871 - - 25-19 Engagement Ceremony

"This is great, Jin!"

I turned around and saw Reinhardt standing there. He had heard from Bertsche and had flown over.

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"Hmmm... a statue or a plastic model of the bride-to-be to be given as a gift. That's good! I should have done the same thing!"

Reinhardt praises both the idea and the statue.

"But is it made of glass? If so, it must be very expensive.

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Although glass has a long history, colored glass is basically not in circulation.

There was stained glass in a church I visited with Reinhard and Elsa, but I was told that it could not be reproduced with today's technology.

In Ars today, colored glass is only distributed as colored glass that happens to be colored by impurities.

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"Her face looks just like Elsa's. The color is indescribable."

"Brother Rai, don't look at it too much, it's embarrassing."

Elsa's cheeks were dyed as she gazed at the face that looked exactly like hers, even though it was a statue.

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"Haha, I get it. ...... Jin, you're going to give me this as a gift to commemorate our engagement, right?"

"Yes, yes. And for Reinhardt, ......"

"Don't tell everyone, I'll take care of it."

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Reinhardt was pounding his chest.

* * * *

A little before 3:00 p.m., Fritz arrived a little early, like a soldier.

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"Jin-dono, Erza, please."

"We've been waiting for you. This way, sir."

Jin had already prepared himself, so he took Fritz to the roof.

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Elsa said, <
"You know what I mean! I want to go as soon as I get there.

Erza's advice must have been right, because they are climbing the stairs laughing.

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Erza and Edgar were waiting for her on the roof. Elsa is wearing a formal dress.

Jin, by the way, is dressed in his formal attire as the , i.e., a suit arranged in the style of Ars. Reiko was wearing the cloak of a knight.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, let's go."

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"Come this way, Mr. Fritz."

Fritz is led by Edgar to the . Jin and Elsa followed.

"I can't wait to see how it flies."

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Fritz sits in the window seat. I could see from his face that he was excited.

"Okay, let's go."

Jin calls out, and Butler D releases the mooring cable, and <> floats up. Today's pilot is Lily.

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"Oh, it flew!

Fritz is excited like a child. Flying, after all, is an eternal dream for mankind.

The straight line distance from Leuthart to the town of Eksi is about 40 kilometers, and <> arrived in less than 20 minutes.

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We landed on the outskirts of Eksi, in a meadow just a stone's throw from Fritz and Elsa's parents' house.

"I wish I could have stayed in the car a little longer," Fritz said lightly.

Fritz disembarked from the boat with such a lighthearted remark.

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Two carriages were parked there, with Reinhardt standing beside them.

Fritz smiled when he realized why he was there.

"Oh, Reinhardt. ...... I see, you're the go-between. You're certainly the right man for the job.

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"Mister Fritz, glad to see you back safe and sound. Please get in."

Reinhardt looks very formal. It seems that he has already taken on the role of mediator. As evidence, he spoke to Jin and Erza in firm words.

"Jin-dono, please take your baggage to the carriage behind you. You and your fiancée go this way. You and your fiancée are coming with us. Edgar would be very grateful if you could protect his luggage.

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"Thank you for your concern."

Jin sensed the mood and matched his words. The gift was placed in the carriage behind them, as they had asked, and Edgar would take care of it.

The gift was wrapped in a cloth, but there was no need to worry in case anything should happen to it.

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Then the two carriages start to drive away. However, a slow five-minute drive takes them to Elsa's parents' house.

Inside, Reinhardt gave Jin a brief orientation,

"Just feel like you're on a big boat," Reinhard said. ......Oh, yes, please think of a simple greeting to give to Elsa's mother when you tell her of our engagement."

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"What? Now?"

Jin was astonished. Reinhard said apologetically.

"Oh, I'm sorry for the delay. Well, as long as it's not too bad, I'll follow up. ...... Elsa hardly has to talk at all."

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"Ha-ha, that's hard work."

Fritz laughed, thinking it was someone else's problem.

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While they were talking, they were already at the Randall house.

The servants, who had probably been contacted by Reinhardt, were waiting for the group.

First Elsa and then Fritz got out of the carriage.

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"Welcome home, Miss Elsa, Mr. Fritz".

The Randall family is headed by the female baroness Elsa, who is formally higher in rank than her brother Fritz.

"I'm home. Is your mother here?"

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Yes, she's waiting inside.

Yes, she's waiting inside. Sir Jin Nido is here today.

Yes, sir.

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Reinhardt then came down and invited Jin to join them.

Jin-dono, please come in.

Erza stood in front, and Reinhardt and Fritz stood on either side, welcoming Jin as he stepped out of the carriage.

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Reiko, a valet, jumped down and helped Jin to get out of the carriage.

Jin, who had been given a brief explanation of the procedure in the carriage, alighted silently. Reinhardt advised him not to say too much or he would be exposed.

Then, led by a servant, he entered the building and headed for the small hall at the back of the front. This is a place where simple ceremonies can be held.

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There stood Marlene Randall von Nefra, Elsa's foster mother.

"Mother, I'm home."

Elsa bowed her head.

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"Aunt, it's been a while."

Then Reinhard greeted her.

"I am here today to bring your daughter, Miss Elsa Randall, into the world of good fortune.

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"Thank you very much, sir."

Marlene bows. At this point, Reinhardt motioned Jin forward.

"May I introduce to you Sir Jin Nidor, the and recognized by many nations."

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Reinhard introduces Jin once again. This is another necessary step.

My name is Jin Nido.

"Sir Jin, this is Marlene Randall von Nefra, mother of Ehime Elsa.

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I am Marlene, Elsa's mother.

It's a beautiful day, and your marriage to my daughter is such a waste of time, that I have the honor to come here to propose this betrothal.


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The air in the room became delicate because I had never heard such a speech before.

(The air in the room became delicate.)

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Jin began to feel cold sweat on his back, wondering if his hastily thought-out speech was wrong.

"Well, well, here is a gift from Sir Jin Nido to commemorate our engagement.

It was wrapped in cloth, and four servants were carrying it from the carriage. Edgar was leading the way.

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"This way, sir."

The gift is placed diagonally in front of Marlene. Edgar carefully unwraps the cloth.

And then.

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"Oh, ......!"

"Oh ......!"

Marlene's voice rises. The servants gasp.

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"Sir Zin Nidor made this statue himself."

A statue of Elsa in a long dress.

It was made of a rare light blue quartz glass. It is not surprising.

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With the appearance of this statue, Jin's somewhat cryptic remark earlier seems to have been left behind in oblivion.

Thank you, Mr. Jin. I humbly accept my daughter's likeness. Please take good care of her for many years to come.

"Yes, I'll bet my life on it."

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Marlene took Erza's hand, which was staining her cheeks, and placed it on Jin's hand.

"Elsa, you must adore Jin-sama, support her and help her.

"Yes, mother."

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Reinhard and Fritz applauded as he finished. A beat later, the servants applauded as well.

"With this, the betrothal ceremony has been concluded without delay," declared Reinhard as the mediator.

Reinhardt, as the mediator, declared, "With this, the betrothal ceremony between Jin and Erza has ended without a hitch.

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