726 - - 21-38 Separated

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January 14.

Jin, Reinhard, and Erza go to the Shoro Imperial Palace.

The purpose is to report on the expedition and to finish it.

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The finishing touches were, of course,

"I acknowledge Sir Jin Nido as the ."


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With these words of the Shoro Empress, Jin Nidor is recognized by all the nations with which he has contact.

The Kingdoms of Selroa and Franz have also given their recognition, albeit only verbally, so that Jin can now proudly call himself <>.

"Thank you very much."

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Jin then presented the same map to the emperor as the one he had given to the other countries.

The emperor's eyes widened when he saw the map, and he handed it to the vizier standing next to him. She then thanked Jin for the gift.

Kunlun-kun, thank you very much for the precious map.

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Next, diplomat Reinhardt gave his report.

"I think we have achieved all our goals this time. I have compiled the details in my report.

The results of the mission were as follows,

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1. Approval was obtained for regular trade with the Kingdom of Elias by ship.

2. We obtained permission to use the port of the Kingdom of Egelea as part of the trade route.

3. I obtained permission from the Kingdom of Egelea to trade with the Kingdom of Klein by way of the Naudalia River.

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This is the end of his achievements as a diplomat. Next,

1. He gave the Kingdom of Elias technical guidance on shallow-bottomed vessels for transportation, and raised the stock of the Shoro Kingdom.

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2. He gave the same technical guidance to the Kingdom of Egelea for shallow-bottomed vessels, and raised the stock of the Shoro Kingdom.

3,Advised the Kingdom of Elias to the Kingdom of Klein regarding aid.

4. He proposed many improvement plans for the trade using ships.

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He also made technical achievements.

The latter, however, was done in collaboration with Jin and Elsa.

"Thank you, Reinhard and Erza, for your hard work.

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After receiving words of thanks from the empress, Jin and the others left the room.

The details will be given in the report. Any unclear points would be discussed the next day.

"Well, that's it for today. We can take it easy."

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Since we were supposed to have continued traveling by airship, they let us go after half a day.

"Hmm. Speaking of which, how are the Fritz brothers doing?"

I'm sure the Horaijima Air Force is watching us from a very high altitude.

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"Let's hurry back and try to get there."

Still in the courtyard of the palace, Jin omits the word <> because he doesn't know who is listening.

"Nah, I agree."

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Erza nods in agreement.

First, they take the airship to Jin's residence.

"Welcome back, Jin-sama, Erza-sama. Welcome, Mr. Reinhardt.

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Barrow welcomes us. It seems that he has already made himself at home in this house.

One of these days I'm going to ask him if he prefers to stay here or in the village of Kaina.

Be that as it may, Jin and the others had lunch prepared by Behré and then moved to Horai Island.

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"Old man, how is the old Leonard's Kingdom survey team doing?"

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The "Mere Old Man" gave a brief report of the survey team he had observed from a high altitude.

"I see, you found containers of gold and adamantite at the Botsuffa site or something like that?"

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"...... what do you think, Reinhardt?"

Jin asked Reinhardt's opinion.

"Well, it doesn't feel right to just take out the things that were stored in such a place.

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"Well, I think so too."

Erza agreed with Reinhardt.

"......It's good to see that my brother Fritz is doing well. Gloria is also safe. But I'm still wondering about those ruins."

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"Me too. I hope you weren't blinded by the value of the container and unleashed a disaster.

"Yes, keep an eye on them."

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Jin instructed the old man to pay more attention to them.

* * * * * *

Morning of the 15th.

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After a quick breakfast, the team was about to backfill the hole where they had dumped the contents of the container when Jade Nephroy had an idea.

As they were about to backfill the hole where they had dumped the contents of the container, Jade Nephroy had an idea.

"Let's try something. Let's see what happens if we dump the contents of the gold container here.

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Mysterious liquid and mysterious viscous fluid. Everyone wanted to know what would happen if they mixed them, and no one objected.

"Well, let's give it a try."

They bring one container into the depression and make a small hole in it. Carefully, so as not to get any on his body, he poured a small amount of the liquid inside into the hole.

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The liquid, which could dissolve iron, was absorbed into the viscous fluid without any problems. And the viscous fluid showed no change.

"Then, we can dispose of it, can't we?"

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When he informed the captains of the results, they all nodded their heads.

"Let's keep one for the alchemist and empty the rest.

The captains agreed to leave one for the alchemist and empty the rest.

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It took some time because of the hazardous materials, but all the contents of the 48 containers were disposed of into the hole.

"Okay, now we just need to bury them."

As the others were packing up the tent, Fritz suddenly shouted.

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"Rock wolf! Watch out!

At the same time, blood sprays. Fritz draws the longsword on his back and cuts one down.


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A female knight, caught off guard, is attacked.

Get down!

It was Gloria who saved her. She too had just slashed a rock wolf with her favorite sword.

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We're surrounded!

She was surrounded by a pack of rock wolves. There were about 50 of them.

Except for the two that I cut down, they didn't attack suddenly, but surrounded them, listening to what was going on.

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"Everyone, draw your swords! Form a circle!

Fritz calls out. Bernardo, the captain of the Kleinian survey team, and Bruno, the captain of the Egelea survey team, followed his instructions.

They form a circle with the two young female knights and Jade Nephroy in the middle.

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The rock wolves were slowly closing in on the encirclement.