226 Episode 9: The Second Emperor's Battle of Resera I...

"Servants of the king and lords! Follow me if you want to be successful! Muster up your courage! If you do, ...... the king will surely give you horses and land!

 Bradamante raised his sword and charged with a few knights of his guard.
 Bradamante raised his sword and charged forward with a small group of knights guarding him, followed by the squires of the lords and the king's squires.

 Their status, so to speak, was less than a knight and more than a commoner.
 Depending on their merits in battle, they were given lands and horses and could become knights or even nobles.

 Therefore, their morale was very strong.

 The 1,400 infantry of the Lemurian Empire's standing army, led by Edmond, were ready to meet the 1,800 infantry led by Bradamante.

"Archers ...... fire!

 The longbow troops of the Long Ears (Elves) fired arrows at the approaching infantry troops.
 Many of the foot soldiers are not uniformly equipped, and many are lightly armed with leather armor.
 Therefore, if they are hit by arrows, they are helpless and fall down on the battlefield one after another.

 But ......

Don't be afraid! Let's show them what we're made of!
" "Oh!

 There are too many of us.
 And morale is high.

 We're quickly closing the distance while creating a mountain of corpses.

"Archers, fall back. ...... Long spearmen, ready!

 Under Edmond's command, the Lemurian army created a spear line of long spears with unhindered movements.

 But ......

"Get in the pocket! Go, go, go!

 The infantrymen of the Fullerling army do not stop.
 The infantrymen of the Fullerling Army do not stop. They try to force their way through the spear bedding and break the formation of the Lemurian Army as if they were pushing in.

 The violence of numbers and morale was there.

...... halberd troops, move around to the flank.

 Edmond kept his composure as he moved the halberd units on both sides.
 Edmond kept his composure as he moved the halberd units on both flanks, planning to encircle the Fulling army that was encroaching on his army.

"King's retinue! Cover the Lords' retinue!

 Bradamante brought forward the king's squadron that had been waiting in the rear.
 They held back the Lemurian halberd troops, preventing them from flanking the encirclement.

 The Lemurian army was slowly being pushed back.
 Edmond's expression began to show signs of impatience.

Edmond's expression began to show signs of impatience, "Come on, keep pushing! Come on!

 Bradamante, feeling the killing intent, swung his sword as quickly as he could.
 He repelled the numerous arrows that flew at him.

 He then glared at the enemy general who had fired the arrows.
 That person is ......

"Master Bradamante! I have an urgent message. Our flank is being threatened by enemy cavalry!
"The enemy general, Jebe? "The enemy general, Jebe. Well, he got in our way that time, didn't he?

 Bradamante smiled grimly.
 Then he raised his voice.

"Don't be afraid! The enemy is few! Concentrate on the enemy on the front!

 Now, the battle situation was changing by the minute.

 First, the battle between Roran, the left wing of the Fullerling army, and Carolina, the right wing of the Lemurian army, was almost evenly matched, but the scales were tipping slightly in favor of the Lemurians.

 In the battle between Astolfo on the right flank of the Fullerling army and Alicia on the left flank of the Lemurian army, the quality of the cavalry on both sides really showed, and the balance was tilting heavily in favor of the Lemurians.

 In the battle at the front of the center, the Cerda troops led by Sonia were breaking through the Chulpan Edelna knights and infantry, and were closing in on King Ludwig I's main camp.

 On the other hand, the center-left wing of the Lemurian army, Galfis, and the center-right wing of the Fullerling army, Marazizi, were finally close to each other and were starting to fight.

 Finally, the battle between Edmond, the center-right wing of the Lemurian army, and Bradamante, the center-left wing of the Fullerling army, had defied Jebe's obstructive support, and the scales had tipped heavily in favor of the Fullerling army.


 Both Hercule and Ludwig I were faced with a decision.

At this rate, it was only a matter of time before the Lemurian left flank cavalry broke through our right flank cavalry. (At this rate, it's only a matter of time before the Lemurian left flank cavalry break through our right flank. If this is the case, reinforcements will have to be sent from the center. (But if we send reinforcements from the center, Hercule I will surely bring forward the infantry in the center.

 ) Hercule still kept 1,440 standing infantry and 720 heavy and medium cavalry troops in reserve in the rear of the center.
 This was putting pressure on King Ludwig I.

(But if Hercule I put forward the infantry in the center, the rear of the ...... Lemurian army would be thin. If Bradamante is one step ahead of the enemy, he can surround and annihilate the Lemurian army. (......Then we have to be careful in selecting our reinforcements.

 In the meantime, Hercule was also pondering.

(Edmond is not going to last as long as I thought. (Edmond is not going to last as long as I thought.) At this rate, it's only a matter of time before the center right wing of our army is breached. (Edmond is not going to last as long as I thought.) Normally, Carolina should have been able to draw the enemy's forces back a little more, but ...... enemy general Laurent is more skillful than I thought. There is no sign that the game will be decided there. So, the only hope is Alicia or Sonia. But both of them will take time, and at the very least, they'll have to call in reinforcements to make a decisive move.

 If you're sending reinforcements to Sonia, you'll need infantry; if you're sending reinforcements to Alicia, you'll need cavalry.
 If Sonia succeeds, she will be able to break through the center; if Alicia succeeds, she will be able to flank the enemy.

If Alicia succeeds, she will be able to flank the enemy. (The enemy's center left flank, led by General Bradamante, is still a threat, and the center infantry cannot be moved. Then it's Alicia.

 And they both made their decisions almost simultaneously.

"Tell Alicia. We're sending four battalions of heavy and medium cavalry, 480 troops as reinforcements. Break through the enemy's right flank as soon as possible and surround them on one flank! Victory or defeat depends on you.

Tell Tulipan. Tell Chulpan to fall back and lead 120 of the Lords' foot soldiers and 100 of their cavalry to the Bludamante as reinforcements. I will take over the command of the Edelna Knights and infantry. Do not worry about the center, but prioritize breaking through the enemy with the Bradamante!


 Upon receiving King Ludwig I's orders, Chulpan entrusted the command of all Edelna knights and infantry to his sovereign, and reorganized the elite King's Kingsguard Cavalry Unit 100 and King's Squire Infantry Unit 120 to join the Bradamante.

 Edmond and Jebe sensed the presence of new enemy reinforcements and inspired their soldiers to fight hard to hold them off.

 Sonia sees the thin center of the Fullerling army as an opportunity to step up her offensive and take a shot at King Ludwig I's head.

 On the other hand, Alicia, in order to live up to Hercule's expectations, begins to destroy the enemy led by Astolfo.

 Astrifo struggles to hold his ground against Alicia's increasing offensive.

 Galfis reads that Alicia is attempting to break through the enemy's left flank and begins a full-scale offensive against the enemy's center-right flank.

 Marajidji senses that Astolfo is unable to hold and that the enemy left center flank led by Galfis has intensified its offensive, and begins to devise a plan to make the entire right flank of his army hold out.

 Then, Carolina and Laurent wielded their swords to prevent the opposing enemy from turning to their supporters.

 Will both of their decisions turn out to be good or bad?
 Which side will the goddess of victory smile upon?

 Everything is left to the struggles of each general.