307 - - 11-09 Emperor Shoro

After Jin finished his breakfast, he told Hannah and the others that he was going out again.

Hannah and the others came to see him off as he left the shelter again.

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Hannah and the others came to see him off. And Reiko, too.

Hanna, who now knows that Jin and Reiko will be back often, sends them off with a smile this time.

"Brother Jin, it's finally the Shoro Kingdom, isn't it?"

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Erza looks a little envious.

"Yes. I hope Erza will be able to go back there someday.

Jin showed his concern for her, as he knew she would want to return to her hometown.

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"Hmm... But it's a nice place. Besides, my mother will be with me."

"Yes, Jin-sama, please don't worry about it. The most important thing is that Jin-sama enjoys her trip.

Both Erza and Meane said this and showed concern for Jin.

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"Thank you. Then, please take good care of Barrow and Behrle.

"Yes, I'll take care of them.

Barrow and Behré were not here. They are staying at Jin's house because it would be troublesome if they knew that Jin was suddenly going from here to the Shoro Kingdom.

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It is too early to tell.

"Oh, yes. We are planning to build a lord's mansion or some sort of external building around here.

Jin explained what he had been thinking about yesterday. I don't have much time, so I'll try to be brief.

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The point is that when emissaries from the Kingdom of Klein come to visit, it would be bad if Jin's place of residence is shabby, so we are going to build something a little more splendid.

Elsa and Meene seemed to understand the political significance of this at least.

Well then...

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"See you later."

Jin departed once again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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...... and that's why.

Jin told the old man the same thing at Horai Island, which he visited as a relay.


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Jin did not think much about it, and he did not have much time left,

He only said, "I will leave it to you.

He said only "I will leave it to you" and gave one more instruction.

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"I think Behré's symptoms are due to fatigue, but just in case, please distribute the Persica juice to all the people in Kaina village.

We don't want a pandemic.

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Reassured by this, Jin passes through the warp gate.


The old man called in twenty smiths to help him.

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The old man started his activities to prepare the materials by then. First of all, he called up Butler A, Jin's deputy in Kaina village, and explained the situation.

* * * * * * * * *

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The time difference between Kyna and Tuscosia is about two hours. Jin left Kaina village at around 9:00 a.m. and was in Tuscosia at around 7:00 a.m. local time.

He was scheduled to leave at 8:00 a.m., but since he had not had time to see Tuscosia yesterday, he wanted to see the city, if only for a moment.

"The walls carved out of the rock are really impressive," he said.

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The fact that it seems to have been done by hand, without magic, also stirs the imagination.

"I wonder how many people worked on it.

Such mutterings were also heard.

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"The golems of Horai Island won't need three days. If it were me, I could do it in a day or so.

Reiko is saying next to me, but that's not what I mean.

I have never seen the Great Wall of China or the pyramids in person, but I feel the wisdom of people that such huge structures were built only by human power.

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When Jin explained this to Reiko, she seemed to understand what he meant, though only somewhat.

"You mean that you admire the ingenuity with which ...... a great task is accomplished with limited means?"

"Hmmm, well, it's enough if you take it that way."

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Jin, who knows that Reiko's senses are a little different from those of humans, is quite satisfied with that answer. But for now, it's all about the spectacle.

He has carved out a sandstone wall, built a staircase, turned it into a room, and left a window open.

And the skill with which they have carved out a vertical wall 10 meters high.

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It was a new experience for Jin to see the result of his non-magical great work.

As he was doing so, Reiko tugged at the hem of his dress.

When he turned around, he saw Reinhardt approaching.

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Claude is standing next to him with his luggage.

"Hi, good morning."

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Good morning. Seeing the sights?

"Yes. I still had some time to kill.

When Jin answered, Reinhard told Claude to take his luggage and go to the carriage.

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Then Claude left and no one else was in sight,

"Where are those two?"

He asked.

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"Yes, they took medicine and food, and had a hot spring bath, and they are fine now.

Jin replied.

This exchange would not have been understood unless one knew what he was talking about.

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I'm glad to hear that. I knew it was the right thing to ask Jin to do.

"Yes. If they want, we can bring them back here afterwards. For now, I'd like to let them relax.

Reinhard nodded.

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"Yes, that's right. "Well, anyway, today is the day we cross the border.

With these words, he started walking toward the wagon yard.

"Oh, Reinhard!"

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Matheus was already waiting for him at the wagon.

"I see you are with Mr. Jin. If you don't mind, let's get going.

"Yes, I will."

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Reinhardt got into his carriage as they were about to cross the border.

They entered through the main gate of the city and went straight through the central street. Jin thought that the gateway seemed to be located inside the city.

Just as he had imagined, he saw an imposing building in front of the gate. It was surrounded by a high wall with a sturdy-looking door.

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The carriage entered the building, and the sturdy-looking door was closed.

"Mister Jin, I need you to get out of the carriage.

Matheus' voice. Jin did as he was told and got out of the carriage. Reiko was with him.

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"The officials of the Kingdom of Celuloa will now check the documents," said Reinhard.

Reinhard said.

"Jin-dono, your identity is guaranteed by the diplomat of the Kingdom of Shoro, Reinhardt, and also by Captain Matheus, commander of the 3rd Company of the Kingsguard.

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Matheus also assured me of this.

True to his word, the examination was completed in a short time. It was disappointing that they did not inspect my belongings, but I was told later that it was a result of my .

"You made us spend a lot of money."

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Jin, who heard the truth after passing through the barrier, said,

"No, it's all part of the budget," Reinhardt laughed.

Reinhardt laughed.

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The group got back into the carriage and moved around the building. At the back of the building, there was a door similar to the one they had entered, and when he saw them, he opened it.

"Now, over there is my homeland!

From the carriage on the other side, we hear the joyful voice of Reinhardt.

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The group passes through the door. The high stone walls continue on both sides, but beneath the carriages there is a distinctly different colored cobblestone pavement.

The group continued on, and again there was a door, with about four guards in front of it.

Reinhardt stopped the carriage and presented some kind of certificate.

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The guards smiled at him and saluted him.

"Welcome home!