108 - - a secret weapon about five years before the end

 In a room in Professor Tia's research building, Sis Marianne and Lias were sitting with mysterious expressions on their faces.

"So, Alexei senior is calling on you two to join the secret organization.

 Sitting in front of them, I told them in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Wait, wait, wait. What are you talking about, calling me out of the blue?

"Mr. Hurt, please don't cut out the part where I explain <>."

 Of course.

"I'm sorry. It was a hassle, so the conclusion came out of my mouth first."

"You've been talking to my sister for a while now, haven't you? Are you ignoring me?"

 It's not like that, but I think we should talk to the elders here.

"Well, I mean..."

 I explain, in a brief but concise manner, the organization "Numbers", its philosophy, and its main activity is to hold meetings undercover.

"Why do you wear masks ......?"

"That's a little too disgusting. ......"

 I guess that's the first thing that bothers me. I understand.

But "numbers"? I heard about it from Charlotte, but I'm sorry to hear that the sons of aristocrats have set up such an organization on campus.

 Well, Char told me about that. I didn't have to explain.

"The aristocrats are the ones who want to overthrow the king, exile the queen, and take control of the country."

Many of them are rumored to be members of the Lucifira cult or at least involved in some way.

"These are the people who are conning your mother out of her money. Well, I guess they're using you, too. And the head of the organization is inviting us? Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

"It's obvious that they are up to something. <

 It's just the two of us, and the conversation is progressing quickly. It's nice and easy.

"But it's not a good idea to refuse. It's not right to ask Charlotte to spy on us alone.

"That little prick might just draw them in."

 Oh? What did you say about my little sister?

What are you looking at me for?

"Watch your language, Mr. Hurt, is what I'm trying to say."

 It's not that simple, but I'll forgive you for your sister's rebuke.

"Well, I think we should take them up on their offer and break down their dangerous ideas from the inside, what do you think, Lias?"

"I agree. But I'm not as articulate as my sister. If I'm not, I'll get into trouble and ...... what now? You're smirking at me."

 I think they look at me like, "Oh, you know what I'm talking about.

"I'll just keep my nose out of it, and give them a glare. I mean, aren't you going to join?"

I wasn't invited.

 That's a lie. Well, I said no, so I'm pretty sure I'm not going in.

"Well, he's probably just trying to keep Hurt at bay. He's trying to get to my sister first.

"I would feel safer if you were here, Halt. ......"

 She glances at me.

 It's okay. Charles is a good man. With Princess Marianne's support, we'll be fine.

 But there's always a chance.

 I'll keep a close watch on her and I'll never allow her to get hurt... but it's impossible for me to be careless when I'm absorbed in cartoons...

"Well, I guess we're both in. Please tell Alexei directly. And then--"

 I snapped my fingers and called for my secret weapon.

"Hurt-sama called me, Makarikoshi! It's Frey!"

 With a bang, the door was opened and a red-haired woman in an academy uniform appeared.

"I'm going to let her come in with us. Alexei will have no choice but to shake his head if you both ask him.

"No, no, no! This guy was a demon, wasn't he?

"His ears and tail are gone, but ......

"She's not a student, is she?"

"Would you prefer a teacher? But won't they let you in then?"

"That's not the point! You're obviously an outsider!"

I'm a follower of Char and have a free pass to the academy, remember?

"That's why you're not a student!"

You've got to be a little more subtle about it. You know, a short-term exchange student or something.

 I don't know if such a system exists.

"Hey, you guys! You've been complaining all day. As students, why don't you use your brains and come up with some positive and constructive opinions?

"No, we're talking common sense.

 I'm sorry, but common sense doesn't apply to Frey.

"Anyway! I am under orders from the Lord to allow you to wear these clothes that make it difficult for you to move. Wait and see, Numbers. I'll burn them myself.

 Frey was smiling broadly and getting into the spirit of things.

 Lias leaned forward and whispered to me over the table.

"Hey, at least get a girl with blue hair!

 Riza. Yeah, I definitely think she's the better choice.

 It's just that she still rejects my ward magic which she doesn't understand.

 I'm going to use my communication magic as much as I can, and I'm going to set up some doors around here and there as an insurance policy, so that I can maintain my unlimited deployment capabilities.

 This is also just in case, but we don't want Riza to get stuck in a situation like that.

 Frey, on the other hand, has the broad-mindedness to accept everything without question.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Frey is a can-do person.

"Master Hurt! Thank God for happiness. Frey here, will surely reduce them to dust."

 I thought you were going to burn it.

 Well, I'll allow him to run wild. They're from a shady organization and Alexei's some kind of a demon.

Well, good luck to all three of you.

 How will Alexei-senpai fare with this for now? Let's see--.