58-58 Too Late

'So, Citri, you've been busy lately, are you done?

A good treasure hunter often has another face.

As for our members, Lucia is a mage with outstanding power, Ansem is a master of recovery magic and can even heal limb deficiencies, and Citry is an alchemist who has mastered all kinds of knowledge and has been approached by various organizations and has been busy.

Since she had received a strange nickname, she must have rarely appeared in the lounge.
However, one of her labs is located on the third floor of the Clan House, and she has been visiting me frequently, but some of the recently joined Clan members may not know her face.

'No,......, actually, I was recently fired ...... in the lab I was in,.......'


I was surprised by the casual words of Citry, who was walking next to me, without showing his expression.
Sitri is brilliant. He may be shunned because of his strange nickname, but his skills are such that he was once called the 'best' in the Imperial Capital.
I can't believe that I'm being fired, let alone that I'm being rejected at the door.

As a friend, should I offer him a word of consolation?
As a friend, should I offer some words of comfort?

'...... Well, rather than being fired, I should say that the ...... laboratory has ...... disappeared. What can I say? ...... Already! As you know, ......Cry. I was not good enough,......, and I am ashamed.

Citry's cheeks tinted faintly and he turned his head in embarrassment.

I see. ...... So the lab he belonged to had gone under. I was convinced on my own.

The economy of the Imperial City is not bad these days, but there are some businesses that are going under. Alchemy is truly a science that produces money, but even so, there are some researches that produce money and some that do not.

Citry is a genius, but he is not a god, he is an alchemist, not a merchant, and he can't do everything well.

As you know, I don't know much about ......, but maybe it's a story about a big laboratory that I should know about.

'Well, it happens sometimes. You just have to learn from your mistakes. Sitri can do better next time.'

'...... Well, yes.'

'I don't know much about alchemists, and I don't know which lab went under, but I do know ...... Citri.'

She's smart, dexterous, curious, hardworking, and--somewhat oddly--a brilliant girl.

To me, she seems to have a tendency to think too much, but that's not a flaw. It's just that I don't think too much.

'...... That was it. Mr. Cry doesn't know anything. I see.

'If you want, we can continue in the Clanhouse lab. ......'


At my casual remark, Sitri looked up and stared at me.

Did I say something funny?

Surely I'm an outsider. I don't know anything about the research he was doing, and I wouldn't understand it even if he explained it to me.
But the facilities for alchemists at Clan House are state of the art. It was made by Citri himself. The rooms are spacious and there should be no shortage of them.

Well, there's a good chance that you won't be able to continue your research for reasons other than the equipment. ...... is .......

Citry seemed to hesitate for a while, but then smiled and said.

'...... Thank you. But I don't want to bother Mr. Kry with it.

You don't have to worry about it. ...... I almost said that, but stopped myself just in time.

It's not like me and Sitri are on the same page. If you think you are going to cause trouble, then it is probably a dangerous experiment that could really cause trouble.
For example, you may not have enough equipment, or you may not have enough hands to do it by yourself.

It's sad that I can't help you, but an amateur shouldn't say anything unnecessary.

Sitri clasped his hands together and said in a cheerful voice.

'And don't worry. We'll find you another lab soon. I'll do better next time.'

'Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, take your time. It's important to rest your body.'

I'm sure Cytry will find you another contact soon. I don't think there's anything I can do.
In the end, all that came out were some random words of consolation, but Cicely nodded happily.


The lounge was filled with familiar faces, even though it was daytime.
Probably because they had just finished the big job of investigating the anomaly in the White Wolf's Lair, everyone seemed to be resting today.

Even though we are treasure hunters, we do not go to the Treasure Hall every day. It is essential to prepare in advance for the search of the Treasure House, and it is also necessary to maintain equipment and physical condition.
The Footprints Lounge was a place for such hunters to relax. You can gather information with other members of the same clan, and there are no outsiders. It's a great place to kill time when you don't have to pay for food and drinks.

Citri squints and looks around the lounge as if he's trying to get a feel for it.

'It's been a while since I've been here. ......'

The Ghosts of Sorrows also regularly go out to eat together, but they generally don't use the lounge. This is because they start to fight with other parties.
Of course, we try to stop them, but it's a sad decision that it's better to go outside than to create a bad atmosphere among friends. Especially Luke's sword is too light.

'It seems that the Starlight is not here.

'...... The top parties are busy, you know.

By the way, Starlight didn't even participate in the search for the White Wolf's Lair. ...... I forgot all about it.
The party that was hanging around began to notice my appearance one by one. Some look at me quizzically, some frown, some with a twinkle in their eye. Some waved their hands at me.

Sitri breaks his fingers with a thoughtful expression.

'The number of Magi is ...... eight, huh? There are ten dozen high class mana potions and three bottles of .......'

'Mana potions are really bad, aren't they?

'Yes. The taste is out of this world. The taste is strong in proportion to the effect. If you're not used to it, you'll lose consciousness.

A mana potion is a potion that has the power to restore magic power.
They are extremely useful for exploring treasure halls and fighting powerful demons and illusions, but they have a fatal flaw: they taste bad.
It is not just bad. It is so bad that you hesitate to drink it even in a life-threatening situation.

I was once given a small portion of Lucia's drink, but I lost consciousness the moment it touched my tongue, and several hours had passed before I realized it.
I don't remember the taste, but for some reason I know that it was so bad that it killed me.

It seems that being able to drink a magic recovery potion without hesitation is a sign of a top-class mage.
Ever since then, mages have been an object of respect for me. Mages are amazing.

'We may need a cleaner.


'これから……汚れると,思います. 恐らくここにいる皆さんは……最上級の魔力回復薬(マナポーション)を飲んだことがないので……'

そんなにやばいのか. っていうか,頼むの無理じゃね?



'とりあえず『結界指(セーフ・リング)』かな. 十四個ある'

'……無理です. それだけで『精霊人(ノウブル)』の魔導師が十四人必要です'

まぁ,なんとなく予感はしていた. 業者を使っても結界指のチャージには莫大な金がかかるのだ.
大抵の魔導師では足りないくらいに魔力を食うらしい. しかし困ったなぁ.



シトリーが思案げな表情で言う. つまり……無理ってことだな.



いつもどおり黒を基調にしたジャケットにハーフパンツ. 膝下まで覆った黒のブーツは彼女の武器でもある.
最近は死にそうな表情をしているようなイメージが強かったが,今日はリィズと一緒じゃないので元気そうだ. それはそれでどうなんだろうか.

'ますたぁ! 何故こんなところに……何かあったんです……か――ッ!?'


視線が僕の隣のシトリーに向けられている. 信じられない物でも見るかのような表情で数歩後ろに下がると,掠れた声でその名を呼んだ.




ティノはリィズの弟子である. リィズから度々酷い目に遭わせられているが,どちらかと言うとティノが苦手としているのはシトリーの方だった.



'ティーちゃん,元気? また強くなった? お姉ちゃんに酷い目に遭わせられてない?'

'は……はい. 大丈夫,です'


'だ,大丈夫です. ほ,ほんとうに,大丈夫です'

優しげなシトリーの声色に,ティノがぞくりと身を震わせた. 泣きそうな表情で僕を見る.


まるで検診でもするかのようにその黒の双眸を覗き込む. 声がいつもと比べて興奮している.

'辛くなったら,いつでも言ってね? 私に任せてくれたら……お姉ちゃんに師事するよりもずっと簡単に,ずっと強くしてあげるから'


'死にそうな思いをしながら,鍛錬する必要もない. ティーちゃんの資質だったら間違いなくそれができる. 今すぐにでも,私の推薦で,『嘆きの亡霊(ストレンジ・グリーフ)』に入れてあげてもいいよ?'

'シトリー,お姉さま……ッ! 近すぎ,ですッ!'

左腕は背中に回され,ティノの退路を断っていた. 『錬金術師』のシトリーと『盗賊』のティノでは身体能力には差があるはずだが,ティノの細身の身体は震えるのみで一歩も下がる気配はない.

その異様な雰囲気にラウンジ中の視線が集まっているが,シトリーは気にすることなく恍惚とした声をあげる. その鼻が小さく動き匂いを嗅いでいる.


'実戦の中で鍛えられた上質な筋肉. 華奢な骨格に研ぎ澄まされた五感. ハンターとして,盗賊として特化した健康的な肉体. 血も肉も骨も,才能に溢れ,研鑽されている. ああ,クライさん. どうして――お姉ちゃんにじゃなくて,私にくれればよかったのに……完璧にしてみせたのに'

'ッ!? ますたぁ,助けてください……'



その手が容赦ない動きでティノの身体を弄っていく. その胸元を揉み,腹部を撫で,ハーフパンツから伸びたむき出しの太ももに触れる.


'輝いている. ああ,とっても可愛い. ティーちゃんが男の子だったら交配も簡単だったのに,女の子だから――失敗しないようにしっかり,番(つがい)は選ばないと……'

ああ,これもうだめだわ. 僕はそこでようやく間に入った.

'そこまでにしておきなよ. ティノはあくまでリィズの弟子なんだから'



冗談でもなんでもなくセクハラである. 目も当てられない.





Tino, whose cheeks and neck were bright red, looked up at me with the eyes of an abandoned puppy.

In the first place, there was no way Tino, the victim, would say yes.
I answered immediately, without even thinking.


'Not even for the ............ party, sir?'


That's a no. Common sense tells me no.
I can't let Citri become a criminal. I can't let that happen to the Smart family back home. I think it's too late for that. .......

I don't know about you, but every time I cut off Citly's question, Tino's eyes get moist with emotion. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about our members. I'm sorry I took so long to stop you.

He slumps his shoulders and pats the dejected Citry on the back.

''Now, let's charge the treasure. You'll help me, right?'

'...... I did.'

Citri looks up. At that moment, there was no trace of the dejected look she had just shown.
She was as quick to change her mind as her sister.

She looked at the rest of the party, who were all looking at her, and said glumly.

'I'm going to need the help of everyone who was looking down their noses at Tee-chan. This is where the 'Thousand Trials' begin.