547 - - 16-26 Agricultural Reforms

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Seeing that Marikka was not going to be of much use at the moment, Jin decided to give the golem some rudimentary knowledge of engineering magic as well, so that they could maintain each other and keep in good shape.

This is to keep them in good shape and to keep them in good working order with each other.

First, he activates the first one.

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The master-slave system, which determines the chain of command, is the same as the one used in the village of Kaina, and targets an unspecified number of members of the <> clan.

This method targets all the clans in the knowledge of Marikka, who is the representative of the clan. If there are new members, they can be added through introductions from the clans.


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"...... hold still. I'm setting up the golem's chain of command now."


Marikka is still chewing, but Jin doesn't care, and uses <> and <>.

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"That's it, <>."


The golem rises. At 2 meters tall, it is reasonably large and powerful.

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"Oh, no!"


It seems to be a shocking scene to see a lying Golem get up for the first time.

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"It's amazing even if you know it's amazing,......."

Radeous was also taken aback by the majesty of the golem.

The <> clans had golems, but the <> clans did not. They have followers like Netros and Lucas to take their place.

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"This is a golem that will be asked to do mainly farming. Let's call it ......<>."

Named after agriculture, of course.

"This is ."

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"Hi, I'm ."

"You can speak ......?"

Yes, and I'm going to make 19 more of the same model. Ugly 1, help me.

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Yes, sir.

It was no surprise that I had given him a rudimentary knowledge of engineering magic, and it only took him an hour to make the next four.

Reiko and five others helped him complete fifteen of them in one hour. The skill of the workers left the onlookers speechless.

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Istaris and Zion, who had been watching with curiosity, seemed to realize once again what kind of people they had been under the care of.

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"Shu,shugo...... great job, Jinshama."

Marikka was so nervous that she kept chewing. Jin looked at her warmly.

Marikka, you are still new to engineering magic. I have given these s some rudimentary knowledge of engineering magic, so if you feel up to it, you can learn a lot from them.

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"Hi, hi. Thank you very much.

Maricka was not satisfied. I heard later that she is younger than Zion. No wonder.

< 1 to 20, Jin (his double) took a little late lunch and immediately resumed his work.

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Since Jin himself and the old man were taking turns to control the doll, they could work virtually without a break.

Now it was time to build the greenhouse.

"...... how to replace the glass?

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The village of Kaina is close to the source of muscovite, but it is not available here.

Instead, transparent zirconia (zirconium dioxide) is produced in large quantities and processed into window glass and cups.

"This would be a good export: ......"

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He thought, "This could be a trade item, since it is rarely found on the Laurentian continent, where humans live.

"I see, that would be great."

We don't have to go to the trouble of making glass, we can just get a cheap transparent material. Zirconia has a melting point of over 2,700 degrees Celsius and a hardness of 8 to 8.5 on the Mohs scale, It is also tough and can be used to make cut glass.

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But for now, the first thing to do is to build a greenhouse.

Jin asked Lorona to select a suitable place, and together with Ugly and others, he made a framework out of light silver.

Then, zirconia plates were fitted into the framework.

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"Oh, so this is the greenhouse.

Jin built three greenhouses, each measuring 3 meters by 6 meters.

Radeous and Lorona were impressed by the warmth when they entered the greenhouses.

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"It sure is warm. But won't it get cold at night?

Lorona is very perceptive. < clan have a structure that lets in sunlight for warmth, although it cannot be called a greenhouse. I guess this is a matter of accumulated experience.

"Yes, that's why we install heaters.

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"Heater, huh?

Fortunately, this area is rich in free magical element (ether). I was able to make a heater with a simple structure and high efficiency.

The problem, however, is the thermostat.

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"Istaris told me that you have a magical device that senses temperature, right?"

"Yes, you mean a cold/heat indicator.

Rorona answered and pointed to the wall of the workshop.

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"That's the same thing."

There was a translucent plate fitted in a round wooden frame, which at first glance seemed to be a hand mirror. It turned red when it was hot and white when it was cold.

"I wonder how it works?"

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Reiko checks on behalf of Jin (a double doll). Reiko's analytical and analytical skills are superior to Jin's. "It's probably demon's leather.

"Is it a demon's leather?

"It is close. <

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It is reddish brown in summer and white in winter as a protective color.

"Well, it's not that easy to use."

Jin eliminated it from the list of candidates, since it seems to be quite difficult to incorporate it into a magical tool.

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"...... and, then, a temperature sensor after all. ......"

There are many other things besides thermometers that can be used as a temperature indicator. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius (at 1 atmospheric pressure), and metals have a fixed melting point (which does not depend much on atmospheric pressure).

In Reiko's case, she uses a highly pure magi crystal (magi crystal of ) as a sensor to detect temperature.

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Magi crystals of < always radiate weak magic power, but the amount of the radiation changes depending on the temperature, and this is used to detect changes in temperature.

However, it is not always the case that the temperature is 0 degrees Celsius, so it is necessary to perform what is called < at a reference temperature.

Also, the reproducibility is poor if the purity is low.

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In the case of Reiko, the temperature at which water freezes = 0 degrees Celsius, the temperature at which water boils = 100 degrees Celsius, Jin's favorite bath temperature = 43 degrees Celsius (he likes it hot), and the temperature at which water boils = 100 degrees Celsius. and Jin's favorite temperature for tea = 62 degrees Celsius (for cat's tongue).

The high purity of magi crystals is so rare that it is difficult to use them in a general thermometer.

"Well, it's not like we're going to make so many of them, and there seems to be plenty of mineral resources in the Magi territory.

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Jin takes out three of the purest magi crystals (magi crystals with the ) as possible from among those prepared.

"Here, do this: ....... "

"Jin, what are those?"

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Zion looked into Jin's hand and asked.

"It's a temperature sensor. ...... put this one over here like this. "

Combined with another magecrystal, the heater is assembled.

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The heater is completed when it is assembled into the light silver housing.

"Mr. Lorona, this heater heats up when it gets cold and stops when it gets warm.

Jin explains in simple words.

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By now, Rorona, Radeous, Marikka, Istaris, and Sion were all aware of what Jin was doing and were half impressed and half dumbfounded.

"Ah, yes! So we can install this in the greenhouse!"

"I see, so this is how Mister Jin made it possible to grow crops even in winter."

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Still, Rorona and Radeous understood Jin's intentions.

"This is a start. We can add more greenhouses to ......."

"Yes, so we can eat fresh vegetables even in winter.

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"I'm looking forward to it!"

Theon's face lights up.

"Now all we have to do is to increase the area of cultivated land.

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It is only natural, since they now have more labor power in the form of golems for farming.

"Let's consider cultivating the land tomorrow.