244 Episode 2 Front Breakthrough

Do you have any idea how big it is?
"I can't tell you exactly, ....... But we're pretty sure it's over 150,000.

 One hundred and fifty thousand.
 It was comparable to the total number of soldiers in the Lemurian Empire's standing army.
 A cold sweat trickled down Hercule's forehead.

"Isn't that the upper limit of ......?
"The lower limit. Your Majesty.

 When Todoris replied, Hercule sighed involuntarily.
 This is the first time in the history of the system that we have had to consider mobilizing a full-fledged army of Tunda soldiers.

I didn't expect Sasan VIII to overreact so much.
...... I didn't expect that.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

 He only fights battles that he can absolutely win.
 ...... Of course, the same is true for Hercule.

 However, Hercule's opponents were not all weak: Bulgaron, Cerda, and Fulling.
 Although he knew he could win, there were still many ...... gambling factors that could lead to his defeat if something went wrong.

 This is because the Lemurian Empire was forced to go on the offensive due to its geographical limitations.

 A quiet topic.

 Sasan VIII was a cautious man.
 It was Hercule's prediction that he would avoid full-scale military intervention in the Habila Peninsula ......, but he was wrong.

I'm not sure if the Havilah Peninsula is worth defending. ...... In the end, I think the fact that the main trade route crosses through Fars remains the same.

 The Habila Peninsula is a detour route.
 The Habila Peninsula is only a detour route. In addition, it is not safe because of the intermingling of various tribes.

 For many merchants, the Kingdom of Fars is still much safer.
 After all, a detour is still a detour.

 In addition, ...... the goods that come through the Havilah Peninsula are mainly heavy and cheap goods such as ceramics and spices.
 In contrast, the trade routes that cross the Kingdom of Fars are mainly for light, bulky, and expensive goods such as jewelry and silk.

 In other words, the types of goods being transported are slightly different.
 Therefore, Lemuria's subjugation of the Havilah Peninsula does not mean that the Kingdom of Fars will be impoverished immediately.

 This was the reason why Hercule thought that Sasan VIII would not move.

 It was an important place for Lemuria, but not so much for the Kingdom of Fars.

"...... Are you saying that the financial situation of the Kingdom of Phallus is not as good as we assumed?
"Even though they have succeeded in conquering Sindhira?

 It is true that Hercule has been trying to create a system that does not depend on trade with the Kingdom of Fals by producing silk and sugar domestically and producing bone ash porcelain.
 However, ...... Hercule did not believe that this would shake the economic foundation of the Kingdom of Farus, which controlled the trade routes that crossed the continent.

 In fact, considering the success of Sindhira, it is safe to assume that the power of the kingdom is increasing.

"Well, at any rate. We have always assumed the risk of war.

 Hercule said with a calm expression.
 It was true that Hercule had expected Sasan VIII to stay put, and he had been wrong.

 But it wasn't completely unexpected.

 The possibility of Sasan VIII waging war is always taken into account.
 In fact, we have set up a strong defense line along the Flato River along the border.

 It would not be so easy to break through.

"Let's rally the generals.

 Hercule decided to start the war.
 Then ......

Todoris. I'm going to send a request to ...... His Holiness Cecilia.
"Your Majesty, that's not ......
Well, it's a contingency plan. We'll discuss it later with Loukanos.

 When Hercule said this, Todoris bowed his head reverently.

"Yes, sir. Your Majesty.

First, let's discuss their spirit magic.

 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.

 ...... In addition, these three have been ordered to return home as soon as possible.
 The defense of the land is the top priority.

In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, you'll want to take a look at the following.

 Sasan VIII is the spirit of grace, Bael, and the spirit of fire, Belial.
 Coward Cardintina is Fulkas, the Great Spirit of the Spear and Cunning.
 Shaheen Charlequin, the Great Spirit of Ice and Learning, Krosel.
 Helena Uarelius Cog, the Great Spirit of Armor and Corruption.
 Cyrus Curaines is Barbatos, the Great Spirit of the Future.
 Artaxerxes Artaxerxes is Halphas, the Great Spirit of War.
 Darius Dalmares is Agares, the Great Spirit of the Earth.
 Behnam Befelard is the spirit of healing, Buell.
 Smerdis Skuldis is the spirit of music "Amduschias".

 Of these, the Lemurian Empire is most familiar with the spirits that Helena has contracted with.
 It's no wonder, since she is originally a general of the Lemurian Empire.
 This "Subnak" is known to have the ability to dissolve armor with an acid-like mist.

As for Fulkas and Krosel, they too have had ample combat experience.

 Of the eight generals, Generals Coward and Shaheen have faced Hercule before.
 So, their abilities in spirit magic were known to some extent.

"Your Majesty, I'll hold General Coward.
"Oh ......, perhaps it will be difficult without you. Please.

 Hercule responded to Karolina's words.
 Fulcus is a weapon spirit that has the ability to destroy anything it touches.
 It would be difficult for Karolina's Eligos, also a powerful weapon spirit, to suppress it.

 On the other hand, Galfis had once crossed swords with Crocell.

I'm not sure what to make of that. Can I conclude that it is similar to the spirit with which you are contracted?
Yes, it is. I think it's safe to say that it's the same ...... type that manipulates natural objects as I do.
Hmm ......

 Hercule wondered if it was possible to freeze a lake for a surprise attack .......
 However, large-scale changes to the terrain require a considerable amount of energy.
 Unlike flames, which continue to burn on their own, ice always melts and becomes brittle at room temperature.

 Therefore, it is impossible to freeze a large river and allow hundreds of thousands of troops to cross it.
 A small number may be able to do so, though, so we must remain vigilant.

 The only other person for whom we have detailed information is Befnum's Buell.
 However, this is a spirit of healing. ......
 I don't think it can be used for magic that can be used in battle.
 In the first place, the user himself is old. It is not likely to come to the forefront.

As for the other generals' spirits, we don't know much about them, as you can see on .......

 Cyrus' "Barbatos" is a spirit related to the bow, and is said to increase the accuracy of ...... hits.
 Artaxerxes' Halphas is a spirit of the axe, and can kill dozens of people with a single blow, according to .......
 Smerdis' Amduschias is a flute spirit that attacks using sound. ......

 These three are barely known to us.

 Of the spirits that Sasan VIII has contracted with, we know that Belial is an extremely powerful spirit that can control black flames that can burn anything, but there is little information on Bael.

 As for Darius' Agares, we know that it is a hammering weapon spirit, but we don't know anything about its abilities.

 In the first place, the Kingdom of Phallus is a vast country, with battle lines running east, west, north, and south.

 There is a wealth of information on generals who have fought against the Lemurian Empire, but it is difficult to obtain information on generals who have made a name for themselves in battles against the Kuro Tongue and Cyndira.

 In the case of Shindira, it's all you can do to dispatch people, and most of it is hearsay.  

You'll be able to get a lot of information about the general, but you'll also need to know what he or she is doing. There is no point in thinking about what you don't know.

 There is a "first-time killer" in spirit magic.
 In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find out more about it by visiting our website.

Next, let's talk about the route of the Kingdom of Foulds. The shortest possible route is to cross the ...... Flato River and attack straight into the province of Suria. The other route would be through the Kingdom of Hayastan.

 If Hercule were Sasan VIII, he would choose the latter.
 Crossing a river that the enemy is defending is not an easy task.
 Especially with the great walls and moats that Hercule had carefully fortified.

 On the other hand, the kingdom of Hayastan is far less protected.
 Of course, Hercule has been putting a lot of effort into defense, but ......
 Compared to the Shurian provinces, which have the natural barrier of the great river, it would be easier to attack.

Therefore, we will meet the enemy in the Kingdom of Khayastan. ...... The defenses in the Shuria region are strong. We can hold them off for a few days.

 If Sasan VIII were to turn the tables and attack the province of Suria, then all he would have to do is reposition his forces.
 The province of Suria has the capability to defend itself.

 The defensive capabilities of the province of Suria have been strengthened to an extent far beyond what they were when Hercule ascended to the throne.

"First, gather the bulk of your forces in Orontia, the capital of the province of Suria. From there, we will take a look at the enemy and then move our forces to the Kingdom of Khayastan. ...... No objections?


 The generals replied in unison.
 The Lemurian Empire's standing army, almost all of it, gathered in Orontia City.

 The Lemurian army gathered in Orontia City numbered 61200.
 It consisted of three legions of infantry, one legion of heavy cavalry (cribanarius), five battalions of archers, three battalions of rangers led by Nia, and three battalions of red wolves led by Sonia.

 Originally, there were supposed to be two more infantry corps, one medium cavalry (cataphract) corps, five infantry corps, and three battalions of rangers led by Jebe, for a total of 45600. ......

 This one is currently on an expedition to the Habila Peninsula.
 We can't meet up with them so soon.

 Hercule had also called for two legions of infantry from the Kingdom of Cerda and one legion of cavalry from the Kingdom of Bulgalon.
 As soon as they are gathered, they will be placed under the command of Sonia and Alicia.

 With this, the total strength of the Lemurian Empire's army, as assembled by Hercule, would be 1,428,000.

 In addition, Hercule has called out to the Tunda soldiers in the Misrule Province and other regions...
 In addition, they will be joining up with soldiers from the Shurian provinces or the Kingdom of Hayastan in the region, so the actual total force will be even larger.

 Now, the important thing is that the troop strength of the Kingdom of Fars is ......

The army heading north is 15,000, and the one heading straight west is 5,000.

 Hercule frowned as he looked at the pieces on the map.
 The total is 200,000,000.

 Hercule shuddered as he was shown the "power" of the Kingdom of Foulds.
 To be able to put this many troops into an attack is ...... terrifying.

I've heard that Sasan VIII is directly in charge of the army heading west, towards the province of Suria. How do you read that, Galfis?

 Hercule asked Galfis.
 Galfis nodded broadly.

The 500,000 directly commanded by Sasan VIII is a diversion.
...... Well, I suppose so.

 Five hundred is clearly insufficient to break through the Flato River defense line.
 In terms of the number of troops, the main force is the 15,000 troops heading north, towards the Kingdom of Khayastan.

We can hold out for about 500,000. Should we take out 15,000 first, and then 500? ......".

 When Hercule is troubled, ......

"Your Majesty. . ...... May I make a statement?

 Nia asked for permission to speak.
 When Hercule nodded, she gave a small nod.

It seems too obvious to be a diversion.
"...... Hmm.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 Sasan VIII will personally lead it.

 It's like declaring that it's a diversion.

 Definitely suspicious.

"......, you mean?
It is not unlikely that the 150,000 are a diversion and the 50,000 are the main force. ...... I don't have any concrete evidence, but I think we should be cautious.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 But ...... what if the Foulds have the maneuvers and weapons to overtake them?

 The 500 can be the main force, not a diversion.

 However, this is lacking in concrete evidence.
 We should consider the possibility that the 500 is a diversion and the main force is the 150.

 ...... But Nia is right, we need to take into account the possibility that 500 is the main force.

It's also important to consider the possibility that the 50,000 is the main force. 15,000 is a larger force, but moves slower. In addition, it will take longer for them to enter our country due to the fact that they will be passing through the Kingdom of Khayastan. On the other hand, the 500 is pretty quick.

 Hercule immediately made a decision.

We'll divide the army into two groups. Sonia, Nia, Alicia, Karolina...... you come with me. As for the remaining generals, Galfis will be the commander-in-chief, and he will be in charge of protecting the city of Orontia.

 Thus, Hercule had one legion of infantry, five battalions of heavy cavalry (cribanarius), two battalions of archers, three battalions of red wolves, and three battalions of rangers.
 In total, they led 27,600 troops out of Orontia City.

 On the way to the border line, Hercule, who was on his way to the border line while denouncing the Shurian provincial troops, ......
 A piece of information was brought to him.

 It was the overflowing of the Flato River. ......
 It was the flooding of the Flato River and the consequent malfunctioning of some of the fortresses.