

 But at the same time, she thought.
 Would the famously cruel emperor of Lemuria be so generous with his punishment?

 As if to answer the inner thoughts of Kassandra, ......
 I'm not sure what to say.

"Oops, ...... I forgot one of your grave sins.

 The air froze again.
 The air froze again. Kassandra's expression tightened.

"Rumor has it that ...... you've been living a very lascivious life.
"Lewd life?

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 It is true that being the mistress of King Hilderic II is not a good position in the Messianic religion, but why does Hercule bother to point this out?

"Oh, yes. I've heard that she had s*xual intercourse with various, unspecified (・・・・・) men. I've heard that you've had s*x with various unspecified (・・・・・) men, and that you don't even know (・・・・・) who the father of your child is.

 Kassandra felt the blood rush to her head.
 The man in front of him now had disgraced ...... himself, his child, and his late lover.

"That's it!

 Kassandra shouted without thinking.
 And ...... quickly cooled down.
 The blood drained from his veins and his face turned pale.

What's wrong with that? Is ...... there something wrong with the facts?

 Kassandra shook her head from side to side, weakly.

"No, no ...... errors, no. It is true that I have had s*xual intercourse with many different men and led a promiscuous life. I don't even know ...... who the father of my child is.

"No, thank you.

 Hercule nodded in satisfaction.

 Kassandra admitted to herself that her child was not the son of Hilderic II.
 Then the child is not Hilderick II's child.
 Therefore, there is no need for Hercule to kill him.

 All that was left was to fabricate a story and spread the word about how Kassandra was an evil, lecherous, and immoral woman.

 No one will want to use a flag that has been defiled so badly.

(And while we're at it, let's put all of Hilderic II's evil policies on her.

 Thinking about this, Hercule passed judgment.

I'll take care of the child. I'll take care of the child.
It's .......
Is there a problem?

 I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

No, there is no ...... problem. Yes, I think it would be better for the ...... child.
Good. I'll ...... find you a suitable monastery somewhere. There you will be able to reflect.
Yes, sir. ......

 The frustration of being disgraced.
 Or the grief of having your child taken from you.
 Or is it ...... joy that her child's life has been spared?

 Kassandra nodded, tears in her eyes.

"That ...... Emperor!

 When the various processes concerning Kassandra are over and you and Hercule are popular,......
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

You're not happy. You are saying that the punishment for Kassandra is too lenient?
"...... Yes.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

That woman's child is dangerous! And so is she. We must kill her!
"Because she is of the blood of Hilderic II?
Yes! She is a future discontent!

 Hercule doesn't deny that.  
 ...... But whether or not that's enough to kill him is another story.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. As long as you have not received the sacrament of marriage, you are not officially the child of King Hilderic II.

 In the Messianic world, the word "bastard" does not have a good meaning.
 In the Messianic world, being a bastard is not a good thing. Of course, being a bastard doesn't mean that you are discriminated against.
 This is evident in the fact that Edmond Erdemort, the son of the previous emperor of Lemuria and a human concubine, holds an important position in the Lemurian Empire.

 But whether or not he will be given his rightful inheritance is another story.

That's ...... true, but ......

It's not just her children that are disturbing, by the way. In addition to the Gayseria family, there are other bloodlines close to the Gayseric family, which is the family of the Leupes clan. We'll have to kill them all, right?

 That would upset the rule of the Kingdom of Chellda.
 There are many who wonder if they will be the next to be purged.

As for the benefits and disadvantages of killing, the scales in my mind have tipped to the latter. Do you understand?

 Hercule said plainly, but Sonia still persisted.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.

But ...... that woman's father, Joamel, is also dangerous. That man is .......
His base of support, the region of Teriportania, is already under the control of the Lemurian Empire.

 Hoamel has no power now that he's been cut off from his base of support.

And the warbeasts hate him, don't they? ...... In terms of danger, Carmine, your father, is more dangerous than Hoamel.

 Carmine is Sonia's father.
 In the event that you've got any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 However, he is not as hated by the warbeasts as Hoamel was.

 In addition, like Sonia, she is a member of the Gayseria family of the Leupus clan, and is a descendant of the founders of the ...... Chelda Kingdom.

Should I kill Carmine?
No, no, ...... that's not ...... that's not ...... that.

 Sonia begins to get upset.
 Sonia may have given up on her father, but that doesn't mean she has lost her feelings for him.
 In fact, she has kept her father alive even after the coup.

(She's not stupid, but she's emotional, for better or worse.)

 That's how Hercule described Sonia in his mind.
 (She is not stupid, but she is emotional, for better or worse.) Her thoughts are filled with the noise of emotions and prejudices, though she has a brilliant mind.

 It was this kind of personality that had led to the coup.

 Hercule slowly walks up to Sonia.
 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

 Sonia is driven to the wall.

"Hey, Heika?

 Sonia looks up at Hercule with an anxious, frightened expression.
 Hercule, with a rather grim expression, slammed the wall right next to Sonia's face.

 Sonia shivered at the loud sound.

 Hercule grabbed Sonia's chin rather forcefully with his other hand.

Sonia, killing that woman is ...... your personal grudge, isn't it? I'm not sure what to make of that. Don't let your feelings get in the way.

But, but ......


 Hercule shouted loudly.
 Sonia squeezed her eyes shut.
 Her body was trembling, and there were a few tears in her eyes.

We're the joint rulers of the Kingdom of Chelda. We are co-rulers of the Kingdom of Chelda,......, but as the Emperor of Lemuria, I have the upper hand. Above all, ...... I will be your husband.

 I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you have.
 When their lips are almost touching, Hercule says in a low voice, "A wife is the patriarch of her husband.

A wife is subordinate to her husband's patriarchal authority. I'm not saying you can't disagree, but you can't rebel. Do you understand?

 Sonia looked completely frightened and answered in a trembling voice.

"Yes. ......
"Good, good girl.

 When Sonia affirmed, Hercule smiled broadly.
 And then he took her cherry lips forcibly.

 He then forcibly took her cherry lips and forcibly inserted his tongue into her mouth.
 The room was filled with the sound of saliva, saliva, tongue and tongue intertwining and mingling.

It's a good thing I'm not the only one.

 When they parted their lips, a bridge of saliva formed.
 Sonia reclined against Hercule, her eyes debauched, her skin flushed, her breath ragged.
 She seemed to have lost all strength in the deep kiss, which was different from the shallow kisses she had had before.

Sonia, let's go over this again, shall we? What am I to you?

"This is my fiancé and ...... my husband-to-be.

 And Sonia said with an enraptured expression.

"I am your master, .......
"Do you obey my commands?
"I will obey you, ......, and I will not rebel, .......

 Sonia replied, letting out a hot breath and raising her voice in a lusty tone.