254 Episode 12 Battle of Ilms Ends

"Relief for only four hundred?

 Sassan VIII dismissed and distanced himself from King Ludwig I.
 A single battle is a chance to take out an enemy general. ......
 However, there is a possibility that Sasan VIII himself will be killed.

 A mere 400 men coming to the rescue would not affect the outcome of the war.
 In the first place, there is no need to fight properly against barbarians who do not even raise the ...... flag.

I've never been to 400. I never said there were only 400 of them.

 Almost as soon as King Ludwig I said that.
 At the same time King Ludwig I said that, a horse came galloping towards Sasan VIII.

"His Majesty the King! The reconnaissance unit reports! An army with a red cross on a white background has appeared from the west! Their number is approximately 600!
"Six hundred?

 Sasan VIII frowned.
 The fact that he hadn't noticed the 60000 troops before ...... was probably because they were in the territory of the Lemurian Empire.

 The Lemurian Empire's roads once converge on the city of Orontia, the capital of the province of Suria.
 Because of this transportation network, it is difficult for Sasan VIII to receive information west of Orontia once the barrier is stopped.

 Probably, he dispersed his 60000 troops into several groups and quickly gathered them to Orontia City using the infrastructure prepared by the Lemurian Empire while hiding their banners.

 From there, they must have rushed from Orontia City to this battlefield in a forced march.
 The distance between Orontia City and this battlefield is about five kilometers.

 A forced march would take several hours.

Wouldn't it be better to take command of the entire army as soon as possible? I'll return to my command. Originally, I only came to ...... apologize for a few words. Hahahaha!

 Ludwig I said, and left the battlefield in a flash with eighty cavalry.
 Sasan VIII ordered 500 cavalry to follow him, thinking inwardly that it was useless.

 Then he himself returned to the main camp.

"His Majesty the King!
Give me a detailed report on the developments on the battlefield.

 Sasan VIII asked Befnum.

 According to Befnum, 400 cavalrymen, including King Ludwig I, have already left the battlefield or joined the Lemurian army and are fighting together.
 And from the west, from the rear of the Lemurian army, an army of 60000 men with red crosses on a white background is approaching. ......

 With the arrival of reinforcements, the morale of the Lemurian army has been restored.
 That's what he said.

The confusion caused by the enemy's raids has already subsided. ...... What should we do?
"...... Hmm.

 An army of six hundred has appeared.
 However, they did not come at warp speed.

 Naturally, there is a reasonable distance.

 If we throw in all of our current reserve troops, we should be able to drive the Lemurian army into a complete rout by the time the reinforcements arrive.
 However, it is unknown how long the Lemurian army, which has regained its morale, will endure.
 Perhaps the reinforcements will arrive in time.

 If that happens, the reinforcements will attack the Lemurian army behind the encircling Phallus army.

 And even if they can drive the Lemurian army back, ......
 It will be a series of battles.

 You can't lose because of the difference in strength.
 I don't know if it will be ...... or not.

 If you start the war in a broken formation, you may suffer a great deal of damage.

"Send a message to all the generals at .......

 King Sasan VIII made a decision.

"All troops, withdraw temporarily. Let's start over.

The Battle of Ilkhamsu

Engaging forces
Lemuria vs. Phallus

Main commander

Hercule I (Emperor of the Lemurian Empire)
Karolina Yulianos
Scheherazade Yulianos
Galfis Galleanos
Darrios Leopardi
Oscar Almon
Edmond Erdemort
Stephan Shaykoski

Nia Diavolos-Lukarios

Sonia Yulianos (Queen of the Kingdom of Cerda)
Alicia Yulianos (Queen of the Kingdom of Bulgaron)


Sasan VIII (King of the Kingdom of Fars)
Coward Cardintina
Shaheen Charlequin
Helena Uarelius Cog.
Cyrus Curaines
Artaxerxes Artaxerxes
Dareios Dalmares

Behnam Behferad
Smerdis Skourdis
Li Huang
Carly Marr

Lemuria 2,148,000.

Fars 30,000,000

Lemurian Army
Casualties: approx. 200,000
Remaining: approx. 180,000.

Phallus Army
Casualties: approx. 200,000 
Remaining: approx. 280,000

Victory or defeat: ...... Withdrawal of the Phallus Army due to the arrival of reinforcements from the Lemurian Army (draw)

Stalemate in the Lemurian-Faullus War
Formation of a pagan crusade against paganism

 The Lemurian army saw off the Phallus army as it began to retreat en masse without pursuing.
 It was obvious that they would receive a painful counterattack if they pursued. ......
 More importantly, it was necessary to rebuild the army.

 And at the same time that the Lemurian army was rearranging its formation, the Phallus army completely withdrew from the land of Ilkhamus.
 In their place came about 60000 anti-pagan crusaders.

 The Lemurian army and the anti-pagan crusaders faced each other.
 Each side was represented by a ...... representative, one from the Lemurian army and two from the Anti-Pagan Crusaders, who rode forward on horseback.

 When they were close enough, Hercule dismounted from his black warhorse.
 Then the two representatives also dismounted from their horses and walked up to Hercule.

Thank you for your efforts to help the Lemurian army. Your Holiness, Cecilia Peter.
I did what I had to do.

 High Priestess, Pope, and Commander-in-Chief of the Pagan Crusade.
 Cecilia Peter replied with a soft smile.

 Of course, Cecilia could not command an army.
 Therefore, the one who practically brought this anti-pagan crusade to this point is ...... this man.

"Your Majesty Ludwig, Kingdom of Fuhring. Thank you for your help.
"Hmm, it's only natural to rush to ...... an allied country in times of crisis.

 King Ludwig I replied aloofly.
 The 60000 soldiers that make up the Crusade against Paganism are mostly soldiers from the Kingdom of Fullerling.

 The nobles of the Kingdoms of Edelna and Tretum, who were stationed in the Kingdom of Fullerling at the time, also participated in the war as commanders. ......
 The command is only nominal.

I'm sure you've heard of it. What are you going to do after this?

 King Ludwig I asked Hercule.
 Naturally, ...... King Ludwig I knows the best course of action in the present situation without asking Hercule.

 The sun is already setting.
 It would be best to spend the night here, dispose of the bodies, and then return to Orontia.

 However, Ludwig I's decision to ask Hercule to do so was an expression of his intention to leave the entire decision-making to Hercule.

 The crusade against paganism nominally has Cecilia as its ally.
 This is because, in international diplomacy and politics, Hercule and Ludwig I have equal status.
 Neither can be subordinate to the other because of their positions.

 This is why Cecilia is placed at the top of the list, but of course, Cecilia has no military capabilities.
 Command is divided between Hercule and Ludwig I.  
 But this is not good for the military.

 Therefore, although not explicitly stated, ...... King Ludwig I has handed over the command to Hercule.

 Of course, this does not mean that King Ludwig I recognized that Hercule was a better soldier or that he was politically superior.
 It was a rational decision based on the size of the army, which side was the party to the war, and most importantly, that Hercule was the one who knew the Lemurian Empire best .......

It's a good idea to dispose of the corpse before the sun goes down, set up camp, and spend the night here. Then we can return to Orontia City and wait for the Kingdom of Foulds to come out and hold a military conference. ...... Any objections?

 Hold a military conference.
 I'll take the initiative, but I'm not going to ignore your opinion.
 I'm not going to ignore your opinion," Hercule told King Ludwig I.

 Ludwig I nodded good-humoredly.

No, that would be the best solution. ...... We will help you bury your brave warriors.
Thank you.

 That day, the two armies spent the night here: ......
 Then they returned to Orontia.