63-Art. 63. Treasure Box Appraisal and Minotau Dojo...

Dungeon attack day 8.

Layer 9.

Going to the end of the passage, we found a large room.
There are six treasure chests in the center of the room.

It looks very suspicious. ......
'This is a sight to behold. ......!
'Let's just be wary and open it.
'Ah, Ra-kun. I've got just the thing for that magic you learned the other day!

Prine explains.

'...... Oh, wow. Try it!

Prine stands in front of the six treasure chests and holds up her wand.

'--Treasure chest evaluation!

Then, a star and a skull mark appeared on the treasure chest.

If you see a star, it's OK. Mr. Skull is a dangerous guy!
''A dangerous one?''
It could be an explosion or a mimic. And there will be goblins that talk incomprehensible words into the air for a long time.

I see that five out of six of them are skull marks.
Dungeons are really nasty!

Then I'll take the one with the star...


'Wind martial arts uniform!
'You did it!

It is equipment for martial artists. Literally, you can move like the wind ......, but a little faster.

I quickly change into it.
Prine blushes.

'Oh ...... Rah-kun's abs......'.
'Prine, you watch too much.'

You must be thrilled.
And so on and so forth. The treasure chest of traps is, of course, left unattended. Diego told us that mimic monsters are powerful. There is no way to avoid getting hit by them if we mess with them too much.

There was a small room.
After checking that there was no trap on the door, we entered the room and found a moldy well and an ivy-covered statue of the goddess.
This is the save point.
We both prayed and saved.

Now, this is the dead end of the ninth level, but we can't find any stairs to go down.
Then... it must be this well.
We look into it, but there is no water. So it is not a dry well, but a passage to the lower floor.

huh? Is this, are we going to go into this ......?''
'Oh. I've checked it with mapping, but it's still in this position.
'Ugh, I'm scared. ......'
'As long as you hold on to me, you'll be fine, right?'

I carry Prine on my back. She squeezes me. No matter how many times I feel her breasts, I can't get over how wonderful they are.
I slowly climb down the well, holding the rope that hangs from the well.

'Prine, light.

I ask them to light the firelight.
As I thought, there is no water down there. There seems to be no obstruction.
I loosen my grip on the rope, and we descend in a single bound. The basket covering my hands and the rope make a sizzling sound.

'Uh-oh, Ra-kun ......!
'Psst, Prine, you're too squishy ......!

After descending for a while, we arrived at the lower floor.
Mapping to check the hierarchy.

'Okay, we're at the 10th level!

Prine, still on my back, raised her hands in joy.

It was a temple-like structure. A white mist was faintly smoky.
It's been so long, I think secretly.
This is the same level where Prine was kidnapped on the first day of the attack, and I rescued her.
It's been a week since I've been to the tenth floor, but I've heard that this is the first time he's seen this level. Well, he was sleeping.

Talking about it too much will only make Prine depressed, so we must get off this level as soon as possible.
We use our skills to determine the location of the treasure chest and make a straight line.

Four hobgoblins (A-D) appear out of the fog,

A's face was shattered by a straight right,

He broke B's neck with his foot knife,

He slammed C against the wall with a single backstroke, stomping on his heart and destroying it,

Gong qi palm!
He blew D's upper body off with a martial arts move.

It was an instant kill.
While dancing an impromptu dance with Prine, I learned that my martial artist level had been raised even higher, while the monster was turning into mist.

He had learned a new martial art.

--A qigong projectile and a dragon-air cloak. Sounds fun!

With a single kick, he knocks down the Black Wolf that jumps out at him and retrieves the treasure chest.

'Wedge Shields!
Middle potion!
'Assassin's dagger!
'Poison extinguisher!
'Hobgoblin spear!
'Ether Potion!

While seeing and hearing about Prine and its treasures,

'Maybe we got something good this time.
''Yes, that's right!

The assassin's dagger could be used as a backup weapon.
I don't know what to do with the hobgoblin spear at ....... I could use a spear, but I'm better with a sword. Somehow.

So, is this the save point ......?

I go through the room where I once fought the Assassin "Black Mist" and proceed to the back of the room.
There I found an open space.

There is a fountain of recovery.
There's some kind of thick door.
'This pattern looks familiar.
'Yeah. --It's the boss.

We nodded.
The boss of the tenth layer is just up ahead.

But before that, there are many people.

Hello, are you new here?

A warrior-like adventurer spoke to me.
He is wearing very nice equipment.

I've been here quite a while, but I can teach you a few things.

I'll use honorifics, just in case.
Thanks to my clowning, I'd like to think that my hands don't often come out before my mouth .......

Then, the senior pointed out to me in a big way.

First of all, your equipment is no good. That's a Deeger's basket and Kaze's martial arts uniform, isn't it? No, no, no. You'd better go back to the guild and buy a new one.'
'haha ......'
'By the way, how many levels are you? You're not in the single digits, are you?
'I don't know, I just got here, but I was level 1 before I came here.
What? Then you're still at level 2 or 3! No, no, no, not like that! You'll die if you f*ck with the dungeon!
'haha ......'

I think I'm probably up to about 10 already.

'So you let that girl fight you so far. ....... Not at all......'
'No, I was fighting.
'Huh! Don't lie to me! There's no way I could have gotten this far with only level 3!''

I don't know, I'm getting kind of pissed off.

'...... hmmm, let's give it a try, shall we?'
'It's a mock battle. Or a duel. There's a fountain of healing and you won't die.
'Heh, heh ...... you've got some balls ....... For the record, I'm a level 10 martial artist! I've been diving in dungeons for a year now! I even learned a martial art that uses chi! I don't know if you regret it!
'Ah, so you learn Kung Chi Palm in ten.

Then, do I have 13 or so?

'You seem to know at least the name! I'll go then!
'Yes, sir. Please take care of me.'

'Oh, what's this, a duel?
Good, good, good!

The gallery is growing. Everyone is relaxed even though they are in front of the boss.

Hey, hey! Turn around!
'Yes, sir.

He thanks his senpai, who is very enthusiastic, and takes a stance.
He takes a stance, too.

'Cocky rookie, I'll teach you a lesson ......! Keeeeee!

He took his first step, and by that time, my right kick just missed his temple.
I felt a bad sensation in my leg. Oh shit, I might have crushed his head....


He didn't swing out, but instead locked his feet on the spot, and the senior martial artist was blown sideways and headfirst into the recovery fountain.


I'm not floating.
Oh, is he dead ......?

'--Bwah! Hey, what was that ......?'
'Thank God. You're alive.'

The watching gallery surrounded me in admiration.

'Oh, that's great, brother!
'KO Ganemi with a single blow! I mean, I didn't see you move!
'This is something you might be able to do in one shot, brother!

I wonder...

'Clear in one shot ......? Is the boss here that strong?

Well, there you have it. Many people who have graduated from the beginner's level are still stuck here.
'It's nice to get away without the transfer crystals, though.

Is that part of it?

'The bosses here are unique...'

The gallery members tell us things we don't even ask.
Adventurers basically help each other. They are good people. Sometimes there are some weirdos like the one you just saw.

'I see......... so everyone fights bosses, retreats, recovers at the fountain, and levels up here...' (I see...). That's efficient.
'That's what I'm talking about. With all due respect, we call this place 'Minotau Dojo'.
'Minotau Dojo ......!

For adventurers, even boss monsters are teachers. ......! What a spirit of learning. ......!

'You guys are a party of two, right? As soon as you think you can't do it, run away. Dr. Minotau is a hard man. He's a monster, of course, but he won't listen to us, and he won't let us live even if we're hurt. Worst case scenario, you can use the transfer crystals.
''Thank you very much.''
'That means it's good! Good luck!

The gallery is leaving.
I put my hand on my chin and think.

'Hmmm... ....... If I can get away with it, I'll fight anyway.

He turns around and beckons Prine to join him.

'That was cool, Ra!
Oh, thanks. So, are you ready for the boss fight?
'Yes! I'm ready when you are!
Good boy, good boy.

I pat Prine's head and look at the door.

It is the tenth level, the boss battle.

I slowly open the door to the Minotau Dojo.