1027 - - 19 Capital of Karnag

 The year is 2349.

 Shuki's students have grown up to the point where they can create <> by themselves.

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"Well, now I have taught you everything I know.

 One day Shuki said to his students with satisfaction.

"...... I think it's time for me to leave."

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 The 25 new disciples shouted in surprise and tried to stop Shuki.

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 But Shuki's determination remained unchanged.

"Everyone, please understand. I still want to go around the world and spread engineering magic. ...... and the summit to be reached is far away."


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 In the end, four of the 25 new apprentices followed Shuki.

 Châteaune is not among them.

 She was the only daughter of the mayor and could not be allowed to leave the town.

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 The outskirts of the town were crowded with people thankful for the engineering and healing magic that Shuki had brought.

"I'll miss you, doctor."

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 Châtone, 19 years old. She had been a girl when she began her apprenticeship, but in the past four years she had grown into a woman.

"You will continue to work hard even after I'm gone. I am sure you will become a great engineer.

"......Yes, I will do my best."

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 Wiping her tear-stained eyes with her fingers, Chatone forced a smile and looked at Shuki.

"Take care, Mags," she said. You are always welcome to visit us again.

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 Mayor Sentaim also bade farewell to Shuki.

"Thank you, Mr. Mags, for everything.

"Wise Magus, you are a good man."

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 The townspeople of Yurgano watched <> Shuki Tsetsi and his group until they were out of sight.


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 Adriana, not wanting them to see her crying face, lies down in the carriage, covered with a blanket.

 Then Shuki came to her.

"Are you crying, Ad?"

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"......No, I'm not crying."

 Shuki patted Adriana's back on the blanket, smiling at her strong reply.

"I'm sorry. It's my own fault we can't stay in one place.

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 Adriana sat up with a start and shouted at Shuki.

"No, it's not your father's fault! Your father is working very hard to perfect his magical engineering. I love him so much. So don't apologize to him.

 Shuki hugged her.

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"Thank you for ......, Ado."


 Adriana is growing up so straight. Shuki was happy to know that.

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Shuki was happy to know that.

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 Shuki and his friends are on their way to the capital city of Karnagh, which is only five days away by carriage on the road.

"A king... ...... I'm not interested."

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 Shuki can't help but laugh at the girl who says such a line. For better or worse, she seems to have grown up to be a "my way or the highway" kind of person.

 The Kingdom of Leonard is a safe place, free of bandits and beasts of prey. The group arrived at the capital, Karnagh, five days later as planned.

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"I didn't know they didn't have walls.

 Shuki thought that compared to other capitals he had seen in other countries, this one seemed more open.

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 There were no walls surrounding the city.

 Of course, the royal castle in the center of the town is surrounded by a high and sturdy wall, but there is no wall separating the inside from the outside of the town.

 This is due to the fact that the town is still expanding.

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"Welcome, <> Master Shuki Tsetsi and company."

 When Shuki and his party were about a kilometer away from Karnagh, they were met by a group of knights.

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A man in the rank of captain said, "I have been waiting for you here by order of my king.

 The leader dismounted from his horse and bowed to the group. His men followed his example.

 Thus, protected by the knights, the group entered Karnagh.

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The knights followed them and the group entered Karnagh.

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"So you are Shuki Tsezi.

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"Yes, sir."

 The next day, Shuki had an audience with King Galdrake Dragol Leonard.

"I hear that you are spreading the study of magical engineering in our country and teaching how to make golems and automata, magical dolls.

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That is correct, sir.

"That's very good of you. I will do all I can to assist you, and I hope you will take an apprentice here in Karnagh and guide him.

I would be honored."

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 ...... and such an exchange led to Shuki setting up his base in Karnagh for the first time.

 With the king's support, his name soon spread and people began to come to hear his lectures.

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 One day.

 The number of students at Karnagh was steadily increasing and soon it was time to start a proper curriculum.

"...... transition, magic circle?"

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 Shuki and the others heard these words for the first time.

 This information was brought to them by one of the students at Karnagh, Lanos Sikor.

"Yes. It means that it has been handed down since I don't know when.

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 Shuki remembered that his wife Adriana's family, the Tierras, were descendants of the .


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"This magic circle may have been bequeathed to them by the Rare Beings."


 Ranos, perhaps having heard Shuki's soliloquy, gave him a quizzical look.

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"Oh, no, I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something. So, where can I find that magic circle at ......?"

* * * *

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 Llanos led Shuki, his three younger brothers, and Adriana to the old .

"This way, sir."

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 We made an offering, entered the church, and went to the back.

 In the innermost room, further back in the chapel ......, there it was.

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 Magic circles were painted all over the ceiling. Magic circles carved all over the floor.

"...... this is amazing."

 Shuki's eyes lit up.

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"But ...... this part is incomplete. It will take a long time to transfer if we don't."

 Shuki begins to analyze the flow of magical control (magi sequence). Adriana is thinking together with Shuki.

"Hey dad, do you think this is a tunnel connecting two places that are far from each other?

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"Hm? ......Yes, that's right."

(I remember Ad saying that a long time ago. The world ...... is like a bubble floating in a larger space. Then, this magic circle must be a tunnel through the upper or lower space, connecting two points without loss of time.)

< was not a feat, and even though he could not use magic, Shuki Tsetsi was indeed the best magical engineer in the world.

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I see! You are accumulating power by circulating it over and over again so that you can move even with a small amount of mana, aren't you, father!

 And his beloved daughter, Adriana Barbora Zetsi, was also becoming a magical engineer close to her father.