69-Art. 69 Flower Garden Dreamers...

In 's dream.

When I woke up, I was in a flower garden.

'...... mnya?

He wakes up with a start from lying on his side. Apparently, he had been sleeping here. .......

'I slept well.........!

I stretched as hard as I could. My head feels really clear and sharp.

But I have no idea what's going on.

Where am I?

When is now?

I, Mary Prater, have no idea.

I think I was at home, and my brother came home, and I was so sad, and...

I heard strange voices, and then I don't remember.

There was a field of flowers as far as the eye could see. I don't recognize this place. Where am I? No, no way,

'...... heaven?'

Have I died, by any chance?

Then this beautiful flower garden makes sense. The sun is shining brightly, and it's really comfortable.

I wonder if there are any angels here.

I am not upset that I might be dead. I am a little surprised at myself. But only a little. Because this warm space takes away my fears and anxieties and makes me feel very happy.

Yes - I was now feeling happy, with a fresh feeling.

Even though I was killed by a witch.

'...... What's that? A witch?''

It was. The last voice I heard. She called herself the Witch of the North or something.

I crossed my arms and leaned my head back, thinking--

'Well, whatever.

You can't know what you're thinking. Let's just look for the angel. If we're in heaven, they must be here.

I got up, followed the butterflies fluttering around, and started to walk aimlessly.

It was soon.

As soon as I started walking, a covered table and a bench - a gazebo - suddenly appeared. It didn't just appear out of thin air, it was as natural as if it had been there from the beginning. Maybe I didn't see it. It was right in front of me.

A gazebo in a flower garden.

How "natural" is that?

Of course I'm going in.


There was a beautiful teapot and cups. There are cookies. They must be good to eat. It's heaven.

Sitting on the bench - where I realized for the first time that I was wearing the dress I had worn just before I died - I took the lid off the cup and tilted the teapot. It's tea. As expected. A clear red color fills the cup and I am dizzy with its fragrance.

--This tea must be very expensive.

I sipped it gracefully like a lady who is particular about her tea. The subtle bitterness and the taste of the tea leaves, which is not too strong, are exquisite, and happiness passed through my tongue and throat. It is so delicious that it makes me dizzy.

'Wow! ......'

I exhale.

Next, I take a cookie. Crunchy and soft. Sweet enough to make your cheeks hurt, but not too sweet. Goes perfectly with tea.

'Oh, ......, you're in heaven. ......'

I commented with a tremendous sense of euphoria,

'This isn't heaven, miss.

A cool voice said in my ear.

'Would you like another drink?

I turned around to see a beautiful young man with blond hair, who seemed to give shape to the concept of "beauty", dressed in a butler's outfit, holding a teapot, and smiling at me. I pointed at him unintentionally.

'There's an angel!
'No, sir.'


'This is not heaven, miss.

The same beautiful lips that said the same words as before. The sound of her voice is so prodigal, it almost makes my ears pregnant.

Your face is loose, isn't it?

He tightened his disheveled face and looked at the young butler again. Cool. Too cool. Too cool to look directly at him. It's too bright. You're the sun!

This place is--

The sun spoke.

'You're in your dream. Mary.

I look directly at the blonde-haired young man.

'Are you in a dream?

A smile.

'By the magic of my master, the Witch of the North - or, more correctly, the Witch of Time, you are now asleep.
'...... I'm awake, though.'
You are now asleep. Are you sure?'
'...... yes'

He smiled without saying whether he was smiling or not.

My name is Ronnie Mann. By order of the Lord, I am your personal server. I look forward to serving you.
'I'm Mary Prater, ......'

A smile.

You are in a dream. A gift from my Lord to you.
'No, I don't want that, I want you to wake me up quickly.
'Tea, would you like some more?
'I'd like a drink.
'Cookies, how many more do you have?'
'Would you like to stay a little longer?'
'Now, let me show you something.

Ronnie, the beautiful young butler, showed his hand and there was a large mirror.
It had been there for some time. It was definitely not there before. But it was there naturally, as if it had been there all along.
It was a dream. There's a lot going on.
I mean, that's not the point. It's what was projected there.

"My brother and Prine, ......?

The two men, both in their initial gear, are about to enter the dungeon.
Ronnie opens his mouth.

That's right. Now these two are going to dive into the dungeon to save you.
What, no, why?
'I was told that in order to awaken you, I need the 'seed of the wise' which is deep within the dungeon.
''Is that so?''
Which means?
'Is that so? Is it? Or is it that the two of them are going into the dungeon to save you? Is it?''
'I will only answer one of them.
'....... 'Okay, then, the latter.'
'Yes, it is. The two of them are going into the dungeon to save you.
'There's no such thing--there's no such thing!

I exclaimed.

'Because! My brother always wanted to try the dungeon! That's because I want to catch up with Dr. Diego and be like Alexander the Gladiator, not because of me!''
'But the fact is, I'm diving in the dungeon for you.'
'Please make me quit! I hate it when my brother twists my dreams for me! I hate it!
'Then you'll stay asleep, won't you?
'Fine! I have tea and cookies! And there's a handsome guy, too!''
'I'm very pleased. But don't be so angry. --You see, they are enjoying themselves.

Ronnie shows us the two of them.
In the mirror, I saw my brother and Prine-chan moving through the dungeon, looking happy and flirtatious with each other.
Seeing that, I--,


I was deeply relieved.
The butler asks me with a satisfied look on his face.

'You are not angry, are you?
'...... what?
'I dived into the dungeon to save you, but you seem to be enjoying the adventure as if you had been forgotten. Don't you usually have something on your mind?

He laughed when he was told to include them.
This handsome guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

I told you before, didn't I? You know, I've always wanted to dive in a dungeon. And just when that dream was about to come true, he almost gave up because of his skills and talents. But now you're adventuring so happily. With my favorite girl, Prine.

They are shown dancing together after defeating a monster-slime.
I'm so happy for them. You should confess your feelings to him again sometime. Maybe you'll have a simple misunderstanding.

I say.

I repeat. I don't want my brother's dreams to be twisted because of me. So this is fine with those two. No, this is good. If I may say so...

I look at the two novice adventurers and say.

'--Brother. No need to rush, hurry up and help me.

The butler smiled at me.

'...... what?'
'It's a wonderful brother-sister relationship. And they understand each other so well.
'Of course. They're brother and sister. --What do you mean?

Suddenly, I realize this and I grimace.

'So, thanks to me, you decided to dive the dungeon that you once gave up because your skills were not good enough? What the hell. I'd be remiss if I didn't thank you. I'll buy him a drink when he wakes up.

I drank my tea in a good mood,

'For now, please have another drink.

The butler smiled as he indicated the teapot.

--Good luck, big brother. For me, and above all for yourself.

I cheer my brother in the mirror from the bottom of my heart.

By the way, these cookies are really delicious.

Dungeon attack, Day 9.

Twelfth level.

We descended the stairs and found ourselves in a desert as far as the eye could see.

Sand, sand, and sand.

The back side of the stairwell was just sand. Sand and mountains of sand. The sand was causing a gestalt collapse.

It's hot.
'Yes, Mr. Ra.'

As I complained about the glaring sunlight and ridiculously high temperatures, Prine put on the cloak of the cat god in no time.

'Ohhhhhh it's so cool!
'Heh heh, right?
'Heaven ahhhhhhh.'
'Oh, my God, heh heh heh.

Prine's cloak is magically regulated by the air conditioning system.
But there is one problem.
There are two people in Prine's cape.
It's not small. The cloak stretches out like a cat's body, so there is room enough for two people. Also, thanks to the transparency of the cloak, you can see everything around you even from under the cloak. The outside is being projected into the inside.

So, that is not the problem.
It is Prine's outfit.

This genius mage with beautiful loli boobs is wearing nothing but a pair of tight underwear under her cloak. No, she is not a lascivious woman, but that's the way she is equipped.
Her breasts, which are bigger than her head, are hidden only at the tips, and her shorts are so small that her waist and buttocks are fully visible. It was very difficult for me to look at them.

I had no other choice,

'Woah ....... Ehehehe'

I put the prine on my back. Now I can't see that glamorous limb in my field of vision...

'I love you, Ra-kun.

And she's coming closer to me. She hugs me. She presses her big tits against my back.

'...... oh'.

Inside the cloak of the cat god, hot in a different way, I walked step by step through the desert.
With my lover whispering love in my ear on my back.

'--Icicle Lance!


When the fifth of the giant centipede monsters in the desert was kicked away by the ice magic of Prine on my back (I was fighting while piggybacking), I finally saw it.
The twelfth layer was mapped, and the only thing that existed was that huge building.
I stopped and looked at the triangle.

'That's ......'.
'Pyramid ......!