464 - - 14-15 incapacitation

It seems that a few powerful people and their families wield extra-judicial rights, which is the system of the Kingdom of Celuloa.

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The two people in front of me are the most selfish among them.

"It's not an old-fashioned ...... or even a dictatorship ...... city?"

It's not like a nation under the rule of law, Jin thought.

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"No wonder Stearina wants to run away ......."

"Anyway! Give me that knife!

The selfish girl was still yelling,

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"Elsa, come on, come to me!"

The selfish girl is talking nonsense.

"Jin, my brother ......"

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Jin sees a glint in Erza's eyes as she clutches his shoulder,

"Did he do something to you?"

Jin asked. Erza nodded silently. That was enough for Jin.

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"Stearina, you invited me here, but I don't want to see you again, do I?"

Stearina felt Jin's anger, but she was also very angry, so she nodded her head.

"Oh, for heaven's sake, just do it!

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Stearina, looking completely fed up with the Kingdom of Celuloa, shouted in a throwaway manner.

"...... girl, are those people bad people?"

"Yes, they are. Yes, they are. They are selfish and cause trouble for others.

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"My grandma always says that you should never do anything that makes people uncomfortable."

"That's right. They're idiots who don't know that. Hannah shouldn't be like that, okay?"

"Yes! I'll be a good girl!

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Hannah replied cheerfully and Jin patted her on the head.

Erza and Saki couldn't help but relax their cheeks at that mood.

However, the selfish siblings did not remain silent.

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"......Have it your way. You can say whatever you want to say to us. That's a crime punishable by death!"

"If you cry and beg for forgiveness, I'll spare your life, okay?"

Jin was fed up.

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"...... enough! How many people have you made cry like that?"

"Hmm. How many people have you made cry like that?

Jin's patience ran out at that tone. Reiko senses his anger and is already on the warpath.

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"Father, can I give those two idiots a lesson in reality?"

Reiko is a little angry at Edgar, her cousin, for hurting her.

"Oh. Poor thing, he had the misfortune to serve a stupid master. Let's disable all the automata.

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Jin gives his permission. < them, but them.

"Hey, you cheeky bastard! Go, boys! Let's tear that piece of junk to pieces!"

At the command of the selfish prince, ten guard automata attack Reiko.

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Reiko does nothing. She just waits and waits.

One of them held Reiko's torso, and one held her head. The remaining 8 grabbed both arms and legs in pairs.

"Ha-ha-ha! How's that! You can't do anything now! I'll tear you to pieces!"

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"...... You've got the worst taste in men, you know that?"

Jin looks at Albert with cold eyes. Erza, Hannah, Saki, and Stearina stand by his side.

Erza's SP is invisible again and has disappeared, but is still close by, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings. The same goes for Jin and Hanna's covert task force (SP).

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"Hmph, sore loser, huh? ...... you! Tear them apart!"

With that order, the ten automata guarding the ship put their power to the test. ...... but nothing happens.

"What's wrong? Don't be shy, okay?"

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But Reiko, who is about to be ripped apart into ten pieces, remains unconcerned.

"...... is that all you've got? I think it's time for us to go.

Reiko gives her body a twist. With that, the ten automata escorting her are sent flying away.

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Both Jin and Reiko had an idea of the automata's potential. They could tell by the output of the ether converter or the free magic furnace (ether driver) or the mana driver (mana driver).

I have faced many Golem automata in the past, including strong enemies, but this escort automata seems to be one of the weaker ones.

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I hate to use a bad analogy, but if Reiko kicked Edgar, he would be broken into pieces without a trace. And that too at about 40% power output.

"The automata guard, it's probably only as powerful as Edgar."

Unlike the golem, the automaton is designed to resemble a human being, so its power is secondary to that of a normal automaton.

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"Aether converter output, 30 percent.

It was thought that 20 percent would be enough, but Reiko, taking a precaution, gave 30 percent output and attacked her enemy.

The weak point of automata, generally speaking, is their heads.

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The neck is not strong enough to resemble a human, and the visual information is obtained only through the two eyes.

Based on these two points, the neck is the most effective point of attack to incapacitate the human.

Many combat golems do not even have heads to be destroyed, but automata are different.

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This is a neck throw in which the head of the opponent is thrown over the opponent's head like a frontal jump, and the opponent is thrown backward while landing on his/her back.

If he did this to a human, he would break his neck. The same goes for automata. First of all, the head of one of them turns to the wrong direction and its action stops.

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Normally, when the doll loses its visual information, in other words, when it cannot see, it is designed to make an emergency stop in order to prevent the doll from running out of control or other dangers.

However, the second and later automatons were wary of the attack, drew their swords, and thrust out their shields.


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Reiko grabs the shield carelessly and twists it inward. The automaton's stance was easily broken by Reiko's power.

Reiko immediately grabs the automaton by the arm and slams it to the ground with an "arm throw. When it turned over on its back, he kicked it in the face, causing its head to crumple and the second automaton to stop.

About 10 seconds have passed so far.

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The remaining eight jumped at her at once. Reiko jumped diagonally forward.

Reiko escapes from the encirclement by kicking one of them in the face with her knee. Naturally, one of them is disabled.

"Now let's try this. ......<"

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It is one of the subjugation magic developed by the Unification Party (Unifiler) in the past. It cannot be prevented unless it is equipped with the shield structure that Jin and his group have made practical.

If all the information in the control core is erased, the automata will naturally be stopped. Three automata were stopped by this method.

Seeing that more than half of the automata had already been deactivated, the selfish siblings looked at each other with wide-eyed amazement.

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In the meantime, another automaton was disabled. Now there are only three left.

"The speed is too fast!"

Jin and his companions watched Reiko's fight with ease... in less than 30 seconds, the 10 automata guarding them had been reduced to three... So...

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"Brother! I'll let my automata join you! Go to ......! You will attack them over here!"

Beatrix, the selfish princess, gave the order to attack Jin and the others.

But all of them have already deployed their barriers. No automata can break through it.

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"Why? Why can't we catch them?

The automaton guards are blocked about 30 centimeters in front of Jin and the others, and their fists and kicks are out of reach. The same is true even if he pulls out his sword and slashes at them.

"...... depresses me."

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He even pulls out his sword and slashes at me, which means he clearly intends to kill me.

Son of a b*tc*!

Jin was further angered by the way he was dragging Hannah into the fray. He thought about ordering the covert task force (SP) to take action, but then decided to do it himself.

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A beam of light extends from Jin's bracelet and pierces the chest of the automata guarding him. It penetrates the control core without passing through. It was a sight only the Magecraft Meister Jin could have achieved.

One after another, all eight automata stopped, their control cores destroyed.

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"Oh, my God! Who the hell are you?

"...... you have no name."

Jin says coldly.

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Saki and Stearina had never seen Jin so angry, but not Erza.

I haven't seen Jin this angry since the fight with the Unifilers," she thought. And Hannah remembered Jin when he was surrounded by Count Walter's soldiers.

Reiko, too, had finished disabling all ten of the automata guarding her.

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"Well, are you still going to do it?"

Jin glared at me. To be honest, the baby-faced Jin's glare was not that powerful, but the selfish siblings were blue in the face after having 18 automata wiped out in less than two minutes.

"You dare to touch me! Father won't stand for it!

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I'm a princess! Do something! I'll make you a wanted man!

The two of them still don't feel sorry for each other. But...

"...... Well, I guess all the fun and games are over, huh?"

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"...... Andro?"

Andro, Beatrix's boy chaperone, takes a step forward.