97-Art. 97. Correct...

I eat breakfast. Prine usually drinks milk, but today, for some reason, she drinks coffee with me.

Is it good?
'............ tastes like an adult.'
'Ah, yes. ......'
''Heh heh heh.''

I guess you've started to climb the ladder of adulthood, I guessed.
Well, I'm climbing with you.

We brush our teeth side by side and leave the inn.

Today is the 17th layer. Let's go for it!

But when I went to the guild to greet Anna, she told me that we had a visitor.
If he is just a fan, Anna would have refused him, so he must be on some other business.

I went to the designated private room in the back and found Mr. Lin, a martial artist, and Mr. Ian, a sifu, there.

Good morning, Rana, Prine.
'Sorry it's so early in the morning. Please, have a seat.

Prine and I sat down in the chairs without prompting.
Prine looks a little nervous. I hold her hand.
I ask.

What's wrong with you today?

Mr. Lin looked at Ian and he opened his mouth.

'Thanks for the raid boss battle yesterday. You did a great job.
'No, no, thanks to all of you.
'So - after that, I talked to the leaders of the parties that were participating in ......'

Ian was the interim party leader.

'We're going to form a clan,' he said. We're going to form a 'clan' and we'd like you to join us.

It was an unexpected invitation.

Prine tightens his grip on my hand.

I ask Ian what he thinks of me.

'Well, is it the ...... clan?'
'Yes, that's right. A clan is a group of people who get together to conquer a dungeon. We, nine parties of thirty-six, have decided to form a clan to clear the next floor. I'd like you two to join us.


I get the story. And I got my answer. I bow my head.

'I'm sorry. I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to have to decline.

Ian nodded and said, "Hmmm,

'Okay. Yes, I knew you would say no. After all, yesterday's raid boss--the Green Dragon--was almost entirely defeated by just the two of you. That means you two were stronger adventurers than the rest of us thirty-six. Well, there's no merit in that, is there?

Lynn, who had been silent next to me, takes over with a laugh.

'That's right. Because our being together will only slow you two down. I told you that, Ian.
'No, we have our own merits to offer. For example, the money and items you get will be given to you according to your clan's contribution. We can also exchange information.
'Even that's not much of an advantage.
'Whose side are you on ....... Well, okay. I'm sorry, Lana. I thought I should at least recruit you for the others. Sorry to take up so much of your time.
I'm sorry.

I hurriedly waved my hand at Ian, who bowed, and Lynn, who raised one hand and said, "I'm sorry.

I waved my hand in a panic. 'No, no, I'm glad you invited me!

The conversation ends peacefully and we leave the room.

'Oh, Rana...'...

Lynn stopped me and I turned around.

If you and your group want to form a clan, we will cooperate with you as much as we can.
Yes, thank you very much!

I thanked him again and left the room.

Me and Prine teleported to the save point on the 16th layer.

With the party of people who were going to fight the Green Dragon by our side, we talked to the guild official in charge of reservations.

We defeated the Green Dragon yesterday, so we'll go in first, right?
'You must be Rana and Prine. Yes, sir. Take care!

The staff salutes me.

We continue on, watched by the other adventurers.

'Heh heh, Ra-kun, you're looking at me with envy. That's great!
'No, no, you too, Prine.

And so on and so forth.

I went through the large room where I had fought the Green Dragon, and down the stairs at the end of it.

Dungeon crawl - Day 11.

The 17th level.

At the end of the stairs...

'The sewers of the castle: ......?'

A canal runs through the center, and there are passages on either side of the canal that are barely wide enough for two people to pass through.

It's damp. And smelly.

We are allowed to enter Prine's coat.

Oh, the coat of the cat god! Comfortable! It doesn't stink and it's not clammy! I mean, it smells like prine!
'Welcome, Rah-kun!

Prine hugging me from behind. Her big tits against my back are so comfortable.
I was able to see her tits in the flesh ...... yesterday, and I was able to see her tits in the flesh .......
I can't help remembering.

'Hehehe......Ra-kun, you remember yesterday, don't you......?'
'U, prine too ......?'
'Yeah. ....... Its very ....... No, no! It's nothing!
'Right! Let's move on!

If I remember too much, I won't be able to walk.
Take a deep breath and clear your mind.

'But the aisle is too narrow to walk. ......'
'Well, then, do you want to fly?'
'Oh, okay. I can fly with Prine now, can't I?'
'Yes! Then I'll fly. --Photon Wing.

Plin e levitates after casting a spell.
I'm just attached to her, but I float along with her.

Oh, wow!

I exclaim in admiration.

Yesterday's battle against Green Dragon has improved Prine's flight magic. Or rather, Prine seems to have gotten the hang of it.
Prine explained it to me.

This magic is called 'Photon Wing'. I think that if you are attached to me and have used the magic of flight together several times, and if you are compatible with me in terms of magic power, you will be able to fly.
'I see. It's true, Prine and I have always been attached to each other by cuddles.
'Oh, yes! And that ......'
'Oh, I'm sure we're a good match, we are.
'Yeah, I guess so, eh heh heh heh heh heh!

Prine smiling happily. So cute.

Okay, go to the top of the canal, just above the ceiling. Apparently, monsters come out of this canal, and if you get too close to them, they'll try to eat you up.

We floated along in a huff. We were saved by a high sewer. Looking down, we see that the area is crawling with crocodiles, lizards, octopi, fish, and other monsters. Every once in a while, they would emerge, look around, and then dive back into the canal. I'd love to be dragged into one of them. That's a bad idea.

I'm thinking,





The monsters we see, Prine and I destroy them all with our magic. We attacked them unilaterally from out of range, gaining experience and money.

Prine is probably the only one who knows flight magic in this level. Thanks to you, I'll have an easy time!
'Really? Hehehe, it's nice to be praised by Ra-kun! Exploding light!


With a single blast of Prine's explosion magic, all the monsters in the vicinity are wiped out. Sewage splatters, but I'm able to guard against it with my Exorcism spell. It seems that this sewage is poison. Thanks to this, I can repel it with my exorcism exorcism. On the contrary, it's a great help.

I proceed without any danger and retrieve the treasure chest.

Poison remover!
'Middle potion!
'Poison extinguisher!
'Middle ether!
Poison extinguisher!
Battle Axe!

A treasure chest on the passageway was retrieved with a cloth stretched by Prine and brought into the air to be opened.

'Is that the cloth from the ...... glove? You can stretch it!
'Yeah! After we defeated Mr. Green Dragon, didn't Emma strengthen our armor?''

He did. My "Vestments of the Old Court" also has [True] after its name, and its defense has been increased by 10.

My 'Magic Knee-High Socks and Gloves' are the same, and when I let the magic power flow through them, the cloth that used to be the gloves can move as I wish. They even stretch!

Just as she said, the cloth wrapped around Prine's left hand has come undone and is now wrapped around the treasure chest.

'That's amazing!
'It's amazing!

Prine with a smirk on her back. I pat her head because she's cute.

Oh, so if I stretch the gloves all over my body, I can get out of my underwear-like outfit. ......?

And secretly I wonder,

'If you stretch it out for too long, it loses its magic power.

Prine laughs bitterly. I see. So that's how it is.

Thank you very much.
'? What?
It's nothing.

When the empty treasure chest was thrown down, many crocodile monsters lurking in the canal came out of the waterway and said, "Bakkum bakkum! They come out and swarm into the treasure chests and bite into them.

'...... scary'.
'...... is so scary!


My wind magic and Prine's fireball mixed together, and a blast of what I would call a flame storm spread out. A pseudo combined magic, I guess.

We continue onward.

We proceed through the labyrinth of sewers, comparing the map we have mapped out with the map in the strategy information.

We see several parties walking together.

I guess there are a lot of adventurers in a clan, around here.

It seems that many of the parties that temporarily formed a clan during the Green Dragon battle continued to form clans and tried to conquer the city.

The sheikhs are on the alert and can attack and defend with a large number of people. However, the transfer crystals can only be used by each party, and the experience and money are distributed.

'At least we don't need them yet.
'You're so strong, Ra!
'Thanks. You're strong, too.
'I don't know if that's true.
'Yes, it is. We're the strongest duo, aren't we?
'Ehehe ......! Yeah!


And so we arrive at the save point. It was in a small room just past the sluice gate.

Perhaps because of the small size of the place, we didn't see any other adventurers. We should leave soon, too.

We pray and finish saving. There seems to be a raid boss on the other side of that door.

According to the strategy information, they are warrior and mage types. They are tough when they work together, so you have to fight them separately.

Hypnosis seems to work on the warrior type, so we should defeat the mage type while they are asleep. I have already discussed this with Prine.

After recovering HP and MP with the items, we nodded to each other.

Let's go, Prine!
Yes, Mr. Ra!

I opened the door and entered--next moment.


My vision was twisted ( ).

--Mr. Ra!

The sound of Prine's voice in my head, her glove stretching out, the feeling that I'm not sure if I grabbed it or not, the vision that keeps spinning around and around, this feeling is similar, just like the one from the transfer crystal, and then I'm sent somewhere and--


I found myself in a small space in a dungeon.

In my hand was a piece of Prine's glove.

The Prine is nowhere to be found.


I shouted, but the only thing that came back was an echo ........................ no.

'--I haven't heard that name in a long time.

The back of the room is shrouded in white fog. Something swaying spoke. A whisper. In a muffled, featureless tone of voice, barely audible.

Yes. This is the tenth level of the dungeon ( ).

This is the place where Prine was kidnapped and fought before. And then...

'Even you, as expected, cannot grasp the location of the Assassin.

He's right. At my detection level, I can't detect the approach of a high-ranking assassin if he uses his stealth skills. But that's just a matter of distance. It is a different story if they get close enough to send me flying with the transfer crystals. They would notice it no matter how hard they try.

That doesn't explain anything! - Kurokiri!

I'm not going to do it. Die here, Rana Prata.

The man who once targeted Prine has reappeared in front of me.

The left arm I once broke is now possessed by a horrifying demon.