
Mary is calling.


Mary is running through the tall flower garden.

'--brother, come on!

I'm going after it. I run and run as hard as I can.

But I can't go straight to him because there is a big cliff, a high wall, and a deep river flowing in front of me.

'--Brother! Come quickly!

I run down the winding road. Mary is right in front of me, but I can't get to her. I keep taking detours to get a little closer.


Big brother!

Mary's figure turns black and flies away as she approaches, turning into a fluttering crow.

I don't get there.

I can't get there.

The last of the crows flies away...


Behind me I heard Mary scream. I turned around to find my sister lying in front of the back door of my parents' inn.

'--Mare! ......!'

I jumped up.

All I could see was the wall of my room.

It is not my parents' house, but the room I rent in the guild's inn.

I look at the room I'm renting in the guild's inn, not my parents'.

Looking out the window, it is still dark. The full moon is high in the sky, so it has probably been two hours since I fell asleep.

It has been five days today since I started the dungeon crawl.

Every night I have the same dream.

I couldn't seem to sleep today.

'...... huh'.

I get out of bed and look at the small bottle on the table. It is empty. Well, the guild is supposed to be open late at night, so I'll go get it now.

I get up, get dressed, and leave the room,

'...... Ra-kun? Are you going somewhere?

Prine came out of the next room. She must have heard my noise.

'You weren't sleeping?
'Yeah. ......'

Prine's expression is somber.
After dinner, I asked her what she wanted to talk about, but she didn't answer. We broke up to go to bed for the night.

I answer.

I can't sleep, I'm going to the guild's clinic again.
'Clinic ......? Wow, I'm coming with you.
'Okay, but ....... You have something to do?'
'Yeah. ....... I need to talk to ....... I need to see a doctor ......'
I see. Then go change your clothes, I'll wait for you.'

We wait.

'Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Ra.

We walk to the guild and walk together through the night.
Prine does not hold my hand, which is unusual.

The clinic attached to the guild is thankfully open late at night.

The clinic uses a unique medical technique, a combination of medical technology brought from an island nation far to the west and the healing magic of monks.

This was my second visit to the clinic since I was taken care of on the first day.

I opened the door and showed my guild card to the receptionist. It is not an urgent injury or illness, so it is a normal reception.

I sat down on the couch and waited for a while, then my name was called.

I said a word to Prine and went to the examination room.

When I entered the room, there was a beautiful woman with big breasts sitting on a chair wearing a white gown over a strangely revealing priestess's dress like a bustier, which made me feel a little dizzy.

She had a melting smile on her face,

'Oh my goodness, Rana. You came to see Mommy, didn't you? I'm so happy~''

'Ma'am, Dr. Raed. Thank you for your help.

'I don't like it when you don't call me mommy.

Dr. Marmalade wiggles his body while saying no. Her big, upturned tits bounced and swayed with each movement. At first glance, she may look like a completely crazy lascivious woman, but even so, she is a doctor at the guild clinic. Her job is a surprisingly high priestess. It is a higher position than that of a priestess.

'Can you call me Mama?
'No, I don't want to.'
'Then I won't see you. Next.

This doctor's motto is "Every adventurer is my child. That's why he makes everyone call him "Mama. He won't examine you unless you call him that. He's crazy.

I gave up,

'.................. mom. Please see me.'

Dr. Marmalade's face lit up.
She puts her hand on my head and strokes it.

'Good boy, good boy, good boy. How could you say that? Yes, I know. Rana is my precious child, and I will take good care of her.

She's a beautiful woman with big tits who smiles and says crazy things, but she's good at what she does. Maybe.
She looked me over from the bottom to the top and then asked me.

'Well, what happened to you today? You don't seem to be hurt.'
'Well, I'm out of sleeping pills. ......'
'So ......'

The doctor looks worried.

'Rana. Do you remember the first time you met my mom?
'After fighting the ...... assassin on the first day, I had my injuries magically healed.'
'You came to see me that night, too. You asked me to cast a spell of sleep.
'............ yes'

I'm here.
On the first day when I reached the level of sheaf level 20, I went to the dungeon after Prine had gone to bed. I made it to the entrance. I couldn't sleep and I couldn't stay still.

Even now, Mary is suffering. She keeps sleeping. I couldn't stand still to think of that.

And it's the same now.

The doctor laughs.

Mom, you scared me. My sister is dying. I have to go into the dungeon as soon as possible and bring back the seeds of the wise men. So please let me sleep.
''I'm sorry.''

We did not go into the dungeon on the first night. I managed to stay out of it.

'If I don't, I'll end up in the dungeon, and you want me to sleep so that I don't go there...' he said.
'If you don't sleep, you'll die.'
'Yes, but... People are usually reckless at that age. And then old people like me--younger sisters and older brothers--talk down to the younger ones. That's the way it's supposed to be, but ...... you've already graduated from that kind of thing, haven't you, Rana?

I think as I look at the teacher smiling sadly.

If you are reckless, you will succeed at first.
But that's only at first. There will be a payback sooner or later.

Suppose you stay up all night and dive into the dungeon on the first day. That day is good. What about the next day? And the next? Can you make it to the bottom of a vast dungeon consisting of 100 layers without getting much sleep, without much time to spare, and without having to go through all the various traps and curses that are laid out?

Of course you will die in the field.

But - the body rushes. My heart is rushing. Dive fast, save Mary, what if you don't go now, what if you don't make it in time, this late, what if you don't make it in time?
Shut up, I think.
I think to myself, "Shut up!" That way, of course we won't make it in time.

A sigh.

Thanks to Diego who taught me and Prine who is with me. He makes me feel comfortable.

I say.

'I'm out of pills. I need some more.
'Sleeping pills. Yeah, okay. Okay. I've been trying to find out if ...... incense or something else won't work for you because of your constitution?
'Yes, I'm not a fan of the sniffing type. ......'

Due to the adverse effects of my breathing skills, medications that involve the airways no longer work.

'Then I will give you some hypnoglycemic pills. They are bitter, but please drink them with all your might. If you want, I can give it to you by mouth.
'I don't want it.
If you answer so quickly, I'll be sad. This medicine is a little stronger than the last one, so don't take too much.
'Okay. Thank you very much.

I bow my head and stand up.
My mind wanders to the face of that guy who is going to see the doctor after this.

'Please take care of Prine.'
'...... yeah, okay.'

He bowed his head once more and left the room.