112 - - I'm going to give you a simulator.

 I gather all concerned at a large round table by a quiet lake.

 I explain how to confront Numbers in Shiva mode.

"So, in a week's time, the two teams will have a search battle at the Olympian Ruins.

 Charu raises her hand in the midst of the nervous faces and says, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

"Yes! Can I bring snacks with me?"

"As long as it is necessary for exploration, it is no problem. Snacks are important supplies to fill our stomachs and keep our spirits up. There is no limit to the amount of money you can bring, so take as many as you like."

 Oh! Char and Frey were excited.

 The two royals and Iris look a little put out. Let's get in the groove. And I, the copy I've brought all this way, am lying on the round table.

"So there's still a week to go. If you want to do something, I can help you.

 Lias responded dubiously.

"That's very kind of you, but you're the referee, aren't you? Can't you just put your shoulder to the wheel here?"

"I didn't say no, you know."

 Again, Charu raises her hand. You're so well behaved. She's cute.

"The condition for winning was to get something that the academy had placed somewhere in the labyrinth and bring it back home. So, if we can predict where to place that something, we can get closer to the victory.

 Why don't you just steal the information from the dean's office? I almost choked up, but decided against it.

The ruins are so large that even the institute doesn't have a complete picture of them. The institute will not be able to take out the map as far as they know, and there is no way to predict what will happen.

"If you want the map, I'll give it to you, okay?"


 Lias and her sister Marianne, who had made a strange voice, were also taken aback,

"Does this give you a rough idea of what you're looking for?"

 I made a three-dimensional image appear in the void.

 I can't actually touch it, but it is a transparent model. It is an exact replica of the underground labyrinth of the Olympian Ruins, which consists of 60 levels.

"How can you prepare something like this so easily?

 I flew 10,000 times to survey the site with a surveillance grid. It wasn't that hard.

"That's Shiva for you! But ...... wouldn't it be unfair for us to be the only ones to take advantage of this?"

 The serious and cute Char seems to be a little resistant.

"Don't worry Charlotte. Don't worry Charlotte. Numbers was in the ruins doing something before we got there. They're doing the same thing.

 I'm sure Alexei senior can do this too. It seems to be possessed by a demonic god.

"The battle has already begun, hasn't it?"

 The sharp Char is also cute.

"But hey, it's too big! How can you predict where they'll put the assignments?"

 Lias is still complaining.

 When I turned to Professor Tia, he held up a finger as if to say, "Good grief.

"I wouldn't put it in the deep end if I expected students to go under it," he said. We don't use anything lower than the 30th level in the final exam. Or rather, the teacher's ability makes it useless. Well, at the most, 27 or 28 levels."

 That narrows it down to less than half.

 I gave my opinion.

"They won't just drop you on the side of the road. They'll put it at the end of the street or at an open point."

"If I were the examiner, I would consider a team fight and make it the point where the hierarchical boss monster appears."

 You can fight to get it, interrupt it, or fight with it, or take it where the other team got it, instead of finding it first.

 It would be boring to go too high up, and there would be no hierarchical bosses.

 We will mark in red the points where there are bossy enemies from the 20th level to (slightly wider) the 30th level.

"I also put blue marks on the open areas just to be sure. ...... Well, that's about it."

 That's quite a lot.

 Still, we can do something.

"Dash as fast as you can to the 20th level. How about we take the shortest route through the blue marks and break through the red points?"

"It's a long road, but for now it seems to be the only way," said Marianne.

"I don't have any objections either," said Iris.

"It's going to take a few days...... or even a week," says Lias, his shoulders slumped.

 Charles raises his hand for the third time.

"Then, of course, it's a matter of getting the 3D map into your head..."

"What, you're going to memorize this ......?"

 Leaving the astonished Raius alone, Charu continued.

"I'd like to do a preliminary simulation in the ruins right away, but isn't that against the rules?"

"Hmmm...sounds good as long as they don't find out. ......"

 Both Alexei and I went in there once. But it would be better not to do so, considering the risk of being found out. The lady who never tolerates cheating will be angry with us.

"So, how about a VR-like simulation?"

 I think it is possible to make VR goggles and make people feel as if they are exploring inside the ruins.

 However, it seems to be a little troublesome, and since we are not actually dealing with demons and such, even if it feels realistic, it is not realistic.

 That's why...


 I stood on the edge of the waves. We have been walking south along the sea for a while on the west side of the kingdom, and have come to an open sandy beach with not a single person on it.

 The sun was shining brightly. It is midsummer here.

 And beyond the sea, a small island - or rather, a flat land - suddenly emerges from the surface of the sea. In the middle of it stands a palace-like building that serves as the entrance to the Olympian ruins.

 Entering from there, you will find a labyrinth that looks exactly like the interior of the ruins. I have placed demon-like creatures so that the simulator is as realistic as actually diving into the ruins.

 This is where we train.

 As I explain in Shiva mode, the people standing on the beach are stunned.

"I'm not surprised by every single thing you do..."

Why the ocean?

"I think the size is appropriate. ......"

 Lias, Sis Marianne, and Iris are all wondering.

 That's just it.

 When the training is over, right?

"It's swimsuit time!"

 Charu exclaimed with a sparkle in her eyes--.