842 - - 24-28 Undercover, Fort Crowe

Gaining information is the first priority. The 25 miniature golems that infiltrated, or were transferred, were scattered throughout the fort.

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The basement was occupied by Sam 1-10, who were tuned for intelligence purposes.

(Let's check this level first.)

(Copy that.)

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They all have built-in manacams that allow them to communicate without speaking.

In addition, they are invisible, which, combined with their 5cm height, makes them undetectable to ordinary humans.

The golem that carried the cougars is also gone now.

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First of all, we have decided to look for any kind of magical surveillance device.

(It's all right.)

(Well, there are a few things that resemble magic eyes, but they all seem to be dead.

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After 300 years, some of them had broken down, others were covered with moss and dust, and had become useless.

Oranje's men and the golem for repair had not yet been able to do much about it.

(Let's disable it completely.)

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So we decided to cut the magic conduit that leads somewhere ...... probably to the command center.

Sam and the others used magic to cut the conduit through the cracks in the stone used for the walls.

It was difficult enough for a human, but possible enough for a five-centimeter-tall man.

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And this gives them a lot of freedom of movement.

(Is the prisoner of war in the next room ......?)

With the motto "human life first", Sam 9 and 10 went to check it out. The basic rule is that more than one body should be involved in the action.

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Here comes the problem.

(I can't open the door ......)

At 5 cm tall, he is too small to use the basic human facilities. This means that he has to use someone else to open the door.

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The ventilation openings are covered with netting to keep insects out, so that even they can't get through. The door without even a peephole may be to prevent escape, or it may be because the room was used for other purposes.

Of course, it is possible to make a hole in the door with engineering magic, but that is a last resort. If there were guards inside the room, they would know that we had infiltrated the room.

If we do, we would like to do so only after a little more investigation.

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(If there are prisoners of war, they will be coming and going in order to give them food and water. (If there are prisoners, they will come in and out to give them food and water. We should wait until then.)

Sam 7 and 8 went through the passageway toward what appeared to be the back of the room.

(The door to this room is open, let's have a look.)

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(The door to this room is open. Let's have a look.) (Okay.)

There is no sign of anyone. Still, the two carefully peeked into the room.


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There were battle golems, all-purpose golems, repair golems, etc. all lined up in a row.

(This is of the same lineage as ours ......, which means that our predecessor's template is being used.

(I am sure the Master will be pleased when he sees this.)

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Needless to say, this information was immediately brought to Jin through the old man.

Sam 5 and 6 went in the opposite direction from 7 and 8.

(A well. (A well, huh? It's a good thing we have a watering hole inside the fort.)

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(If we wait here, someone will surely come. (If we wait here, someone will surely come.) (Let's wait for them.)

(We'll wait for them.) (Or we'll wait for them.)

Sam 1 to 4 went further underground.

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(I have a feeling that there is something in this basement.)

(I agree.)

The four of them remembered the aftermath of the magic power. Since they are specialized in espionage, they are highly capable of sensing such things.

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Who are they? I can't see you, but I know you are here.

A voice.

(What voice?)

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(It doesn't sound human.)

Of course it's an unvoiced exchange.

Stay away from me, or get out! Or I'll baptize you with Thunder Rain.

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(Your mood is similar to the old man's. Perhaps he is a magic brain?)

(It's called Magi Fortress. (It's called "Magi Fortress", so it's not surprising if there is a magical brain in charge of it.)

Then Sam 1 spoke on behalf of the others. His voice was high-pitched, but it must have been heard.

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"Mate, I'm not a good person. Who are you?

No questions asked. I guess we're not leaving. Well, you'll be sorry. <
< doesn't listen to you. He unleashes a lightning spell, <>. This is a magic that showers the target area with strong thunder, and the voltage can be adjusted if the magician is skillful.

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(The voltage seems to be quite high.)

(It seems to be a very high voltage.) Hmm. (It seems to be a very high voltage.) (Hmm...) Indeed. (It seems to be generating ozone.)

Ozone, O3, is produced by the collision of high energy electrons and oxygen molecules. In other words, ozone is generated in atmospheric discharges such as lightning. It has a peculiar pungent odor and is toxic to the human body.

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Since a very small amount of ozone is generated in photocopiers, it was in the knowledge of Jin, and thus Sam and his colleagues knew about it.

"Hmmm, it seems to be okay with the current lightning magic, right? Then, I'll take it easy on you.

Sensing no change in the presence of Sam and the others, unleashes another .

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But in a completely misguided direction.

They do not know the size of Sam and the others, so they do not have a sense of distance from them. In addition, they cannot see them.

(But we can't get close to them.)

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(We can't even discuss it.)

< is designed to nullify physical and magical attacks, but it is not strong enough for their size.

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The first attack could be overcome, but the second one was over 50 million volts, and there was a possibility that it could not be prevented. There was a possibility that Sam and the others could not get any closer. Sam and the others could not get any closer.

(Let's report it anyway.)

(That's a good idea.)

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(That's a good idea.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now, the five Fingers and the ten Shinobi troops head for the upper floors.

Since there are fifteen of them, they form into groups of three and begin their investigation.

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(Is this the pantry?)

(This one seems to be an armory, but it's almost empty.)

(There are golems lined up here.)

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(This one seems to be a weapons locker, but it's mostly empty. (They are not as good as the ones Sam and the others found.)

They report back to the old man and continue on their way.

On the first floor above ground level, there was a hall with a corridor around it and several small rooms.

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On this floor, too, the team of three investigates in pairs.

(Regulus 43 reported that a trap had been set on this floor.)

(Indeed, there seems to be a magical conductor running through the wall.)

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(Shall I cut it?)

(No, the old man's instructions say that we should leave it as it is. The enemy might notice.)

(I understand.)

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When they did not see anyone, they went to the second floor.

(This seems to be a living area, but there is no sign of anyone.)

(Are they so short-staffed?)

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They looked around but did not see a single person.

(Let's go upstairs.)

(Let's go upstairs.) Then they went to the third floor more carefully.

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(There is nothing or no one on the third floor.)

(Probably a hierarchy for high-ranking officers, technicians, senior soldiers, etc.)

(Perhaps it is a hierarchy for high-ranking officers, engineers, senior soldiers, etc.) This shows just how understaffed the fort is. It is a facility that should be holed up with 50 or 100 people.

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(And why is it that I still haven't seen a single person there?)

It was somewhat unusual that no one from the Oranje camp, i.e., the fortress side, had been seen except for the prisoners of war.

(There must be a command center on the 4th floor. If Oranje was there, that would be the only place.)

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) Under the circumstances, I had no choice but to make that decision.

The 15 of them headed for the 4th floor together.

(This must be the command center.)

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(This must be the command center.)

(Okay, I'll go in first.)

The door was open.

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Shinobu Ichi, the head of the Shinobi Unit, which specializes in covert action, took the initiative in sneaking into the room.

(This is from ......)

What he saw there was an empty room. No doubt, there were furnishings such as desks and chairs, as well as a magic screen and other magic machines.

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However, there was no one who was supposed to use them.

There were only two blue-haired automata that had stopped.

Unsure of whether they were friend or foe, the Shinobi troopers observed them only to avoid being noticed.

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