247 Episode 5 Battle of Sardel

 The first clash was between the Lemurian Tunda soldiers (120) and the Phallus soldiers (100).
 The Lemurian army had a slight advantage in the number of soldiers.
 On the other hand, the morale and skill level of the Lemurian army is ......

...... Lemurian infantry is of good quality after all.
"The Tundan soldiers are the reserve of the standing army. Their quality is as good as yours.

 For a moment, the battle between the central infantry was balanced. ......
 It was really only for a moment.

 Soon the Lemurians were gaining the upper hand in the battle.
 And ......

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 The Lemurian Tunda troops have defeated the first line of the Phallus army.
 The first line of the Phallus army scattered and fled to both wings.
 On the other hand, the first line of the Lemurian army kept up its momentum and attacked the second line of the Phallus army.

"Second line, begin preparations for attack.
Second line forward!

 Hercule and Sasan VIII each begin preparing to deploy their reserve forces.
 Finally, the first line of the Lemurian army and the second line of the Phallus army clashed.

 The first line of the Lemurian army was not moving well due to the continuous fighting.
 Fatigue filled the gap in numbers and quality, and the Phallus army stopped the Lemurian army's advance.

 ...... until the Lemurians brought in a second line of reserve troops.

The first line of battle went straight to both flanks. Second line, charge!
"...... to the third line. Begin preparations for attack!

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 The Tundan soldiers that make up the second battle line of the Lemurian army easily defeat the second battle line of the Fars army.

 The third line of battle, the last reserve force of the Phallus army, will meet this challenge.
 It will be led by a former Lemurian noble. And one of the Eight Loyal Generals, Helena of the Shield.

...... But I can't believe this is the Lemurian army.

 Helena is astonished, but holds off the onslaught of the Lemurian army.
 As the name implies, Helena excels at defensive warfare.

 In addition, ......

I'm not sure what to make of this.

 She invokes her own spirit, Subnak.
 This spirit is the great demon of corruption.

 It has the ability to gradually corrupt the bodies and armor of enemies within a 30 meter radius.
 This ability demoralized the Lemurian troops.

 Due to the efforts of Helena and the Third Battle Line of the Phallus Army, the battle line was temporarily stalemated.
 ...... temporarily.

"Come on! Our elite troops! One last push!

 At long last, Hercule throws the third line, a tiger of a tiger composed of standing army infantry, into the battlefield.
 At last, Hercule threw the third line of the tiger army, composed of standing army infantry, into the battlefield. ...... The Phallus army had no reserve troops to take this on.

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 Hercule, Sasan VIII watches over the battlefield .
 And ......

"Your Majesty!
His Majesty the King!

 Hercule and Sasan VIII received a call from a fast horse, informing them of the situation at the front.
 The two mounts informed their respective sovereigns almost simultaneously of the following.

"Message from General Nia, right wing. It is difficult to maintain the right front any longer. I advise you to withdraw.
"Message from General Crocell, left wing. "Lemurian forces are attacking on the right flank. We're moving to the offensive!

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All troops, retreat!
"All troops, commence offensive!

 Hercule and Sasan VIII gave the order to the entire army.

 And so, victory or defeat was decided.