903 - - 26-23 Quiet Story 52 Minami Mitsuho

This was before Jin and his friends visited Mitsuho.

On Jin's orders, <>...... who is an automata based on <>, one of Jin's substitute dolls.... ...was traveling to the southern part of Mitsuho.

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It was only a matter of going back the way it had come until it reached the town of Seki. There he was accompanied by Darrow, the vice-mayor of the town of Seki.

Maya was waiting for them in Seki.

"John, you heard. I heard you became an honorary magi-smith. I'm so proud to see someone I know get ahead.

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"Maya, you came all the way out here?"

"I'm so happy for you."

In Seki town, a send-off party was held by Darrow, Maya, and others, and John had a good time.

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The next morning after an overnight stay in Sequi, John parted ways with Dallow and Maya.

"Mr. John, I am glad to have made your acquaintance. Take care of yourself from now on.

Mr. John, I hope to see you again sometime.

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"Yes, Maya, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Darrow, for all your help.

And John Dinney rode south alone on his golem horse.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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After passing through Kwangon and Iyo, he headed west along a road called the Tama Highway. They arrived at a town called Dogo on the shores of Lake Tama.

"Dogo, I wonder if it has hot springs.

As we entered the town, we could see white steam everywhere. It was indeed steam.

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"So this is a town of hot springs after all.

I went straight to the mayor and showed him my ID card, which was immediately accepted.

So John Dinney stayed in Dogo for a week or so, working on the tools.

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Although his appearance might have made him conspicuous, many of the residents are surprisingly fair-skinned.

(I wonder if there are a few people coming from the Shoro side.)

(I wonder if a few people are coming from the Shoro side...) The old man analyzes so.

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It was fortuitous that not much fuss was made about it.

In addition, they were dressed in Mitsuho's style.

What was even more surprising was that he said.

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"There's not much to do. ......"

This is a place where no magic tools are used. And the tools are good enough to repair themselves.

In this light, the standard of living in this town seems to be a little lower than in Miyako.

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However, it does not seem as if there is any inconvenience. It may be called "moderation".

(I suppose this kind of life is desirable in a sense.)

I guess it is a good thing that we can lead our daily lives without any hardships.

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The mild climate may be one of the reasons.

Most of the buildings are made of wood with shingle roofs.

The forests around Lake Tama are abundant in wood resources.

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"Oh? What is that? ......"

Two old men are sitting on a bench in front of a hot spring bathhouse, facing each other and doing something. A few more onlookers were watching them.

"...... Shogi ...... Go ......?"

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It looks like Shogi (Japanese chess). Shogi board and pieces.

The pieces are pentagonal, and <><<><<><><><<>, all are in place.

The characters themselves were not very beautiful, but .......

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* * * *

The brain of Horai Island, Laogun, memorizes and analyzes these cultures.

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It is possible that there are fewer magic tools in the south because the concentration of free magic element (ether) is lower there.

The inference is that the people in the south are not affected by the magic wars and are living the same life as before.

Although their clothes and hairstyles are different, they are more or less similar to the stability of the Edo period.

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The old man is eager for more information to help him decide what to do in the future.

* * * * * *

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After leaving Dogo, John circled the towns and villages around Lake Tama, then returned to the main highway at the town of Iyo and resumed his southward march.

Markham, Kuhira, Sanuki.

(These place names are very similar to those remembered by the master (Mylord).

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Kushima, Oboke, Koboke.

(As I recall, Oboke and Koboke were located in a region called Shikoku, wasn't it?)

) He used to enjoy discovering interesting place names while looking at a map of Japan.

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Kakawa, Nabuki, Tano, Sing.

At this point, John wondered which way to go.

To the left was the road to the sea along the Tenryu River.

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Straight ahead is the main road to Tosa via Coach.

"Shall we go straight?"

We decided to think about it again in the developing town of Coach.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The old man guesses again and again, guessing the Chinese characters for "henro" and "aba".

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This is still a guess. We do not have enough information yet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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As John Dinney moved south, the landscape became greener and more like a breadbasket.

The crops are wheat and barley, but there are also some rice paddies.

"The master (my lord) would say that it is a nostalgic landscape when he sees it. ......"

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There was a somewhat Japanese-style rural landscape there.

He was welcomed wherever he went.

I was told that many travelers with skin color like his could use < and bring various benefits to the local community.

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"Were there any bad guys?"

John was worried by the naivete of the man and asked such a question when he arrived at the town of Coach.

The mayor of the town, who welcomed him with open arms, said, "He wasn't there,

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The old man wondered what to think about this.

Does it mean that he is at peace, or does it mean that he just can't find any bad ...... criminals?

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It's a question that is not easy to answer, but it is certainly a concern.

(It's not surprising that such a gentle species exists.)

John is now aware that he should not think in terms of the people of the earth, and does not pursue the matter deeply.

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The priority should be <>.

(Maybe there is a secret police like the covert task force (SP), but ...... that's not my business.)

) Since I have no intention to do anything wrong, I did not think that I would have anything to do with such an organization in the future.

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I have no intention to do anything wrong.

After following Toyo, Yanase, and Mima, John finally arrived at the coach.

"Now, which way shall we go?

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Here, he thinks again. He plans to listen to various stories in the town and use them as a reference.

The route he decided on was to go south. First, we decided to go out to the sea.

We stayed overnight in Ono, Shodo, Rashiki, and Tsuyama.

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We stayed overnight in Bingo, Mimasa, Krassi, and Tosa.

Tosa is a seaside town with a sandy beach in front. The view is all about the horizon stretching far into the distance.

The latitude of Tosa is a little closer to the equator than Potrock.

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According to the results of the research, the concentration of free magical element (ether) becomes low as one crosses the equator to near the Tropic of Cancer, and the ordinary magical element converter (ether converter) cannot generate enough magical element (mana).

We knew that the < currently installed in John would be able to go a little farther south.

However, as expected, we do not intend to go that far south.

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(Let's try to gather information here in Tosa for a while, shall we?)

So, John Dinney decided to settle down in Tosa for a while.