858 - - 25-06 Destination

After careful examination, her brother, Belialus, assured me that the rubies were definitely from Archelle's hair ornament, so it was confirmed that she had visited this place anyway.

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The question was what to do next.

"We'll have to check this area first."

Nidaburu decided to use the sonar and the ground search to check out the area.

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"Please wait!"

Reiko calls out.

I can feel the flow of magic.

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Reiko's perception is better than Nidouble's. "Maybe...maybe...maybe...maybe...maybe...maybe...

There's a possibility that there's a Magi-machine in the vicinity.

"What? What do you mean ......?"

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Nidaburu holds his tongue.

The reason is that most surveillance equipment, such as radar, has the advantage of being located in high places.

"So, ......."

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The way to deal with the situation depends on the type of the magic machine (magi-machine). Staring at the magic screen, Jin thought about it.

Is it a surveillance system, an offensive system, or a ...... transfer system?

In the case of surveillance, it would be better to assume that Nidouble and his friends are already known to us.

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Even in the case of an offensive system, there is a big possibility that some kind of surveillance system is attached to it.

Even in the case of a transfer system, it is necessary to check if there is anyone there or if there are any obstacles.

Jin concluded that we should act on the assumption that there is at least a monitoring system.

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He communicates this to Belialus through Jin-double.

Belialus thought for a moment and then opened his mouth.

"Do you hear me, who is watching us? I am Belialus, Archel's brother. If you can hear me, please respond.

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They waited for a while, but there was no response. Then Belialus said the same thing again.

And again.


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But there was no response. The sun was about to set and darkness was beginning to cover the area.

"It's late today, Belial. We'll see you tomorrow."

That's when Jin called out to him.

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"That one!"

Reiko shouted and looked in the direction he was pointing.

"What is it?"

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A part of the summit of the mountain was shining with a pale light.

Jin looked at it through the magic screen and guessed with the help of Nidouble's mouth.

"...... could it be a warp gate?"

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"In such a shape?"

"Yes. It's not on the surface of the rock, it's probably stored inside. Let's take a look at it.

Nidouble called Belialus and deployed a barrier that enveloped him and Belialus.

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A few seconds later, a golem-like creature appeared at that location.

"What is your purpose, visitors?

Belialus responded to this question.

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"As I said before, I am Archel's brother. I have come to bring my sister back.

Hearing this response, the golem nodded its head.

"I see, I understand. Then what about the other two?

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"I came here to get information about the demons in the basement. I've also been told by a friend of mine, that the one you're looking for might be a follower of the originator. How is that?"

Golem's reaction changed as soon as he heard Nidaburu's words.

"<>? What do you know about ......?"

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"Not much. But can you take a look at this?"

Nidouble took the opportunity to show the he had borrowed from 700672.

"Is that ...... mithianite? I understand. We'll take you in. Come here."

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The golem recognized Jin and the others and invited them in.

After a moment of looking at each other, Nidouble and the others nodded to each other and slowly approached the golem.

"Don't be so cautious, we won't do anything. I'll go ahead and wait for you.

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With that, the golem disappeared. It seems that the warp gate has been turned.

"...... Jin-dono, let's go."

Belialus seemed to be more concerned about the possibility of meeting his sister Archelle than he was about the possibility of a trap.

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As if to express his feelings, he stepped into the slightly glowing ground, which seemed to be the transition range, first. Nidouble and Reiko followed.

Then the three of them disappeared from the top of Mt.

* * * * *

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"...... is an unusual specification."

Naturally, the destination is inside the warp gate.

Jin observed the inside of the warp gate with <> through the eyes of Jin-double.

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"......Ah, so this is the receiver. Hmmm, looks efficient. ......"

Before Nidaburu, who was not neglecting such an observation,

"Welcome to ......, Jin-dono."

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A appears, looking exactly like No. 700672. The golem from earlier is standing behind him.

"I am . As you have probably guessed, I am the servant of <>. I am now in the body of an automaton, though."

Indeed, his body, which he calls himself <<600012>>, is that of an automaton (automata). ......, and it was not a very good one.

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"I'm ......."

Nidaburu was about to open his mouth, when No. 600012 interrupted him,

"You are the Magecraft Meister, Jin-dono, and this is Reiko-dono. And this is Reiko.

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He spoke as if he knew Jin and Reiko.

"We have scouts in the outside world, you know. I've known you for some time, Jin-dono. I've missed you."

His face contorted as he said this. ...... Apparently, he <>.

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"Well, I think someone got here before us."

Nidaburu asks 600012 when he doesn't see Belialus. Then his face clearly changed.

"That's what I'm talking about. ......"

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No. 600012 said in a whisper and offered Nidouble a chair. Reiko, knowing that she was an automata, did not say anything.

Since Nidouble was also an automaton, she would not get tired, but since there was no need to reveal her body, she thanked him frankly and sat down.

"First of all, I must apologize."

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Jin, who was piloting the Nidouble, was surprised when the 600012 suddenly bowed to him.

"What on earth is going on? Please explain.

Of course.

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* * * * * *

"...... where am I?"

Meanwhile, Belialus has passed through the warp gate ahead of Jin and the others.

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"......, you've come well."

A man wearing a mask covering the upper half of his face appeared before him. No, he did not know who the man was, only that he recognized him from his voice.

"Who are you?"

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"I am 60...... no, call me <>."