832 - - 24-18 A tough opponent

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Late at night on the 9th, the old man sent Shinobi I and Shinobi II out on a transporter.

Neither the golem nor the old man knows the difference between day and night. The same may or may not be true of the place where they are to sneak in. After all, it is deep in the earth where there is no sun.

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>, and it is reasonable to set it to the day of the planet.

The time is the 10th day after the date on Horai Island. The time is around 11:00 p.m. on the 9th at the Eldorado Mine.

The two sent in immediately deployed and disappeared.

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Naturally, they left the room where command 2 had placed the marker. The old man was right in judging that the room was vacant.

As soon as the Lao you had received the visual information from Shinobu 1, your vision went completely black.

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The Master asked Shinobu Nii, who had been watching the surroundings, to check on Shinobu I. Then, he found that Shinobu I was in the room.

Then, he saw a hemispherical metal structure about one meter in diameter lying on the ground where Shinobu I was supposed to be. Shinobuichi immediately moved to the ceiling, hid himself in a corner, and looked around.

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The metallic structure seems to be made of mithril silver or some similar material, and Shinobu I seems to stay still without exerting himself.

<......You were seen, after all. So you set a trap and waited for him.

Even if they saw you, it was only for a few tenths of a second, but you were able to find out what happened in such a short time and prepared this trap.

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The old man thought that he should try to find out who his opponent was. So, he instructed Shinobi 1 to remain still.

At the same time, he ordered Shinobu II to continue to observe as much as possible.

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When he looked closely at the person who was covered with the metal hemisphere, he found that it was a golem-like humanoid being with a metal outer covering.

If it is a golem, it has a very fast reaction time and has eyes to see outside of the visible light range, which is equivalent to that of Jin's golem.

However, since it does not seem to have noticed Shinobu Nii stuck to the ceiling, it does not seem to have any detection method other than visual detection.

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When Shinobu-2 looked at him and wondered how he was going to take Shinobu-1 out of the bowl, he seemed to have used engineering magic <>, and the hemisphere turned into a sphere while keeping Shinobu-1 trapped inside.

The old man was impressed by the other party's method, saying that it could be applied to the security in Horai Island.

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At the same time, he renewed his awareness that this is an enemy that cannot be taken off guard. Then, he checked his remarks.


There is no particular way to deal with such a person, and I have no experience. The only way is to work it out theoretically.

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The existence of the < is already known. So, he concluded that he should try not to give any more information to his opponent, and at the same time, he should try to get some information from his opponent.

Meanwhile, the spherical metal trap was carried by the mysterious golem. Shinobu Nii was following the trap from a distance of about 10 meters.

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The golem entered the room at the end of the corridor, opening the door. The door closes, and Shinobu-2 can no longer see inside.

The old man gave these instructions.

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Obediently, Shinobu-2 decided to take the branch that was in the middle of the passage.

He walked along the edge of the floor as inconspicuously as possible. Of course, he did so in an state.

Shinobu-2 continued to walk down the passage.

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The room at the end of the corridor was called the "room at the end of the corridor".

Meanwhile, Shinobu Ichi was brought into the room at the end of the corridor, and felt the metal covering his surroundings suddenly disappear.

No, it did not disappear exactly, but the sphere became flat due to <>.

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Shinobu Ichi did not move, but watched for an opportunity.

His body suddenly became heavy. It must be gravity magic, because his weight increased 100 times and he could not move.

"Hmmm, is there an engineer who can make such a precise golem?

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Someone looked at Shinobu Ichi and murmured.

The figure captured from the edge of a wide field of view has a look similar to that of No. 700672. But...

(Automata (automata) ......?)

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It was not biological, but inanimate, and it was obvious at a glance that it was an automaton.

"Can you talk?

But Shinobu I did not understand the intention of the question, so he decided to keep silent.

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"Hmmm, are you being cautious? Well, that's all right then. I will dismantle you and extract information from your control core.

If that happens, information about Jin and Horai Island will be revealed. Without hesitation, Shinobu I used the transfer device.

No matter how many G's were applied, the transporter was unaffected.

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Right in front of the eyes of the mysterious automata, Shinobu I disappeared.

"Disappeared? You mean to say it has a transporter? ....... The only person who has that kind of technology would be Jin Nido, who is called <>."

The mysterious automaton concluded.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Shinobi 2 heard from the old man that Ichi had escaped.


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The old man reminded him to activate the other defense function, <>.

Shinobu Nii went down the passageway with great caution.

Since he was only five centimeters tall, the speed of his progress would be negligible if he proceeded slowly.

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At any rate, since the visual information was transmitted to the old man without any problem, it was certain that the structure of the corridor and the room was the same as that of No. 700672. The room and the corridor are the same technical system as No. 700672.

The old man, who is the brain of Horai Island, guesses several reasons. 1.

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1. It is an automaton that only looks like an automaton.

2. They are remotely controlled automata like Lao Tzu and Machina.

3. the creator preferred automata to artificial creatures.

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4. for some reason, the original body could not be maintained, and the consciousness was transferred to the automaton.

So far, the "Mere Old Man" has only the above four hypotheses.

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Since there is no reason to be hostile to Jin or Horai Island, we can conclude that the situation is not urgent at this moment.

At that time, Shinobu-2 sent me an unexpected image.

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A nearby door happened to open and we were able to look into the room.

Just one golem came out.


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Inside the room, we could see a few that looked like Alshell.


The old man gave a spur-of-the-moment order. Shinobu-2 did as he was told, using the <>, and literally jumped into the room.

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What the old man saw through Shinobu-2's eyes was a homunculus factory.

A transparent container was filled with a pale blue liquid, and something humanoid was floating in it.

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Some of them looked exactly like Archel, and you judged that all of them were homunculi made in Archel's image.


Lao-kun, the magic brain of Horai Island, once again made a plan to gather information.

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