108 - - 05-17 Street of the common people

After leaving Reinhardt, Jin, Reiko and Erza came to the common people's area.

Jin was more interested in this area. The aristocratic area did not have the smell of life.

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Elsa also wanted to come.

"They didn't take me to see it even though I wanted to."

That's true. The connection between a baroness and a commoner is usually nonexistent. In this world, it's normal for women born into nobility to not be allowed out much.

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"Thanks to Jin-kun..."

She looks like ...... saying so.

From the outside, she looks like a young lady of noble birth and her escort. Reiko is not sure how she looks.

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"Oh, what's that?"

Erza points and asks Jin if the stall is unusual.

"Those are grilled skewers. They used to sell them in Potrock, didn't they?

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"I just saw it from afar. Meane and my grandfather didn't buy them.

Well, I guess they didn't think it was something a noblewoman would eat.

"Do you want some?"

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Erza nodded with a twinkle in her eyes. Jin said, "Okay,

"Reiko, can you get me two skewers?

She asked. Reiko holds the purse strings of Jin.

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Reiko answered "Yes" and went to the skewers store. She came back with two skewers in her hand.

She gives one to Erza and eats the other one by herself. The lunch at the restaurant had been too elegant and not enough for him.

"Ah, I liked the taste of pot-rock better..." he muttered to himself as he ate.

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Jin mutters to himself as he eats. Elsa, on the other hand, is eating her lunch in a very elegant manner, one bite at a time, while both of them are walking around the restaurant.

"But it's delicious. But it's delicious. And I've never eaten like this before.

Jin thinks that his nanny Meane would yell at him if she saw Erza eating the skewers while walking, but on the other hand, he also thinks that it's okay since Erza is happy.

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At that moment, he saw a foot sticking out from under Erza's feet. Erza, who was engrossed in the skewer, stomps on the foot.


the owner of the foot yelled out. He was a man about the same age as Jin, and he looked like he had a bad temper.

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"Hey, hey, miss, where are you looking?

He was at least a head taller than Elsa. The thug is looking down at us from above and shouting,

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I stepped on your foot. I apologize."

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Erza apologizes in her usual tone. The man seemed to be annoyed by Elsa's attitude,

"Oh, oh, you're just going to apologize and that's it? What else do you want me to do?

What else do you want me to do?"

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Elsa was going her own pace.

"I think I might have broken my leg. I'll get the money for it."

But then Erza says..,

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"Then I'll put on the vorheillet. Let me see your wound.

The man panicked,

"No, no, just give me the money and I'll go to the healer myself. Hey, little brother over there, you're the valet, right? What are you going to do about my daughter's misbehavior?

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He turned to Jin.

Jin thought it was time to leave,

"Erza, let's go. This guy is a cheater. He makes you step on his foot on purpose to get money from him.

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He tells her. But the man who was called a taker got angry.

"You've got to be kidding! Who are you calling a "takari"?

he shouted and hit Jin. But...

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His fist stopped 30 centimeters in front of Jin. This is the function of Jin's bracelet, a physical barrier. A barrier that would have protected even Reiko's attack (about 50 percent), and that a mere mortal couldn't break.

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"Hey, stop it already. You'll really get hurt this time."

He glared at Jin who said,

"Remember me!"

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With these words, the thug disappeared.

"You know, this is the reason why my grandfather and my nanny Meene-san don't bring Erza to places like this," Jin explains to Erza.

Jin explains to Erza.

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"There are people like that everywhere. So let's go home.

Jin thinks about Erza and suggests that they go back to the Marquis' house for a while. But Erza says

But Erza says, "I'm fine as long as I have the ring Jin gave me. So I just want to look around a little longer.

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Jin says, "We're almost there. Jin also says that they are almost there, and looks around. Maybe because of the fight earlier, there is no one around.

Deciding to walk around at random, Jin takes Reiko and Elsa with him and starts to walk to the main street.

There were many stores on both sides of the avenue.

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Stores selling ready-to-wear clothes, household utensils, and foodstuffs.

Jin found something familiar among the foodstuffs.

"Are these ...... potatoes?"

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He picks one up and looks at it. The color and the shape of the potato are clearly potatoes. I tried to analyze it secretly, but there was no doubt that it was a potato.

"Hey, brother, do you want to buy some?

The old man in the store asked him, so he bought a pile of them.

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"Yes, 50 dollars for a pile of topopo.

It was surprisingly cheap.

Since he didn't have a bag to put it in, he asked the guy to sell him a bag to put it in, and paid 70 Tall.

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"Jin-kun, are you going to eat that ......?"

Elsa asked anxiously looking at Jin's happy face.

"Yes, I do. I'll borrow the kitchen tonight and give it a try."

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"Is that, ...... if I'm not mistaken, <>?"

"It has a name like that? This is a genuine edible potato.

I would never eat them.

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For some reason, Erza is afraid of them, and distances herself from Jin. Seeing this, Jin handed the bag to Reiko.

Finally, Elsa came closer to Hitoshi.

They then went to a store selling cheap accessories and a store selling weapons for self-defense.

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Erza seemed a little interested in a slim dagger. However, when Jin secretly analyzed it, he found that it was just an inferior looking item.

So Jin dragged Elsa out of the store. When he told her this outside the store, she asked him,

"Really? I was a little curious because my mother had a dagger like that.

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Hearing this, Jin thought that if he had a chance, he would make one.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I'm a little tired.

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Erza is sitting on one of the benches scattered around the plaza in the middle of the main street. She had walked a long way, so it was understandable.

She finished the Citran juice she had bought at a street vendor and turned to Elsa,

"Well, let's go home.

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Erza nodded her head when Jin said so. The sun was setting and the wind was getting colder, so it was about time.

"Erza, are you cold?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine.

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"But the wind is getting colder, so I'll take this off your shoulders.

He put his own jacket on Erza's shoulders.

"Thanks. It's ...... warm."

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"If you catch a cold, Meane-san and Papycha-san will kill you.

Erza laughed and Reiko said, "I will protect your father.

The group walked down the main street toward the aristocratic district without getting tangled up with the common thugs.

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