77-77 Spread of fire


オークションは一大イベントだ. 一週間続くその期間中,帝都は他国から訪れる観光客や商人たちに,より一層の賑わいを見せる.



もうオークションの日程も近づいており,割の良い依頼はほとんど残っていない. 近辺の魔物の討伐依頼も軒並み取られており,残っているのはオークション開始までには到底終わらない面倒くさい依頼ばかりだ.

オークションの日取りは事前にきまっているのだ. 宝具集めにせよ,資金調達にせよ,一流のハンターはずっと前に済ませていて,依頼表に群がるハンター達を見て笑っている.

ティノは競売に興味がない. 物欲もあまりないし,無駄使いもしてない.

'ねぇ,ティノ. これ,大丈夫なの?'


後ろを向く. 声を掛けてきたのは,以前【白狼の巣】でパーティを組んだ盗賊――ルーダ・ルンベックだった.

相変わらず,サラサラの茶色の髪に,まるで自己主張しているかのように大きな胸. 最近レベル4にランクアップしたらしいルーダとは,あの日パーティを組んで以来,会えば話す程度の仲になっていた.
同じ盗賊という事もあり,話も合う. 師匠との訓練に道連れにしたりもした. ティノはほとんど探協に訪れたりはしないのであまり顔を合わせる機会はないのだが,知り合い以上,友達未満といえるだろう.








普段,ティノは雑誌など見ない. 必要な情報は過不足なく《足跡》に集められるからだ.

他のハンター達はもちろん,とある貴族までもが同じ宝具を狙い血眼になっている. その宝具は他国のレベル7ハンターが命からがら入手して持ち帰った秘蔵の品らしい. 貴族はあのアーク・ロダンと懇意にしているそうだ. 商会も幾つかその入手のために動きはじめている. 知る人ぞ知る,今回の競売の目玉になるだろう.


どこまで本当なのか嘘なのか. 宝具の力についての推測や,落札予想価格まで載っている. ハンターならばそれを手に入れる事ができればレベル上昇は確実,とまである.







雑誌には,クライが億単位の金を集めていると載っているが,果たしてその数字はどこからでてきたのだろうか? 首を傾げるティノに,ルーダが目を瞬かせた.

'え? これ,もしかしてクライの事じゃないの……?'


それは間違いない. この帝都で,クランマスターを担う高レベルハンターの宝具コレクターなど,他にいない. 帝都にどんと構えているだけなのに,色々と話題の中心となる人でもある.


曰く,金の無心をしてまで宝具を手に入れようとするハンターの鑑だ. クランマスターとしての権力を十分に発揮している. 同じパーティの女に金を貢がせている,など,遠回しで揶揄するような内容は命知らずにしか思えない.

人の群がる依頼表を諦め,ミーティングスペースに設置されたテーブルの一つにつく. ルーダもそれに続いて,自然な動作で対面に座る.

どう説明していいものか……ルーダはクライがティノのために集めてきた人材である. 一時とは言え,関係者だし,わざわざ,ますたぁを心配して声を掛けてきた者を無碍には扱えない.
こんなデタラメに踊らされるのはあまりにも可哀想だ,というのもある. ティノは情が深いのだ.


'……既にマスターは目当ての宝具を手に入れる目処を立てている. 借金も………………大丈夫だから,心配はいらない'

'…………え? そう……なの?'

その数,数百点. 比較的よく見つかる物から噂にすら聞いたことがない物まで,恐らく種類だけなら帝都の宝具専門店をも上回るコレクションだ.


トレジャーハンターとは宝を追い求める者の意である. ティノのマスターは,誰よりもその名に相応しい男だ.


シトリーお姉さまのますたぁの慕いっぷりはもしかしたら,お姉さま以上である. さすが姉妹というべきか……借金などいくらでも許すどころか,喜んで貸しているであろう事は,余りシトリーお姉さまのことを知らないティノから見ても明らかだ.


'マスターは狙った宝具は確実に手に入れる. から,こんな下らない情報が広まったのも――全部マスターが意図的にしたこと'

'え? …………本当に?'


そうだ. そうでなければ,あんな衆目のある所でアーク・ロダンに借金を申し込んだり,ラウンジで金の無心をしたりするわけがない.

ティノにはますたぁの神算鬼謀など欠片も予想できないが,その凄さは知っている. とにかく凄いのだ. よくわからないが,凄いのだ.

Luda looked quizzical at Tino's expression, but then leaned forward as if he had regained his composure.
She looked around cautiously and asked in a hushed voice.

'So, Tino. What is the treasure that this cry is aiming for--?

'............ strange mask. It looks like a treasure trove that Master used to have, but ...... it's probably something different. I don't know what kind of power it has.'

'Hmm. I was a little curious about it.

The "Transforming Human Face" was Mastaaa's favorite treasure recently.
It is an unusual treasure that changes the face of a person.

But this time's treasure must be different. I heard that it was destroyed by your sister because of its bad reputation.
Tino himself didn't like it very much, and the people around him didn't like it when he changed his face at random and said, "This is the true change of all things, isn't it?
Even Sitri's sister's smile was clouded. I think it's natural. Even if the inside hadn't changed--who would be happy to see the face of someone they adore change in all sorts of ways?

Masutaa was amazing, but there were points where he was too amazing for Tino to understand.

'Well, it's okay if it's not a problem. I, too, you know, everyone's talking about it, right? I thought you'd be fine, but I know you...'

It's probably true that nobles and merchants have come out. Aside from the gossip magazines, other hunters are also talking about it.
It's also true that the price of the treasure will skyrocket. There have been several similar cases of Zebrudia auctions in the past.
The battle in the sky is about to begin. The only hunters who can stand up to the merchants and nobles are the best of the best.

But why is everyone so worried about Masutaa?
He may look a little unreliable, but it's all a bluff, and his certified level of 8 guarantees his ability.

It's hard to understand as a dusty Tino.

'Speaking of which, what was Tino doing? I'm not sure if it's because of the auction, but the requests seem to be very crowded. ......'

'............Shu, I can't do any training, so I thought I'd make a little money and help out with Mastaa. ......'

Tino replied in a muffled voice, his eyes downcast.

§ § § §

In the clan master's room, a controversial debate was taking place between Citri and Eva.
I, the one responsible for this, am completely out of the loop. I feel like going out to eat something sweet.

'So, if I say that I'll stop selling potions and Footprints will stop unloading materials, most of the merchant associations will be cooperative.

''Potions aside, are you trying to fight with the Chamber of Commerce? It's the same for us if we can't trade with them!

'It's Eva's job to deal with that. ....... In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. I'm sure your sister and Luke will say the same thing.

That's extreme.
Ava's attitude was resolute, but Citly's remained consistently smiling.
She sipped her tea with elegant movements and let out a small sigh of relief.

'I thought you were getting a little too big for your own good. You're not just the Clan Master, you're our leader.

Citri seems to be completely unconcerned about the clan that has grown so large.
I guess he can't help it, since I'm the one who started the clan, and the members' evaluation of the clan was neither good nor bad.
Recently, he seems to be a little dissatisfied with the fact that I have completely retreated from the search for the Treasure House.

Eva's shoulders were shaking from all the work she had been putting in.
I'm going to follow up before she stares at me.

'No, Citri. Don't put pressure on the Chamber of Commerce. I know there's that aspect of negotiation, but it's against humanity after all they've done for us.'

What are you going to do when Eva's gone, this clan?
I've entrusted you with everything, including foreign relations.

'............ I understand. But if we can't spread rumors or persuade the Chamber of Commerce--'

'......In case you haven't noticed, both of those things are against Imperial law.'

Eva said with a pained expression.
That's right. It's a crime. That's enough, I'm sorry. I don't need that mask anymore.

Sitri smiled like a flower opening and looked up at me.

'So, do you want to negotiate with the seller again? You can get it at a reasonable price if you don't mind the means. It's no wonder he's gone, if you pretend that he fled the capital with his tail between his legs because the situation got too big.

'? Rejected. No one will be convinced. It's useless.

I don't know, but I don't think Arnold will nod if you offer him a little extra now.
Sitri continued with a thoughtful expression.

'Well, ...... it's a bit important, but it would be quicker if that Miss Eclair were gone. ...... What do you think?

'What ......? I don't think she's going to go away. It seems like she's making an enemy out of me.

Did I do something wrong? ...... Or is it because she seems to like Ark?
My friendship with Ark is not bad at all, but it seems that the strongest young hunters in Zebrudia are divided between me and Ark.
Incidentally, I'm in the Ark faction. I don't need to think about it.

'But some of the ...... hunters are rude, and it's obvious that she has money. And the other guy is famous for hating hunters - I think there's a chance she'll be kidnapped. There are also hunters who will do anything for money. ...... What do you think?'

'What ......? I'm sure they have guards, so I doubt it.

I'm sure you're right, the other party is a noblewoman. In Zebrudia, where hunters are at their peak, the quality of the nobleman's guards is maintained at a level that can compete with hunters. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll do fine.

''But, I don't think my original has any resistance, as expected. In order to make it resistant to that, I'd have to use the power of the Mana Material to tilt the direction of its growth in that direction.

For a while, Citri-chan was working on developing an original poison potion that would be effective against illusions and demons.
It's true that a potion that works on phantoms and demons that are resistant to poison might also work on human guards, but since it seems that only Citry can make it, it's unlikely that it's available outside.

'Yes, yes, yes. ............ But, it's impossible for a potion that can only be made by Citrine to be passed on to the outside world.

Citry put his hands together as if he had understood.

'Don't worry, just in case something like this happens, Talia knows how to make it.

What? ...... What could be wrong with that?
It reminded me of the way Talia used to work with me in the lab, like we were real sisters. There's no way she'd betray Citri.

'............ No, no, no. Just because Talia knows, there's no way she'd flow from that.'

'............ I see. That's true, isn't it?'

Sitri ponders. She's a bit of a worrier.

Then Eva, who has been listening to our conversation with wide eyes, interrupts.

'Wait a minute, please. You're not serious ......, are you?'

'What? ............ what?'

Did I say something? Have I jumped the gun?
Ava looked at Citrie, who was tilting her head with a difficult expression.

'What do you mean, ...... well, ............ well, I know you're not that kind of person, Cry. I believe that.'

In the event that the client and the competitor are not available, the only thing left to do is to ...... risk the treasure itself in advance.

Sitri is mumbling. You can tell from his serious expression that he is trying to get the treasure for me at any cost.

However, I have no intention of acquiring the treasure through some gray method. If I can't get it in a fair auction, that's it.
In fact, it might be better if I don't get it at this point. You can use the money for your own wedding.

'I appreciate the sentiment, but you don't have to do anything unnecessary. Go to the auction fair and square, and if it doesn't work out, then so be it. It's not like I really want ............ it.'

'............ If you say so, Mr. Crye. So I'll just do my best to raise the money.

...... You don't even need to raise money. Eight hundred million should be enough.

This is the first time since I came to Teito that I feel like the auction should be over soon.
I looked at the motivated Citrie and the frowning Eva, and just prayed that the auction would end safely.

§ § § §

It was a moonless night. In the darkness of the alleyway, three men were hiding their voices.
In the imperial capital, the main roads are paved, and streetlights are installed, so it is bright even at night. However, a few streets away, there is a darkness and silence that seems to cling to you.

There is not a single person in the narrow street. Hiding in the darkness, one of the men looks up at the sign.
In the near-darkness, he could barely make out the words 'Maggie's Tale' written on the sign.

'So this is the store that appraises the treasure ......, it's a pretty desolate place.

'It seems to be a famous treasure trove store known only to those in the know in this town.

'A treasure store on a street like this, which is not popular at night, is a careless thing. ......'

The black cloaks of the men blended in with the darkness, and even if they were to encounter a patrol of knights now, they would not be spotted.

The treasure store, which buys and sells treasures from hunters, is one of the most money-accumulating stores in the imperial capital.
The goods are not bulky and some of them can be sold for much more than jewelry. In the Imperial City, where there are many criminals who are hunters, most of them are located along the main street, which is well-lit even at night, and they are always prepared for robberies.
Opening a store on a back street like this is like asking to be robbed.

The most powerful treasure. Something even a nobleman would want.
It wasn't just hunters and merchants who were excited by the news.
There are plenty of people in the Imperial City who have neither money nor position but have plenty of power.
The men were members of the "Shadow Links", a party of criminals (Red) who steal on behalf of their clients.

As usual, one of them stood guard while the other two quietly approached the empty store.
The information gathered beforehand was perfect. The shape of the target treasure, the number of guards protecting the store. It was a much easier job than risking their lives to conquer the treasure hall.

As a private store, Magiz's Tail's security is incredibly lax.
There is only one guard. With only one guard who can't leave the store, it's unlikely that he's been properly reinforced with mana materials.

I was confident of my strength. He might even be able to break in head-on during the day and take the items.
They didn't do that because they wanted to increase the success rate of the robbery.

One of the men, the leader, took the door and worked on the five locks.
It was a difficult task, but for a man with a fair amount of experience in exploring treasure halls as a thief, it was not enough to stop him.

He kept his breath low and watched his surroundings to make sure that no one would approach him. A small sound is heard and the lock opens.
The man smiled a small smile in the darkness and slowly opened the door.