731 - - 21-43 Silent Story 39 In the Kingdom of Celluloa

One day in the Kingdom of Cerroa.

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"What? <

Richard Valois de Cerlois, King of Cerlois, snickered.

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"You claim ownership of a small, insignificant island. Fine, let him have it."

"May I?"

"Of course. The Kingdom of Cerroa is not worth worrying about such a small island that will blow away in the wind.

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Richard was in a good mood that day.

Yesterday, a map of the country by <> had been completed.

"Hmmm, Lake Asur looks like this. And the Naudaria River flows like this, the Asur and Torres Rivers meet here, and our capital, Esia, is located at ......."

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The map, of course, also depicted parts of the kingdoms of Egelea, Shawlo, Franz, and Klein.

"Here's the fort ......, this will make it easier for us to plan our tactics."

Richard Valois de Celluloix was in a good mood in front of the newly completed map.

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One day.

"You wanted to see me, my lord?"

Kneeling in front of Richard is Knut Amont, the director of the food agency. His status as an official is low middle class, but due to the recent food shortages, he is being summoned more and more often.

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"Knut, how is the food supply?

"Yes, my lord. According to your recent announcement, I have ordered the local officials to collect taxes on a temporary basis. Soon enough wheat will be delivered to all the inhabitants of the capital, Esire.

Well done.

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Well done. - Thank you.

Knut Amonth, with the king's permission, had imposed a heavy tax of eight crowns and two peasants, especially in the Korin region. The state would take 80% of the harvest.

The Korin region was originally called the Kingdom of Korin. It was annexed 200 years ago in a manner that was akin to an invasion.

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Therefore, the Korin region was considered one level lower than the other kingdoms.

Similarly, the eastern region of Libus was created by the annexation of the Kingdom of Libus 100 years ago, but this region had a nomadic population, and taxes were mainly on wool, which was not suitable for food procurement.

However, as if not to spoil the situation, the wool tax was raised at 40% of the normal rate, and the residents were becoming increasingly dissatisfied.

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Then one day...

"My lord, Eckert's big ship has been seized."

"Hm, go on."

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"Hm, go on." "Yes. When we caught him coming back from a test cruise, we asked him to give us his ship, and he said that he had been given it <>. He said that he had to pay 10,000 tokens for the ship, because it would have damaged his prestige.

"Hmm, that's quite a feat, isn't it?"

"Yes. And he also gave us the docks where the ship was built, the crew, and most of the ship's crew.

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Well done. I commend you.

Thank you.

One day...

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"What, they found a bunch of golems in the ruins of Leonard's kingdom?"

Yes. I got a call from the agent who infiltrated the kingdom of Egelea.

"Hmmm... ....... I didn't know there were still such ruins. I don't like the idea of letting his country take possession of them. Send troops from our country.

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Yes, sir.

* * * *

"......It's all over now. ......"

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In the town of Kupu, on the southern edge of the Kingdom of Selroa, a man was decaying.

His name was Eckart Tekles.

He was a prosperous merchant in the town of Kupu.

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However, the state has seized the great ship <>, which he had built with all his passion and wealth.

At the same time, the house and the servants, including the dock where it was built, were also taken away.

They were paid only 10,000 Tol (about 100,000 yen).

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The sailors, too, feared the soldiers who had been sent, and most of them went on to serve their country with the ship.

No one was allowed to argue. What could a merchant say in front of more than 500 soldiers?

"Eckart-sama, please cheer up!

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The one who consoled the dejected Eckart was Altaf, the magecraftsman in his employ. However, it was actually Regulus 50, the fifth line (Quinta) created by Jin.

"My Lady, my little one..."

The wife of Eckert, Paulette, and the son, Michel, are accompanied by Altaf's wife, Gjenner, who is in fact the fifth column. She was Deneb 30 of the 5th Quinta.

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Now only they, the 5th Quinta, are attached to the fallen Eckert family.

"...... Thank you. Why don't you guys leave ......?"

Altaf smiled as he thanked Eckart without effort.

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"We do not belong to the Kingdom of Celuloa. We have no feelings for this country.

"Well, why don't we go to the Kingdom of Shoro?"

Gjenner followed him.

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"Shoro Imperial ......?"

"Yes. Vivienne and Stearina are also in exile.

Exiled, or ......?

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I know people in that country. What's the use of staying here forever?


Altaf and his friends were right, he had no desire to stay in this country. He was not born here in Kupu, but in Watos, in the interior, so he had no desire for the land either.

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Paulette called to him and Eckart stood up slowly.

"...... Yes, I know. I still have you. If the three of us can manage to eat in another country, that's all that matters.

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Altaf and Gjenner had a golem with them, which carried the group's luggage and made the journey easier.

This golem was, of course, Smith 40, a craftsman (smith) golem made by Jin.

They traveled 160 kilometers westward along the coast for five days until they arrived at a town called Izol.

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Across the Border River, which flows to the west of the town, is the Shoro Kingdom.

However, there were no towns or villages on the other side of the river.

There is a village called Kiin about 30 km to the north, but before that, the first problem was how to cross the river.

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Unauthorized border crossing is a serious offense. There are border guards patrolling along the river, and if they find you, they will arrest you immediately. According to the law of the Kingdom of Cerroa, it is a life-time job.

"Let's cross in the middle of the night."

Altaf said simply, and Eckart could only nod anxiously. Paulette also looked worried.

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Don't worry, we'll be there to shield you in case of emergency.

Gjenner consoled the Eckert family's anxiety with these words.

And true to his word, the group crosses the Border River safely on a raft that Altaf had made.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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On the island of Horai, the old man had been receiving regular communications from the 5th Quintiles, Altaf and Gjenner, and was already formulating a plan.

Also known as <>. It is a proverb meaning that even a solidly built embankment can collapse because of a small hole made by an ant.

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After Stearina and Vivian, we now come to Eckert Tekres.

The old man wanted to remind the current King of Celluloid, Richard Valois de Celluloid, slowly how much the loss of human resources is to a nation.

* * * * *

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January 19, 3458.

"Defectors from the Kingdom of Cerloa, you say?"

The Empress of Leusert received word from the town of Simos on the shores of Lake Wass.

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"Yes, he is a merchant who has developed a ship as large as the <>."

"I've heard his name from Jin-kun. I've heard that he's an excellent merchant. Invite him to Leuthart.

Eckardt and his party arrived safely in the Shoro Kingdom.

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They became the third, fourth, and fifth foreigners to be registered in Shawlo, following Stearina and Vivienne.