44-CHAPTER 44 Suits of Clowns...

Dungeon attack day 6.

Guild Street.

We've arrived at the armor shop level.

The first thing I have to do is get out of this pierrot costume. But I'm a clown now. My armor feels heavier than normal.

So we go to an armor shop that specializes in clowns. There is a big store right next to the stairs, which I easily found. I guessed it was because most of the clowns' gear could be worn by anyone.

Once inside, we found a large display of flashy outfits. Party dresses, I guess. It was hard to believe that this was armor blessed by the gods.

Moving toward the back of the store, the interior takes on a more chic color scheme. The tuxedos and suits that Gigi had been wearing became more and more common.

'You look so cool, Mr. Ra!
'Oh. I'm sure it's cool, but being surrounded by suits like this makes me strangely nervous. ......'

I don't usually wear this kind of thing.
No, I don't wear clowns either.

They all look so similar that I can't tell the difference at all. They all have some kind of defensive power (+8 or +10 is written under the price and size), but I can't tell the difference at all. Why are they more expensive than iron armor?

'Oh, hello, welcome.

An elderly female clerk approached me.
She was a cool old lady with gray hair brushed back--would it be rude to call her that?
Her back was straight and her axis was not shaky at all. She has the air of a veteran who has been in this business for decades.

Is she a clown? Hmm, I can see that. You want to take it off as soon as possible, don't you?
Do you understand?
Everyone comes to me and says so. So, which one do you like? A suit? Tuxedo? I have a tailcoat, too.'
'I'm not sure about that. ......'

When I answered, the lady clerk looked at me and said, "Hmmm.

'I'm Karina Damm. Nice to meet you.
'Oh, I'm Rana Prata.'

Karina looked at me and said.

'Do you want to focus on defense? Or would you prefer more special effects?
'Yes, I guess so. ......'
'If you have a budget, I can pick one out for you. What is your job level?
'I'm 1.
'It doesn't look like it. It looks like you're easily over 15 or so.
'Definitely, 1.
'What about the plain one?'
'I'm sorry. I can't tell you.'

When I said no, Karina giggled.

'Don't apologize. It's my fault for asking. I mean, it's my fault. I'm sorry.
'So, what's your budget?
'This is about right.

and present a budget.
I have been paid for the guild quest. In addition to that, however, they are also allowed to pay for the cost of "the honorarium for having you change jobs to a clown.

The guild will cover a considerable amount of the cost of the clown's equipment.
There is no way to avoid using it.
So, I offered them as much as I could to cover the expenses.

Karina's brow wrinkles.

'............. Are you an aristocrat? Are you sure this amount of equipment is for a job level 1?''
'Yes, clowns don't have to be stingy with their equipment.
'I see. Well, there's nothing like a good economy.

Karina-san took out a measuring tape and measured my size.

'Do you want a complete set? From head to foot?''
'If that's what you need, by all means.
'...... wait for it.'

Actually, Prine, who had been standing next to me the whole time, looked at Karina's back,

He's a cool guy.
''Yeah. You're a bit of an austere man, aren't you?
I want to be like that in the future.
'In the future. ......'
'? What's wrong?
It's nothing.

I get a little depressed when he talks about "the future.
It's just that I've had a hell of a time talking to him about it before.
It's been three years since then. .......

I was deep in thought, when Karina-san brought me a bunch of things she had gathered up.

The fitting room is over there.

He points to a curtained room in the back.
Go change your clothes.

'How many layers of this can I go?
I guess so. I think it will last about 30 years. Of course, it depends on who's wearing it.

Karina looks at me. That's right.

I call out to Prine.

'Well, I'm going to go put on some clothes.
Have a good day!
'You can look around if you want, but if something happens, shout. Don't follow strangers. And if a guy calls you, ignore him.
'I'm here!
'Then don't.'

After patting Prine on the head, I went to the fitting room.

She struggles to put on the clothes she is not used to, but manages to put them on.
She has even been kind enough to equip me with a weapon.

Name: Rana Prata
Human: Lv 117
Clown: Lv1

H P: 195
M P: 0
Attack power: 117 + 20 (backstreet stick)
Defense: 117 + 30 + 4 + 10 + 4 (of the evil) (Tuxedo, holy handkerchief, hat to ward off evil, straight-tip shoes with inside shutters)

Just a few minutes ago, I had only 5 defenses, but now I'm up to 48.
I was wearing a tuxedo, a hat, and a walking stick, but my defense was higher than when I was in a mortal combat with a demon.
Let's remember that a job's equipment does not depend on its appearance. At all.

Since it was a tie and not a bow tie, I didn't know how to tie it, but my hands moved on their own and I was able to tie it neatly. This feeling is similar to that of the "war techniques". Maybe it was the influence of the job.

He spins his stick around, strikes a pose, and checks his appearance. I felt the clown in me whispering, "It's all right.

Is this how it's supposed to look?

I left the fitting room.
Karina, who was waiting there, looked surprised,

'Ra-kun ............!'

Prine was trembling with her hand over her mouth.

'Kaka ......'


Prine is shaking with a shiver.
She stares at me, frozen, and even begins to cry.
Oh, man.

'That's awesome...... cool....... I can't say anything but cool....... It's cool....... What do you mean ......? You're too precious, Ra-kun. ....... I can't breathe, I can't breathe. ...... What, die. ......? Am I going to die ......?'

He's crying raggedly.

'I don't know if I'm crying enough.
'Because he's so cool. ......'
'Here, wipe your tears.

I tried to give him the handkerchief on my chest, but his body moved on its own and he took the hat. Another handkerchief came out of the hat and wiped Prine's tears. The magic trick was done automatically. What is this?

Wow, thank you, Mr. Rah ......!
'Uh-huh. I don't know what's up with this outfit, but it's not good. As soon as I put it on, I went to ......'


'That's what being a clown is all about. And of course it's a good job to be a clown, especially when you're wearing such good equipment.
'Is that how it is? ......'
'I've seen a lot of clowns, but I've never seen one who can wear it as well as you do out of the blue. And the ones who are influenced by the job. --You're very talented.
'...... of the clowns?'
'You don't seem happy, do you?'
'...... No'.

It's not bad, but I don't know why I'm not very happy about it.

'So, do you want that one?
'I like this one, Mr. Rah!
'All right, calm down, Prine. Here, I'll have this one.'
'Aiyo, thank you very much.

I present my guild card to Ms. Karina. My card is scanned with the magic item, and I am paid. It is immediately treated as an expense, and my card is once again credited with money from the guild.

The dungeon guild's shopping with a single card is very convenient. The card is magic-authenticated, so even if it is stolen, it cannot be used.

Come again. I'll pick out a dress for you this time.

Karina saw me off and I left the clown store.

'Wow ...... Ra-kun is so cool ...... cool Ra-kun is so cool ......'

I was planning to go see Prine's equipment next, but he was in such a bad condition. I told him to hold my hand, but he was going off on a tangent,

'I'm too afraid to join you. ......'

And he was reluctant. I don't understand. You're gonna miss me.
Oh, dear.
I sigh and walk away. A short walk from the clown store was the mage store.

Prine, we're here. Go choose quickly.
What? Already! Huh, there's never enough time if you're admiring Ra-kun. ......'

'Don't be stupid, get the hell out of here.
Yes, sir! Oh, Ra, come with me, will you?
Me too?
'Yes! I want you to pick one too!
'Well, okay, but ......'
'Thank you! I love you, Ra-kun!

And finally, Prine hugs me in her arms.
But don't be fooled. Don't be fooled by the 'I love you' he says. It means the same thing as 'I love you, big brother. It's not a lover's word.

That's right. Don't forget. I confessed my love to this guy once, and he rejected me.