29 - 01-16 Collection

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Okay, I'll see you later.

Take care.

"Onii-chan ......"

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Jin has learned that magi crystals can be found in the mountains deep inside the village of Kaina, so he decides to go out for a serious collecting trip. Hannah stays at home because of the danger. Rock accompanies her.

"Bye, Tomo, have a good trip."

Don't hurt Jin!

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"I don't care if I get hurt. ......

Locke is the father of Mario, a good swimmer. He asked him to show him the way since it was off-season. He leaves Gon in the village and takes Gen on a hunting trip. Locke has brought his favorite bow and arrow.

"But, Jin is a magecraftsman, right? That's amazing."

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Rock mutters to himself as he watches Gen walking with his large pack.

"I once went to King's Landing to become a knight, but after less than two years I woke up from my dream and came back to the village.

"Is that so?"

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"I see. So I know a little about life in King's Landing, but I've never seen magic tools like the ones Jin made, and I've never seen a talking golem like Gon or Gen.

"Ah, ha-ha-ha."

"Well, you're going to have to leave the village sooner or later. That's for your own good. But it would be nice if you'd drop by the village once in a while."

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Jin looks as if he has seen something unusual as Locke speaks with such sincerity.

"Why, why, what's that look?"

"Well, I was just thinking that you are a surprisingly considerate person, Mr. Locke.

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"That may sound like a compliment, but it's not."

Locke says, but his eyes are still smiling.

"The people of Kaina Village are all good people. Of course, Mr. Locke..."

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"Of course, Mr. Locke," he says, "but that's okay. So you're going down into that valley at ......?"

The valley from the pass we came to. The valley where Hannah and I came from the other day.

"Yes. "Yes. Last time we went down a little bit, but this time we thought we would go further down.

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We had prepared a camp for the night. I gave it to Gen to carry.

"Okay, let's go down."

So the two of us and one of our companions carefully made our way down the valley. If there was a waterfall, we went around it, and Gen took care of the bushes.

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When it was well past noon, we arrived at an open area.

"Let's camp here."

Such a decision could only be made by Rock.

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We prepared to set up camp as he told us.

"First, we need to move the rocks and flatten them out. Gen, help me."


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I let Gen help, and soon the ground was level. Then they put up a pillar and supported it with string so that it would not fall down. A beam was placed on its side, and a large piece of cloth was placed over the beam.

The ground is first covered with cloth, then with furs, and a bed is made.

"Thanks to Gen's presence, we were able to bring all this stuff with us.

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It is so comfortable that it is hard to believe that we are only two people in the tent.

"All right, I'll get ready for dinner, and you go look for something.

"Okay, then."

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Jin leaves the preparation of the meal to Locke and begins to search for the ore.

"Ground Search".

After using the ground search magic here and there for a while, a big reaction appeared.

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"There it is!"

Jin shouts out, and Locke comes over to him.

"Oh, it looks like you found it.

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"Yes, I did. Then, Gen, dig here.


Jin tells Gen to dig a hole in the ground. Gen digs a hole with great vigor.

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"Wow, this is great!

The hole gradually became deeper and deeper. Gen stopped after about 3 meters. After about 3 meters, he stopped. Then, he brought out a big black rock.

"What is it? What's that? It's not a nice looking rock, is it?

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"It's iron ore.

We are running out of iron and copper for the village, so we need this.

Keep digging, Gen.

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"Yes, sir."

The last time Gon and I came here, the golem itself could not identify rocks because it had not yet been improved, but now it is different. Jin has given it limited knowledge, and it is now able to independently search for the materials it needs to some extent, except for special items.

Piles and piles of magnetite. Sometimes, brass ore is mixed in. A rock,

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but he was disappointed when Jin explained it to him.

We worked until late in the evening and were able to mine a considerable amount of ore. We sorted and stacked the ore. Gon and Gen will come back later to pick it up.

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"So you didn't find what you were looking for the most?"

Locke asks over dinner.

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

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The night comes early in the valley. After dinner, we do nothing but rest, leaving Gen to keep watch. Tired from the walk, we both fell asleep soon after.

The next morning, after breakfast, Jin again uses the ground search to find a vein of magi crystals.

Further down from the camp, he finally received a response.

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"Okay, then, Gen, please do it.

"I've got it!" "I've got it!"

As he had done yesterday, Gen dug into the ground. The first thing that came out was a yellow magi crystal with earthy properties. It was what Jin wanted.

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"Good, that's good. Keep digging.


After digging out two more yellow Magi crystals, nothing (except ordinary rocks) appeared for a while, but suddenly Gen's body shook and his movements stopped,

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"Master, tegakoire mashita."

Gen came up from the hole, showing his broken hand.

"What? Your hardened (hardening) hand is broken? ...... Could it be adamantite?

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Adamantite is the hardest mineral in the world. After entering the hole and examining the bedrock himself, Jin said,

"It is definitely adamantite. I didn't know it was in such a shallow place."

He muttered to himself and took out the water bottle from his waist,

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"Water jet".

The water jet cut through the vein of adamantite ore.

The ore he cut out in this way was not very large.

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"Well, we're lucky to find it in such a shallow place. We also got a bonus."

The bonus was that a small amount of mithril silver was found. This metal, called mithril silver or simply mithril, is the best conductor of magic. It is an isotope of silver. The usual silver isotope is 47 protons and 60 or 62 neutrons, but in mithril the neutrons are almost completely replaced by magic molecules. But in Mithril, neutrons are almost completely replaced by magicons, so it is possible.

But aside from that, we have found most of the materials we wanted, and we are ready to go home. Needless to say, Gen's hand was quickly repaired with engineering magic.

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"Are you done?"

"Yes, thanks to you I found something good."

"Okay, the days are short, let's go home."

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Then Locke's eyes light up.

"Mr. Locke?"

"Shh, be quiet."

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He shoves Jin out of the way and nicks an arrow to his bow. He grabs his bow and fires an arrow into the valley. A voice is heard saying..,

"Got him! It's a mountain lion!"

Rock ran toward the valley, and a few moments later, he pulled a big deer.

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"Look, a great catch! Let's take it home and dry it for meat.

Mountain lions are a valuable source of protein. We decided to take only the fragile mountain deer, our camping gear, and some ore, leaving most of our gear for later.

"But how could they stay in such a place in this season?

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Rock said as he looked at the mountain lion Gen was carrying.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah. Normally you'd have to go further north into the mountains to get one, but you're in luck.

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Normally, you have to be prepared to spend several days in the mountains to catch them. Jin was somewhat concerned, but his worries disappeared when he started thinking about how to use the ore he had found.