12 - 00-02 Prologue 2 Successors Born

"It's a ceiling I don't know. ......"

<. The line is a promise.

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"Omezame desuka master."

The voice startled Jin awake, and he saw a beautiful girl. Black hair, black eyes, translucent skin. She was about 120 centimeters tall, maybe in elementary school. She was dressed like a maid.

"Well, who are you?

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"I am an automata. I'm an automata.

Jin's head spins at the not-so-surprising answer, but..,

(I think automata ...... were karakuri dolls ...... made in Europe, but were there such elaborate ones?)

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Then Jin realized that what he heard was not Japanese. And moreover, it was not English, French, German, or any other language.

"Well, so you saved me?"

For the time being, I decided to check each question one by one.

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"Tasqueta to iunoto wa sukoshi chigaimasu. I am the master of this place, and I am here to help you.

And where am I?

Okaasamano kenkyujo desu.

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Mother, you mean the one who made you, right?


Where is she?

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The word "strike" was not uttered by the automaton, but it is likely that Jin understood the rather old-fashioned and stiff word as it was applied to the Japanese language.

"I see..."

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1024 years, 8 months and 27 days. This automaton had been working for an unimaginably long time.

So why did you call me here?

I called you because I want to take over your life.

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"Inherit all of this? ...... hmm, can you be more specific?

"Hi. I'd like to take over everything. Okaasamano mahou gijutsu. KOREIDEI IDESUKA?"

A little more, I said, really little, but I got the general gist.

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"So, in short, you want me to follow in the footsteps of my who was a wizard, is that it?"

"Hai sonotoori desu."

It didn't take long for Jin to realize that this was not Earth, given his unfamiliarity with the language and the existence of automata that were beyond his comprehension. He was sure that he had fallen into the ladle of an electric furnace. I still remember the sensation of my body burning from the intense heat.

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"So you healed me?

I asked him, thinking that if so, magic would be amazing,

But I was told, "Yes, I don't know how to heal you.

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But I was told, "Yes, Tokuni soiuikoi ha shiteimasen. But...,

"There is a world where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel, where we can travel.

"When you are transferred to another world, does the magical element compensate for the defects in your body?"

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Jin looks around his body again. His left hand. There is no scar on his thumb where he cut it with a knife in elementary school. Right shin. There are no dog bite marks. His back, which was burned by spilling hot water from a hot-water bottle, seems to be clean.

Jin checked and then realized that he was naked.

"Oh my god!"

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This reaction was natural, because even though the other party was an automata, she looked like a beautiful girl.

"Master? Dou sare mashitaka?"

Jin was even more embarrassed by the fact that the automaton was an automaton and looked at him anxiously without looking away.

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After wrapping a sheet around his body for the time being, Jin calmed down and thought about it again.

(Anyway, I was on the verge of burning to death ......, or almost burned to death, and the only reason I survived was because this girl me, right?)

(I heard that I can't go back to my original world, but I guess I'm already considered dead there, so I guess there's nothing I can do.)

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(I'm sure the director and the children of the orphanage will be sad. ...... sorry)

After thinking about this and that, Jin made up his mind.

"So, what exactly should I do?"

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he asks the automaton standing silently in front of him. Then he asks,

"Here, please help me!" he said.

Saying this, the automaton stands up and leaves the room. Jin followed, wearing only a sheet wrapped around his body. The lack of shoes was a concern, but the floor seemed to be carpeted, so his feet did not hurt.

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Jin walked out of the room he had been in to the corridor and observed the structure of the house. He had a general knowledge of the architecture.

The walls and ceiling are made of a milky white material. The texture is similar to quartz, and it glows dimly so that it is easy to walk around.

"Is this light magic?"

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I ask, and an automaton walks in front of me,

"Yes, it is. Aeterni yoru eikyuhakkou desu."

Another unfamiliar word came up, but Jin decided to refrain from asking any questions for the time being.

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As far as he could tell, the size of this was about the size of an elementary school in the city, Jin guessed rather vaguely. The automaton stops in front of a door.

"Kochira desu."

It was a massive door with precise carvings.

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"I will not be forced to do anything I don't want to do, and I will not be forced to do anything I don't want to do, and I will not be forced to do anything I don't want to do, and I will not be forced to do anything I don't want to do.


Jin boldly put his hand on the door and ......

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"......, it doesn't even budge."

"Master, please!"

He pushed the door open. I knew he was very nervous.

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"Okay, okay."

Blushing, Jin opened the door this time and stepped inside. The dimly-lit room suddenly became bright.


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The glare was startling for a moment, but when he realized that it was just a light, he regained his apparent composure and looked around the room.

It was a kind of study, with a simple but solid desk and chair, and on the desk was a large crystal ball the size of a watermelon. On the desk was a crystal ball the size of a watermelon and a book.

The only other thing there was a bookshelf and a bunch of books. Jin thinks that it was a study after all.

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The room looks as if it has been used by someone until now, with not a speck of dust on it, and it even feels fresh. Somehow, Jin sat down on a chair. Suddenly, his crystal ball began to glow.

"What is it?"

"Welcome, my successor."

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An old woman's face appeared in the crystal ball at the same time as the voice echoed.

"My name is Adriana Barbora Tsezi. I am a wizard and a mage. And the world's only Magecraft Meister.

"Okaasama desu!"

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The automaton standing behind Jin added. It seemed to be able to enter after the door was opened.

"I have been researching the connection between magic and tools. The culmination of my research is this laboratory. Sadly, my research has not been accepted by my fellow mages.

There is a hint of sadness in his voice.

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"But I believe that my research is meaningful. But I am afraid I will not be able to prove it in my lifetime.

There is a pause in his speech, but it is resumed.

"I would like to hand over everything I have built up to those who share my aspirations. How you use it is up to you, Successor. Please see the record for details.

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With that the voice ended, and the face in the crystal ball disappeared.

"Do you mean the book ......?"

He reaches for the book next to the crystal ball. As soon as his hand touches the cover, the book begins to glow .......

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The contents literally avalanche into Jin's head. It happened in an instant.


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When the light subsided, the book was no longer there, and Jin had become the rightful successor (Successor) of the Magecraft Meister, Adriana Barbora Zetsi.

"So this is magic. ......"

With the knowledge she had inherited, she was able to feel the magic contained in her body and understood how to use it. But also the dangers.

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"Thank you, Adriana Barbora Zetsi. I will surely put this power to good use.

Jin said to the crystal ball whose light had disappeared,

"This is what I want to do for you.

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With these words, the automata crumbled into pieces.