237 Episode 20 Honeytrap

"Welcome to our country. Your Highness Ludwig.

 At the port of Nova Lemuria, Hercule greeted a young man who had just stepped off the ship.
 He had golden blond hair, cat ears, and a tail.
 He is a handsome young man with a beautiful appearance, though his body is a bit slender.

"Thank you for inviting me. Your Majesty, the Emperor of Lemuria.

 Hercule and King Ludwig II shook hands.
 And a few steps away from ...... Hercule stood Karolina, with a small girl hiding behind her.
 The girl, with crimson hair and azure eyes, was glancing at Ludwig II from Karolina's shadow.

 Ludwig II looked at the girl and smiled bitterly.

"She is?
Yes, that's right. ...... Konstantina, come here.

 Hercule ordered, but ......
 Constantina clung to Karolina's body and refused to move.

 Hercule scratched his hair involuntarily.

(Where was the bravado just now? ......)

 I don't want to marry a weak man. I'll give him a test! I'm not going to marry a weak man.

"Look, Constantine. Her Majesty wants to see you. ...... Constantina!
"Ugh. ......

 She grabbed Carolina's clothes and didn't seem to let go.
 If you're a child, you're a long-eared man, so your grip is not foolproof.
 It's difficult to force them apart, because if you're not careful, you might tear your clothes.

Oh, ......, I'm sorry. His Highness Ludwig ...... was in good spirits just now. I'm a bit shy.
No, no, don't worry about it. That's just the way children are.

 Ludwig II, who had originally been told that he was dealing with a child of about four years old, showed no sign of concern.
 He was not so childish as to be offended by a little girl.

"I'll come to you. Is ...... okay?
"Yes, of course. I'd appreciate it.

 Hercule was a little relieved that King Ludwig II was a man of understanding.
 If someone had said, "The Emperor of Lemuria is good at war, but not so good at raising children," he would not have been able to retort because it would have been a fair question.
 Strictly speaking, however, it's not that he's not good at it, but rather that he doesn't participate in raising children at all.

"Your Highness, Empress Carolina, it is a pleasure to meet you.

 First of all, King Ludwig II greeted Karolina.
 Karolina also bowed.

The first time I see you, Your Highness, Ludwig. ...... Come on, Konstantina. Say hello.

 Karolina said, trying to get Constantina to step forward.
 In the meantime, King Ludwig II crouched down and made eye contact with Constantina.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, ......, Your Highness Constantina. I am Ludwig Fraling. Nice to meet you.

 Konstantina stared at Ludwig II with her azure eyes.
 Then she stepped forward in a cautious manner.

...... I'm Konstantina Yulianos. Nice to meet you. Her Highness Ludwig.

 They exchanged greetings.

 Both the Lemurian and Fulling officials were relieved. ...... 
 But at the same time, they thought.

 But at the same time, they thought, "This is going to be difficult.

 Difficult times ahead.
 The relationship between Konstantina and Ludwig II, which at first seemed to be ......

"You know, there are beautiful flowers here. I'll show you!
"That's very kind of you, thank you very much.

 In a few days, the two of them seemed to have grown closer.
 Konstantina cackled and pulled Ludwig II's hand.
 Ludwig II responded in kind.

 They looked more like brother and sister than a couple of well-matched fiancées .......

You are lucky that His Highness Ludwig is a kind man.
"Yes, he is. ...... I'm sure Constantina is happy to have an older brother as well.

 Karolina agreed with Hercule's words.
 Constantina is the eldest daughter, and aside from her children with the concubine, she is the only other child of Hercule.

 Perhaps she was hoping to have an older brother.

"But His Highness Ludwig seems to be quite used to children. ......

 Hercule wondered.
 This is not to say that King Ludwig II is a pedophile.
 In the purest sense of the word, Hercule was saying that he seemed to be very good at appeasing and playing with small children.

"You have a sister, Your Highness.

 The one who answered Hercule's question was Bradamante, who had been watching the interaction between the two of them.
 It is because of this that he was able to become Constantina's "big brother" in the first place.

But ......, it's fine if you get along well, but it's not good if you lose your sense of brother and sister.
I don't know.

 Karolina expressed her concern.
 But Hercule didn't seem too concerned about that.

The important thing is whether or not His Highness Ludwig gets a boner, but fortunately, Constantina is very similar to me and Karolina. She'll grow up to be a lovely girl if she grows up well. No problem.

 Carolina and Bradamante both wondered how a father could say such a thing.
 However, Hercule has always been such a man.

 On the other hand, while Carolina and Bradamante were staring at him ......
 Hercule said to himself, "If you keep a male and female rat together, they will have children. In the worst case, an aphrodisiac will do the trick," he thought.

 The visit of King Ludwig II was intended to deepen the friendship between Lemuria and Fullerling, and also to show his fiancée to each other.
 But, of course, that was not all.

 After Konstantina and Ludwig II had finished touching each other, Hercule and Ludwig II had a meeting.

I am pleased to have had such a fruitful meeting with you. His Highness Ludwig.
"I am also ...... sure that this will deepen our friendship.

 The two men shook hands.
 The talks have been going on for several days and just ended today.

 The topics of discussion ranged from the economic spheres of the two sides, the struggle for political supremacy, and the determination of territorial boundaries.
 Basically, they were agreements on details that were not settled in the peace agreement of the Edelna War.

 Since the general framework itself had been decided, the negotiations proceeded smoothly.
 The reason for the prolonged process was that the scope of the agreement was wide.

 As a rule, Fullerling would not touch the sea.
 Lemuria, on the other hand, would not touch the land.
 Lemuria does not touch the land.

 In this way, Fulling was able to gain an independent economic and political sphere from Lemuria.

 This is a kind of concession for Hercule.

(As a maritime nation, it is wise for us to keep our hands off the land as much as possible. Let's leave the security of the northern continent to Fulling. (As a maritime nation, it is wise for us to keep our hands off the land as much as possible, leaving the security of the northern continent to the Fullerings. ...... We can still trust our own people more than the infidels.

 This incident has convinced Hercule that the Kingdom of Fahls cannot be trusted.

 In the first place, there is no territorial dispute between Lemuria and Fulling, but traditionally, the province of Misrule has been in dispute with the province of Suria, and those disputes are still on the shelf.

 In this situation, Fullerling is still more credible.

 In addition, although ...... is technically a meeting between Hercule and Ludwig II, it is Todoris, the Foreign Minister of Lemuria, and Namo, who is in charge of Fullerling's diplomacy, who are behind the scenes.

 Ludwig II is still inexperienced, and Hercule believes that rice cakes should be left to the rice cake maker, so this is a natural progression.

 The two leaders should get along and hold hands.

 Well, that night.
 Hercule took a bath feeling refreshed after finishing the business that needed to be taken care of as soon as possible.
 Then he drank a glass of wine that Fulling had given him as a token of friendship, and went to his bedroom feeling tipsy.


"......, what's wrong?

 I thought it was Ciphany today.
 Hercule tilted his head.

 On the bed sat a beautiful blonde woman in a black baby doll.

 At first, he thought she was Scheherazade, but she looked very different.
 She had chemo ears growing out of her head.

"Good evening, Your Majesty.

 The one who said that and poked his three fingers in the air was ......
 It was Bradamante.

 Hercule thought of three possibilities here.

 One, Hercule was in the wrong room. This was Bradamante's room.
 Two, the desire to hold Bradamante is causing Hercule to hallucinate. She is Scheherazade, or Scheherazade in a chemo ear costume.
 Three, Bradamante broke into the room without permission.

...... Why are you here? I thought there were soldiers at the door.

 Even though we are friends, foreigners.
 Hercule thought it would not be so easy to get in. ......

 I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.
"...... I see.

 So this is what you do every day.
 Hercule put his hand on his forehead.

So what do you think you're doing here? What would a proud knight of the Fulling do to assassinate someone?

 Of course, I had a vague idea of what he wanted from his appearance and attire, but ......
 I'll ask her.

 What kind of expression will she give?

 Then ...... Bradamante answered with pride.

"It's a honey trap!

 She was more honest than I thought she would be.