540 - - 16-19 And Return

"......You said you've been asleep for 300 years, that 700 672."

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Vivienne started to speak softly.

"It coincides with the magic wars. Perhaps ......, but it's quite probable that it was the that caused the discord between the humans and the demons."

"Yes, you could say that."

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700672 said something like that, and Stearina agreed with him.

"So, if we defeat the negative dolls, will the conflict between demons and humans stop?

Reinhard answered.

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"Only if you can prove it and if you can believe what that <<700672> says.

He added that hatred is a hard feeling to get rid of.

"I don't know if I'm ...... blurring it on purpose or if it's unconscious, but..."

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Elsa questions.

"I can't get a picture of the person who is her .

I don't know if it's singular or plural, she said.

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The old man said so and decided to ask the question through Ann.

* * * * * *

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"You mean ...... my master?

The 700672 closed his eyes and tried to bask in the nostalgia, but then he opened his eyes again and began to speak.

"It was about 5,000 years ago by this planet's calendar when the masters and I landed here. ....... At that time, there must have been about 1,000 masters.

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Each of the masters had one or two followers.

"Therefore, when I say in the singular, I am referring to my master alone. <, I am referring to all of my master's companions.

Jin and the others on Horai Island agreed with this answer.

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"In other words, it was who made the <, and it was who made the <."

"I understand. What is your master's name?

"I do not have the authority to say it ......, nor do all servants. It seems that names were sacred to the masters."

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Again the 700672 closed his eyes tiredly.

Neige silently pulls the covers over her body.

Reiko, Anne, and Alectus moved away from the bed for a moment.

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"I think we know most of what we need to know for now, don't you?

Reiko said and Anne nodded.

"Yes. I'm sure you are interested, but we can talk about that at a later time. For now, we have to deal with the negative dolls.

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"Hmmm... Then there is one more thing: how can we disable the needle ...... or the <>?

"That would be good."

After a short pause, Alexus slowly approaches the bed. Neige looks up.

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"I'm sorry. I just have one more thing I need to know."

"...... I know. <
"Then we'll talk quickly. Please, tell me.

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Of course. Of course. At least the controls for what I've built are here. It's in the next room. I'll have Neige show you. But if < made something else, ...... we don't know."

...... means that can also make an .

"Fine. We will liberate our clan first, and then the other clans as we go along."

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"Hmmm, I see. ...... Neige, tell him. *? It's the $&D# number."

Neige walks away without hesitation, though the words she doesn't understand are mixed in. Then she silently pointed to a certain magi device. It was a different device from the one Reiko and the others had just neutralized.

"I see...this is it..."

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It has three large windows and eight small windows.

"Here, do this."

Neige operated two small levers and four small buttons, and the three large windows went dark. It seems to have stopped.

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"It's all right now."

Neige ran back into the small room and sat down beside No. 700672.

"Thank you, <> Servant 700672."

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From a short distance away, Alexas bowed.

"No, don't worry about it, it was our fault. Be careful with ...... and don't underestimate the <>. That is all I can say. If I could, I would destroy <>, but I don't think I can ......."

No. 700672 said weakly.

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"I wish I could tell you where <> is located, but ...... probably not one that I know of. I can't help you in that regard.

"I see, I'm sorry. ...... Oh, that's right."

As I was about to leave, I asked her about something else that had just occurred to me.

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"There were many traps on the way here.


No. 700672 tilted his head. Anne explained about the road to here.

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"I see. From what I've heard, most of them were set by <>. He comes and goes by way of transference, so I guess it doesn't matter if there are traps or not."

"Ah, I see. ......"

From a trap such as chlorine, which is new to this world, to a simple pitfall, and even a golem, I couldn't help but feel a bit disconnected.

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I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place, but now I know why.

"Was it a trap that was added after the fact, ignoring the comings and goings?"

"Probably. Moreover, they must have added it over time. The only thing that was there originally was a bulkhead.

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Reiko, Ann, the old man and Jin understood.

"Oh, and then..."

As if remembering, No. 700672 added.

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"If you want to go outside, look for the ceiling of the passageway leading out of the window room. There should be a shaft that leads directly to the surface. If there are fallen ones (fallers), they will probably be able to get through.

He advised us to "look for a shaft that leads directly to the surface. And then,

"Good luck with the Fallen."

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With these words, the 700672 closed its eyes again.

"I'm sure I'll be back."

Reiko gently patted Neige on the head and left the room. Neige may be older than Reiko, but she does not care.

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As the three of them leave the white room, the door closes without a sound.

"I guess a homunculus doesn't need to eat.

Reiko muttered.

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"Yes, lady. Perhaps. It can exist only with free magical element (ether), can't it?"

"If that's the case, the "Aether Stampede" may have had a great impact on the homunculus as well. The reason why they stopped waking up is also ......."

Anne stopped as she turned to go back the way she had come.

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"There is a possibility that ......<> will come back here. The other sites were unknown to 700672, so we'll have to take some kind of action."

"Certainly. But what should we do?

At that moment, I received a call from the old man.

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"......Oh, I see. ......Yes. ...... got it."

The old man said that he would send 10 lands and 10 craftsmen (smiths) by transporter after this.

The role of the craftsmen (smiths) is, of course, to analyze the magical tools and devices (magi devices) here.

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Alectus had a quizzical look on his face because he had no idea that Reiko and Anne were making such a communication, but it was not yet time to inform them, and the group left the window room.

"Vertical hole......<......I see, there it is."

Instead of searching by blind guess, Reiko searched for the cavity with <> and found a cavity in the ceiling about 5 meters down the passage.

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There is no doubt that there is a handrail or a step-like depression carved on the wall side.

<, but there was no sign of a trap.

"Well, let's go there."

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Alectus climbs up to the ceiling along the railing. He touches what appears to be a hatch, and it opens, just like the door to the white room.

"<>...... No, is it a passage that only those who have the blood of the founder can use?"

The walls of the shaft, which was about one meter in diameter, had a spiral staircase. It was about 50 centimeters wide, but we could manage to climb it by turning our bodies sideways.

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After climbing up the stairs for about 20 meters, we came to a small room about 3 meters square. When the three of us stood in the room, the hatch of the shaft was closed.

Reiko and Anne, referring to Jin's knowledge, guessed that this small room was the so-called airlock.

"Probably, the other side of this door is already outside.

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Once outside, Alectus looked back, wondering if he would be able to visit again.

The room was empty and deserted, but for some reason he felt a sense of regret.

"Mr. Alectus, please..."

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Anne's voice brings him back to himself, and he touches the door.

The door to this room opened with that touch.

The cold air from outside poured in. Alectus adjusts the collar of his dress. His breath is white. The temperature seems to be below freezing.

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It is night now, and it is pitch black.

"Capricorn 1 is over there."

Reiko, who had been looking through the darkness, pointed in one direction.

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The three of us walked in that direction.

The wards that had been so difficult to get around were now gone, and the three of them were able to return to Capricorn 1 without any problems.