51-51 Ice cream



都を囲む外壁は今でも帝都の発展に比例するように拡張が進められている. 外に出るのに必須な四つの門の付近は例外だが,外壁の近くは帝都で最も治安の悪い土地だ.




常人ならば昼間でも寄り付かないような場所だ. 治安維持を任務としている騎士団でも大きな事件でもない限り寄り付かない.


罪を犯し探協を追い出された元ハンターから,保持しているだけで罪に問われる禁制品を取り扱う裏の商人. 訳あり品を本来の価値からは考えられない格安で売りつける故買屋. 犯罪組織の構成員から,とある事情で姿を隠している著名なハンターまで.

その中から数少ない価値有るものを掬い上げるには力と名声,金と伝手が必要だ. 僕には全く関係のない話である.


周りから視線を感じる. 家と家の隙間から頭を出すようにして覗く年端もいかない子供の視線. 今にも崩れそうな家の二階の窓からじっとこちらを見下ろす訝しげな視線. あまり心地の良いものではないが,喧嘩を売るつもりはない.



騒動から数日. 僕は満を持してエヴァから聞いたアイスを食べに久方ぶりにクランハウスの外に出ていた.

たとえ帝都の中であっても騒動に巻き込まれる可能性はゼロではない. 宝具のチャージが済んでいない状態で外に出るべきではないのだが,僕のアイス欲がとうとう恐怖を上回ったのだ.




'アイスだよ. 変わった店があるらしい'





痩けた頬に澱んだ目をした男だ. こちらをちらりと一度確認し,そのまま立ち去ろうとするその男の脚をティノが前振りなく刈った.

そのまま腕を取り,速やかな動作で男を硬い路面に叩きつける. 男が苦痛のうめき声をあげる.



全く気づかなかった. 危うく一文無しになるところだった.

'今回のはわかりやすい方です. ……もしかしてこれ……訓練ですか?'





'今回のはただのお礼だよ. だいぶ間空いちゃったけど,ティノもずいぶん頑張ってるみたいだからね'


ティノが感極まったような甘い声をあげる. 僕がアイス食べたいだけなのは言わない方がいいだろう.

壁近くになればなるほど治安が悪くなるようだ. 饐えたような匂い. 薄暗く汚れた家屋や派手な落書き. 可憐な容姿のティノに視線を向ける男も増えるが,不思議と絡んでくる者はいない.

一方,ティノの方も集まる視線は気にならないようだ. 手は繋いでこないが,口調も表情もリラックスしている.

'しかし,ますたぁ. 『アカシャの塔』の方はいいんですか? 泳がせてるって聞きましたが……'


'あの魔導師,かなりの実力でしたが……アカシャの一員だったんですね. ますたぁが倒してくれなかったら私もどうなっていたか……'




ティノのきらきらした尊敬の眼に心が痛む. 初耳であった. ゲロ吐きそう.

リィズがうまいこと言っておいたと自信たっぷりに言っていたので油断していた. 後で詳しく話を聞く必要があるようだ.
詳しく聞いてもどうにかなるとは思えないが,せめて誤解は解いておきたい. このままじゃ僕は自分でやると言っておいて何もやらないクズになってしまう.


'え……? えっと……他の宝物殿付近に研究所がないか調査を入れるとか……あ,後,帝都に拠点があるんじゃないか大規模な調査を行っているとか……まだ見つかってないらしいですが……'


何が怖いって,僕まで全く情報が入ってきていない事実が怖い. そりゃ僕が聞いても何もできないけど,一応関係はあるんだし,一応マスターなんだし,仲間はずれにしなくてもいいと思う.


そもそもラビ研ではなかったのか. ……本当に魔術結社がウサギの研究してたのかよ.
どう考えても愉快な人たちじゃん. 僕はどうすりゃよかったんだよ. もういいじゃん,ラビ研に改名しなよ.


'い,いえ! ますたぁにはますたぁのお考えがあるでしょうし……'

'Yeah ......, no, I hadn't heard of the Akasha tower or anything like that ......'

'......As expected of you, Masutaka, it's a funny joke. There are no hunters in Teito who don't know about it. It's also on the top of the list of dangerous organizations published by the Search Association.

There are no hunters in the Imperial City who don't know about it? So, paradoxically, I'm not a hunter?
I was about to retire and before I knew it, I was retired? Finished?

I sighed deeply and decided to throw it all out of my head for now.

'I didn't think about it. Well, let's eat ice cream and think about it later.

'Yes! Yes!

Tino, the only one who could help me, replied cheerfully with an absent minded face.

The ice cream shop that Eva had found for us using her unique connections was a hidden store that even I, who never fail to check out sweet things, didn't know about.
The Imperial Capital is a big place, and I don't go to the "Decadent City District", but I'm not a good sweet master. It's really frustrating.

It is said that the restaurant is famous in the "Decadent City".

It's a store with good intentions that you wouldn't expect to exist in the 'degenerate district'. It provides delicious ice cream at a reasonable price, without regard to profit, to the children of the 'degenerate district' who are barely getting by without eating or drinking, and there's always a line out the door.
There are a few things I wonder about, such as how they run their business, and whether the ice cream they serve without regard to profit is really as good as the ones I usually eat, but I want to give them my unreserved praise for their spirit.

I've always thought that the biggest reason for conflict among humans is the lack of sweets. Liz's anger must be due to her dislike of sweets. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the actions of the ice cream shop were the first step toward world peace.

The 500,000 guilders in my wallet is almost all I have now. I brought it to donate it to a benevolent store.
To tell you the truth, I am also thinking of opening a sweet shop after I retire from hunting. I would love to hear about it.

I walked excitedly for more than ten minutes. What I arrived at was a small store.
It was much nicer than the surrounding buildings, and there was no graffiti on it. There were many small children around, looking up at the store as if they were curious.

According to what I had heard, there was always a line, but today there was no one in line.
Tino's eyes widen and his lips open in a small smile.

'? Are you closed? There seems to be a sign of people inside. ......'

'That's strange. ...... I heard it was open all year round. ......'

The small window is also hidden by a gray curtain, so you can't see inside.
You can't see inside the small window, which is also hidden by a gray curtain. The small sign that says "closed" indicates that the store is still open, but has sold out or is closed for the day.

I've been having bad luck lately. ...... Maybe it's just my daily routine?
If you want to eat ice cream, there are several places to do so,.......
It's not like they've gone out of business, so I'll come back next time.

'Let's just make a donation and go to another store. ......'

'What? You're going to donate?'


Even if you can't eat ice cream, I'm buying your spirit. If he's not home, that's another story for another time, but if there's someone inside, no problem.
I knock a few times on the small window in front of Tino, who is getting restless. There is no answer, so you knock a few more times.

The curtain swings open and a loud clucking is heard.
A man with a beard appeared. He had an ordinary appearance, but his eyes were sharp enough to make you think he was an ice cream store clerk.

'You're so annoying. I'm telling you, this is not the time for this, you f*cking kids.

'What? Who are you ......?'

Isn't my name too famous? It's funny, ...... I'm supposed to be hiding my face.
But it's a face I don't recognize. As I stared at him, the man's expression quickly turned pale.

'Why are you here-- or go home!

'Oh, wait...'

The curtains closed, and you could hear a commotion inside. It sounded like something had been knocked over, and there was a small scream.
I'm not going to take it and eat it. ...... Is my reputation that bad?

Tino blinked and tilted his head at the reaction.

'......Do I know you?'

'Hmmm .................. I don't seem to remember seeing you recently ......'

I'm not a member of the Rabbinical Institute. You're probably not a member of the clan either. It's too rude to pale when you see my face.
I frowned for a while, but then one thought came to me.

'Oh, ......, that's the guy Liz was hitting the other day.


This is the person who was pulled down and almost killed because he was watching. No wonder he was scared.
I was going to apologize the next time I saw him. I didn't think he was an ice cream shop clerk. ...... It's a strange fate.

The money I brought to donate is going to be my compensation. Well, that's all right.
In addition, he knocks again and again and shouts.

'I'm really sorry about the other day. Please open the door so I can apologize. I'll come back with Liz to apologize. Please open the door!

I knock again and again. I waited in front of the store for about an hour, but there was no answer or opening of the curtains. Why? .......