940 - - 26-50 Record of a wise man in Tosa, 53 idle stories

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One day, when Jin returned to Horai Island, the old man spoke to him.

"Yes, what is it?"

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"In Tosa?"


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It was kept in the base of a monument on the outskirts of Tosa.

When the annual drying of insects took place, John decided to reapply the taphon, and he forwarded the contents to the old man.

It was a kind of summary of what Shuki Tsetsi had done in the land of <>.

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"Shuki was a meticulous man, wasn't he? ......"

Jin listened to the old man's report.

* * * *

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<> left his home base in Newell and set out on a journey.

After the death of his beloved wife, Adriana, Shuki continued to teach the younger generation in Newell.

Although he could not use magic himself, he understood the Magick Formula, so it was not a problem for him to teach them.

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For 40 years, Shuki had lived with the Tierra family, educating and training mages and developing various magical tools, including automata and golems, but the Tierra family's generation had changed and he felt uncomfortable, He decided to visit other places.

<<<< The Wise Man (Magus)>> hardly aged outwardly, which also seems to have contributed to his mystification>>.

This is because his body has been replaced by a magical atom (magiatom).

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On his journey, eight of his disciples, who were so fascinated by him, left Newell together.

The first destination was the west.

The first stop was in the west, a place that was severely culturally backward compared to Newell.

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<<<< Magus lived there for another 33 years, bringing knowledge, magic and magical tools to his land.

The eight disciples who followed him also buried their bones there and devoted themselves to the cultural development of the area.

However, they were not able to pass on the knowledge of magical engineering.

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The magical engineering systematized by the genius Adriana could not be mastered by ordinary mages, and there were not many people with magical talents in the area.

However, we were able to help in the development of nameless settlements that became villages and towns. Most of the towns and villages were named after Shuki.

It was also to the credit of Shuki Tsetsi, the Wise One, that the towns and villages were united into a single country called .

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The settlement where he spent the most time was Nade. There he left a memento, as he was begged.

<> set out on his journey. This time he went south with the seven disciples he had taught in Husor.

The people living there were of the same level as in old Husor.

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Here his magical skills grew.

One of the apprentices he brought with him was so talented that he was finally able to develop a magic that could interfere with <>.

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Combined with the magic that interferes with that Adriana had been studying, the prototype of the Warp Gate was finally completed.

Although its operation is still unstable, it is still the world's first Warp Gate.

In addition, using the magical engineering that had been developed up to that point, they created an automata, an educator.

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Automata and Warp Gate.

Using these, Shuki builds a system where the benefits of magical technology can be received for many years to come.

In Mitsuho, the emphasis was placed on ordinary tools rather than magic tools, and a factory was constructed using golems, based on the experience gained in Fusoh.

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The result is the factory on the outskirts of Miyako.

While living in <, he also traveled to the south. And then he reached the sea.

He settled in a town rich in seafood and named it , and taught its residents how to make katsuobushi.

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Shuki also taught them how to make miso.

He also found japonica rice, selected and cultivated it repeatedly, and selected varieties of rice that could almost be called "Uruuchi-rice" and "Glutinous rice".

Having passed on as much of his rice cultivation know-how as he could, Shuki set his sights on the next land.

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That is the end of the record found in Tosa.

I see.

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I see ...... that we know the footsteps of the wise men (Magus) in Mitzkhot and Huso. But ......."

After listening to the report, Jin felt that it was a rather clerical description. The memoirs he had read in the basement of the institute were much more vivid.

"I guess that's what I'm ...... thinking without Adriana."

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Jin had no idea what the symbolic number the old man was referring to.

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Yeah, 1119 years ago.

I just subtracted 2339 from 3458.

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"Hmm? Let's see... ...... Oh, I see."

Reiko has been searching for Jin for 1024 years.

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3456 (the year Jin was summoned) - 1024 - 9 0 = 2342.

This means that it is about the year when the previous generation was born.

"Then, the predecessor must have been from the Shoro Empire ......, or perhaps there was no Shoro Empire at that time, but a country or a town or ...... that existed there?"

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The old man said regretfully. It is regrettable for Jin, too.

But we are lucky to have been able to trace back the roots of our predecessors, or rather the roots of magical engineering.

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"I hope we will have another chance to do this kind of research again.

"Yes, that would be good."

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Thus, the question about the <> and the different peoples was cleared up for the time being.

However, the mystery of Jin's predecessor, Adriana Barbora Tsezi, was still behind the curtain of the past.

The difference between the present and the past. The lost art of magic.

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The has yet to be found.

<<<> suggests that it was still under study at the time.

"Yes. <, maybe it was only because it was Adriana Tierra that she could use it. ......"

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There were many things I gained from this visit to a foreign country, but the most important of all was that I was able to reaffirm <.

Jin Nido as a gentile (étranger), and Jin Nido as a man who passes on the technology of the past to the present.

How should we use and pass on our knowledge and power?

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The answer is not yet in sight, but we have been shown some precedents to compare and think about.

"Education ....... , indeed."

The method is still being explored.

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"A more advanced world is not necessarily a better world.

When I think about what is the happiness of people, it is not so easy to answer,

"It would be good if we could help people to feel less sad, wouldn't it?

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Reiko responded to this murmur.

"Yes, father. Your mother once said something like that.

"I see.

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I am not yet as firm in my convictions as my predecessors or Mags, but I still have my own way of thinking about this.

But even so, Jin vowed once again to live in this world in his own way.