50-Art. 50. Mirage Ball and the Stone of Destiny...

Anna called out to me as I struck a triumphant pose, flipping my cape.

'That was cool, Rana. It was like God's Eyes.

God's Eyes. ....... Another strange word. .......
Hey, but I've heard that one before.

That mysterious group of thieves? You say you're a righteous bandit?
'Oh, you knew that, didn't you?
'A guest at our inn was talking about it. They said they were out. There was a big commotion.

--God's Eyes.

They are said to be a trio of thieves whose goal is to expose the corruption of corrupt high officials and rogue aristocrats. They are regarded by the public as "righteous thieves.

But they are bandits, aren't they?
'Oh, he's a people's hero, huh?
'Um, ....... In case you're wondering, a guild is a public office. ....... Are you sure you're okay to say that ......?'
'I don't care, I don't care. I'd rather you come and remove the pus.
'haha ......'

There are a lot of different dungeon guilds. ....... Still, God's eye must be on them, so I don't think they can do anything so bad. ....... And the bees will be hit. .......

'It's about time for the Mirage Ball, isn't it?
'Let's see, ......'

and then he maps out his brain.

'--Yes, that's right. But I don't see anything that looks like a treasure chest.
'It's not in the treasure chest.'
'Well, where is it then?'
'Hmmm... ....... Oh, that one.

Anna pointed to a huge pillar in the cave.
If you look closely, a part of the pillar seems to be glowing in rainbow colors.

Do you want to dig by any chance?
'Oh, you're right.

A pickaxe was interrupted from the side. Elena looked at me and nodded.

'An pickaxe with a suit?
''Cool, huh?''

That's an absolute lie.
But I, an ex-warrior, have no choice but to do it.

I'll do my best, Ra-kun!
I'll take care of it.

I gave him a thumbs-up and did a magic trick to get him to produce a flower. A rose. When I handed it to Prine, she said, 'I love you, Ra! He jumped on me with great joy. Her tits are so soft against my belly.

'Do it quickly!
'Get on with it.

The eyes of the receptionist and the blacksmith are scary.

I stand in front of the pillar, holding the pickaxe that Elena gave me.

Can I just clank it like a normal person?
'Oh, wait a minute. Wait.'

I was just about to raise it when I was stopped.
Elena puts a cloth under the pillar at my feet. I want you to do that first.

'Little by little, carefully. --So, are you sure you're okay with that, diva?
Yes. After some digging, I think the Mirage Ball will come out on its own. Catch it there.
'Oh, yeah, I'll take care of it.

Catch ......?
I don't know what it is, but if Elena understands it, it's fine.

I lifted my pickaxe and breathed in.

I took a breath.
'Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

What is it?'
'What is it? That's not what I said. Why are you trying to use your war techniques? You'll break the pickaxe and shatter the Mirage Ball!
'I wonder if it's fun.'
'I ain't having no fun! What's the matter with you, you've been acting weird all this time!

If you ask me .

Anna helped me out.

'He's a clown.
'No, don't end it with one word. ......'
'The higher the level, the more you want to go the extra mile. It's an irresistible desire. It's different at the higher levels.
'What a job ......'

Elena is weak.
Her shoulders slump, and she says to me

Please, just do it normally, normally.
'You're pretending ......, right?'
I'm not pretending!

Elena is on the verge of tears. I'm sorry.

I'll get myself together and swing the pickaxe.
There's a crackling sound, and rainbow-colored pieces fly off. Wow, it's beautiful. The little stones come and go like stars. Ha-ha-ha. Oh, it's so big! Is it a meteorite? No, no. No, no. Meteorites move more like ...... bang!


'Hey, are you all right you ......'
'I'm fine. I'm not hot.
'No, what are you talking about ......?'
'Let's not joke about this. How about it?
'I don't want to hear it from you, but maybe it's time.

After digging madly, I found that Anna was right, the rainbow-colored part had naturally formed a round shape.
It turned out to be a round "stone" about the size of a baby, standing in a pillar.

Strangely enough, even I am not sure if I remember what I was doing when I was digging. It was as if he had made me swing a pickaxe so that this "stone" would dig itself into a round shape.

'This is ......'.

Anna nodded.

Yes, the Mirage Ball. A mysterious "stone" that can only be retrieved by hopeful adventurers who still don't know the next level, who still don't know their destiny. And then...''

It's a stone that will shatter if you don't work it right here, and it's a blacksmith's curse.

Elena-san took out a set of tools and kneeled on the ground. She holds a carving knife and a mallet in front of a rainbow-colored round stone.

Slowly, she began to chip away at the stone. The carving knife is enveloped in a pale light. Perhaps some kind of magic. Perhaps it is some kind of warfare.


Elena has a serious expression on her face. Very cool. I want to disturb her so bad. I want to mess with her so bad. What the hell is this job?

I'm resisting the urge, and then..,

'--Huh. How's it going?

Exhaling, Elena nodded her head in satisfaction.
Anna looked at the finished stone,

'Oh, ......, that's nice. You have good skills, veteran blacksmith apprentice.
'No, thank you. I don't like that title.

Me and Prine look at the stone, too.

'Oh, ......!
'Wow ...... beautiful ......!

A rainbow ball, as smooth as a drop of water, was formed. It is truly a jewel.

The Mirage Ball is complete!

Elena lifts it up.
Prine and Anna gazed at the sparkling stones with rapt attention.

It's beautiful. ....... I wish I had a ring with such a gemstone. ....... Ra and ......'
'It's nice. Now we have a show stage. It's going to be the best show stage ever.

They are impressed, but I quietly leave.


Hmm. What could be more obvious?

I was tempted to take that sphere and throw it. Because I wanted to see their furious faces. I'm in trouble.

Oh," I thought to myself.

--I can't wait to move on from being a clown. .......

After getting the "Mirage Ball," we returned to the fourth layer.
There was even a dressing room set up behind the stage.

I went inside and had a meeting with Anna to discuss the show stage. Prine was having tea and sweets next to me, and Elena was in the audience.

I didn't have a part in the show after all.

Anna laughs bitterly.
I nod.

I nodded. 'It's a good thing we didn't get in trouble,' she said.
'Right. So, here you go.

A sheaf of papers was given to me.
To be more precise, it was a script.

'Excuse me, Anna?
'What is it? Don't tell me you're freaking out?
'No, I've got-- I've got two copies of this.
'You'll need it, won't you?
'No way.
You know what I mean?

Anna and I both looked next to each other at the same time.
Prine, who had no idea what was going on, said, 'What? He looks up at us.

Anna smiled at us and declared.

Prine, I'm going to ask you to come up on stage too.

The little mage's scream echoed through the air.