90-Art. 90. The Five Dragons...

We entered a large room.

In the center of the room was a huge dragon.

It had emerald green scales, a body the size of a pyramid, four tree-like legs, two tails reminiscent of a serpent, and...

'Five heads ......!

A neck that burns, a neck that freezes, a neck that wears thunder, a neck that looks like a rock, a neck that wears the wind.

These were the things that bewitched the thirty-eight of us adventurers who entered the room.

The adventurers of the temporary clan who had entered just before us were easily defeated and fled back to the save point. Some of them were dying. They were in such a dangerous state that even potions and recovery magic could not reach them in time, and they would have died if there had been no recovery mechanism at the save point.

The leader of the temporary party, Ian the Thief, shouted.

Spread out! Get in position!

We moved in unison according to the prearranged plan.

The warrior, the martial artist, and the shifu head straight for the dragon.

The monks, mages, and clowns stayed in the rear.

I and Prine stand behind the monks and mages as well. Prine is assigned to the mage group and I am assigned to the monk group.

The moment we enter the room, all the magic that was cast on us is drowned out. Knowing this, we first try to cast auxiliary magic.

''--Hole Shield!

''--Agility quick !

The defensive and speed-enhancing magic by the monk and the mage is spread to everyone in the provisional party.


'--Battle Song No. 1, Overture

'--Love, for love, oh, you fight, even if your body perishes...'

The clowns played, and Mr. Potts provided the overall reinforcement for the singing. The clown seemed to be the only one in the room with a higher position, the instrumentalist "Hamelin". Mr. Potts still has a wonderful singing voice.

'I'm really buffed ......!
'This way we can all fight!

The fighting professionals in front of the dragon are approaching the dragon with exclamations of admiration. All five heads howled at the same time.


Each of the five heads of the enemy has its own attribute.

Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, and Wind.

They spit fire, spew snowstorms, drop lightning, destroy with the solidity of rocks, and cut with wind.

In addition to the unmanageable variety of attacks, they are only able to deal damage as far as their respective attributes are concerned.

One of them, a fire dragon with a flaming head, spits flames at the warriors.

They lined up side by side and held up their shields to block the fire.

'Oh my God, ......!
Hold on!


A bubble of light envelops each of them.

It has the effect of reducing the damage caused by breath, and is the only one among them that Prine can use, a protective ward magic equivalent to Mage level 20.

This will work!

We then unleash a debuff spell on the Green Dragon.

Slow and Slowly!

Five necks that are clearly slowing down. We are now at least minimally prepared. The tentative party moves to attack.

The enemy is a multi-headed dragon with five heads.

The five heads were originally different dragons that were fused together when they came back as undead after their death.

Trouble is, if the heads are not crushed at the same time, the dragon will regenerate. It is said that exorcism is effective to some extent in slowing down their regeneration.


The magic released by the monks caused a pale light to spread across the large room.

The warriors in the vanguard defend against breath and direct attacks, using their [war techniques]. The monks cast "Heal" incessantly to heal their wounds.


''--Hypnosis Hyupno ''

Fire, wind, and earth fell asleep, and ice and thunder turned in the wrong direction.

Hypnosis works on fire, wind and earth.
Dazzle works on the heads - ice and thunder.

Thanks to the attackers, we know the weak points of each of them. The weaknesses of each of these heads are known thanks to the strategy team.

Fire is weak against ice, ice is weak against lightning, lightning is weak against earth, earth is weak against wind, and wind is weak against fire.

Fire and ice magic can be used by mages. Wind magic can be used by priests. Since there is no one who can use earth and thunder magic, martial artists attack with chi and warriors hit with physical attacks.

According to the strategy information, the casts are

Warriors are in charge of walls and ice dragons.
The martial artist is in charge of the lightning dragon with his ki attack.
Mages are in charge of fire dragons and wind dragons.
Monks are in charge of recovery and earth dragons.
Thief heals with items and supports warriors and martial artists.

The following is a good idea. The clown probably wasn't in the group that attacked the castle. What a waste. It would be fun to have him.

Fire dragons, wind dragons, and earth dragons are the weak points of the clowns. Sleep magic works on them, so put them to sleep, attack them, and when they wake up, put them to sleep again. Repeat.

No one can use earth magic that can be used against thunder dragons, but only martial artists can attack them with their "Ki". The same goes for ice dragons. However, the ice dragon and the thunder dragon can use "Dazzle," so they can play with illusions.

The Thunder Dragon is just so strong. Even if you kill the other heads, only the Thunder Dragon remains, and it regenerates itself in the meantime.

There are 38 members in this group. There are 9 parties of 4, me and Prine.

The breakdown is as follows,

Warrior x 4
Martial artist x 5
Thief x 9

Mage x 8 + Prine
Monk x 9 + Rana
Clown x 1

The plan for the operation was made by the tentative party leader, Ian, a sheikh.

There are nine sifs in the party, but they are to play a supportive role in the battle.

Prine is a mage. I am a monk, but I am also a shield for both monks and mages.

Prine and I, along with the other members of the group, cast spells according to our respective roles.

''--Icycle Lance!

The three sleeping animals were blown away by a volley of shots from the mage and monk. I should add that Prine's fireball was extremely powerful, not to mention my gale.

And then there were the ice dragons and thunder dragons who were under the spell of illusion.

Physical attacks by warriors, martial artists and thieves!


The ice dragon, perhaps seeing something terrible in the adventurer who leaps at it, is dismayed. The ice on its head was broken into pieces with axes and baskets, and when its head was cut off, it fell down and died.

--One more!

I can do it, I can do it!
'Keep it up!

The four heads that were felled have already begun to regenerate. The speed is slow, but at this rate, they will come back to life. Before that happens, we must defeat the remaining thunder dragons. But..,


A moment too soon, the dazzling dragon escaped the illusion, and a lightning bolt shot out from its head. The gushing blasts pierce through even the protective space of Seyfield, piercing through the vanguard at every turn.


The monks cast a spell in a panic. I'm with them,


But not in time. Four heads regenerate.

We're in trouble!

Someone shouted, but it was too late. The revived Wind Dragons unleash a volley of dazzling blows that cut the Thief and his friends to bits. And then..,


A blizzard of ice dragon spitting snow hit the entire vanguard. The onslaught of the enemy never stops!

--Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God!

The fire and thunder of the fire and lightning dragons burn the warriors. We, the rear guard, watched helplessly, but soon there was no time for that.

Up there!

Spears rain down. Green Dragon's only magic, Stone Shower!



The vanguard and even the rear guard collapse.

All the spears that fell around me were repelled. Prine also seems to have evaded them with the speed of her equipment, and is safe. But the rest are not. The damage is too severe. This is it...


Ian, the leader of the group, raised his voice. It was a quick decision. And right. But--

Oh, my God!
They're eating me, they're eating me!
You get the hell away from me!

The vanguard cannot retreat in time, let alone the rear guard.

It's a party, albeit a provisional one. With a transfer crystal or Prine's "pit-back" method, they can all escape in an instant. Besides, this is not a boss room ( ). As long as we can recover, we can escape by running. Prine and I nodded.

We could always escape if we wanted to.

Then we'll try ( ) until the last minute ( ).

'Ian! Me and Prine will take the bait! Recover in the meantime! Please regain your strength!
'Hey, Rana, ......! Okay, please!

Nodding, I run.

In front of Lynn, the vanguard, the huge mouth of the fire dragon was open. There!


I hit him with a straight right hand with all my might. Lynn shouted in surprise.

'I'll use what you taught me! --Immortal dragon, green dragon! Take the fist of God!''

--Suuuhhhhhhhh ......!

I, having bound my chi with the Koku Kokosatsu Breathing Technique, entered under the chin of the Wind Dragon, which was about to bite another warrior,

'Gong qi palm!


It made him jump up his face. But that's all. His head did not blow off, as if his chi had not penetrated to the inside of his body. Furyu immediately suppressed the impact and glared at me.

--I'm sorry - didn't you die from that? I knew you were resistant to it. ......!

My whole body is filled with strength as I brace myself. This sensation, as if my level has doubled...
Dragonic Power!

I turned around for a moment and saw Prine nodding to me as she magically floated up.

I nodded back and turned to Green Dragon.

Five heads were now stalking me.

I think I've got him dead to rights - good!

I'll do as the Lord leads me and beat it with everything I've got!

I held up the sacred spear slung behind my back, and took a deep breath.