1066 - - 24 June 29th, 2358

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"<>,or ....... You did it, Ado!"

 Shuki praised his daughter with open arms.

 With this engineering magic, one <> can be copied and increased as much as one wants.

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 There is only one problem.

"Only the person who performed the <> can transfer it to another magicrystal.

 Perhaps it has something to do with the pattern of magical power.

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 However, this is not a major problem. Most of the trained magecraftsmen could use .

"If there is a single magi-crystal that stores the basic information, then each magi-craftsman can copy it and use it."

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 Shuki added with a laugh.

"Yes, that's right."

 Adriana laughed as well. Adriana laughed as well, "This magic can also transfer human knowledge into the magi crystals.

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"With a little more research, it might be possible to transfer our personalities as well ......."

 Adriana then glanced at Shuki's face.

"Yes, that might be possible. But I don't want that, Ad.

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"What ......?"

 Shuki knew. Adriana wanted to prolong his life by copying Shuki's personality and transferring it to an automata.

"This may sound philosophical, but if they did that to me, I don't think it is me anymore. I've lived enough ......."

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 It was 2156 when Shuki wandered into this world, and already 200 years had passed.

"Father ......"

"I think that's selfish of those who are left behind, Ad."

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"Because we only have one life, we can really take care of it. I hope you understand."

 Adriana had no words to reply to Shuki's words.

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"Ad, let's spend this time together as happily as we can.

"...... yes."

 With eyes filled with tears, Adriana could only nod.

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 The next day, Shuki left the to his students and went into seclusion.

* * * * * * * * * *

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 For the next three years, Shuki and Adriana lived quietly by the sea.

 The seaside village of Futla.

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 The village they had visited before had been abandoned.

 Everyone has moved to the nearby town of Garaklo, which has developed.

 But it was more convenient for the two of them.

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 Adriana's golem was taking care of their personal needs, and Shuki had enough money from his past earnings to provide them with their daily bread.

 The two of them discuss the possibility of further improving their magical engineering.

 They gossip about the people they have met so far.

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 The two of you summarize the engineering magic you have discovered so far.

 The two of them make a prototype of a new magical tool.

 The two of us walk along the seaside.

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 The two of us prepare a meal together.

 Adriana was just happy to be able to spend time together.

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 Shuki was not bedridden, and on a good day he sometimes went for a walk on his own feet.

 On such occasions, Adriana was always there to help him.

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Adriana was always there to help him.

 In the meantime, Shuki and Adriana also developed a boat.

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 It is a large ship in this world, 10 meters long.

 It is powered by a screw. It is hand-cranked by a golem.

 Two screws are installed, each turned in the opposite direction by two golems to counteract the counter-torque.

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 After a trial run, it seemed to be able to reach a speed of about 30 km/h. "I have a little more time left," he said.

"If I had a little more time left, I would have liked to go out to sea. 

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 Now Shuki was so weak that he could not even go to the small island he could see from his favorite cape, and he did not think he would be able to endure a very long voyage.

 Shuki looked young, but his internal organs, especially his heart, were in bad shape.

 He has been able to prolong his life thanks to the healing magic, but even the most advanced healing magic can't help his longevity.

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I will build a more comfortable ship. Then father, will you come with me to the sea?

 Adriana answered cheerfully.

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* * * *

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"I, too, came to this world by accident just before I died, and I've been doing a lot of things for over 200 years. ......"

 Now Shuki was looking out over the sea from his favorite promontory.

 Ahead of him, small islets dot the landscape. If he could make it to the largest island, about ten kilometers away, he might be able to navigate through the shallows and reach it without swimming.

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 However, Shuki did not have the strength to do so.

 Shuki gazes out at the sea, remembering the sea of Tosa where he spent his childhood.

"That sea will still be as blue as ever. ......"

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 And again Shuki clutches Adriana's shoulder as she stands next to him,

"I have found the love of my life in my wife, and I have a daughter who is also the love of my life. And I was able to raise the best magecraftsman. No, you are already a Meister. <
 He clasped his joined hands tightly together.

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"Thank you, Ado. I am proud to say that my life has been a good one because of you.

"Father ......."

 Adriana's pursed lips trembled.

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 She stopped herself from speaking any further, as if to say something would bring tears to her eyes.

"I think it's a sign of old age to try to find meaning in life. I am aware of that, but I still want to say it.

 Shuki looked at Adriana, who was standing next to him.

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Ad, thank you. Thanks to you, my second half of my life has been fulfilling. I've been ...... happy."


 Adriana hugged Shuki and cried.

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"You'll always be a crybaby, Ad.

"...... I only cry when it's about my father."

 Adriana finished in a tearful voice.

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"Thank you, Ad.

 Shuki thanked her for the first time. There was a glint in his eyes.

 Adriana smiles back at him with tears in her eyes.

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"Father, that's enough. I'm your daughter. Isn't it natural for a daughter to take care of her parents?

* * * * * *

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 On the morning of June 29th, 2358.

"Dad, dinner's ready. It's time to get up."

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 Adriana called out to Shuki.

"...... father?"

 But there was no answer.

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 Adriana rushes to him.

"Dad! ......"

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 Shuki did not return that morning.

 His face was peaceful, with the clear smile he always gave Adriana.

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"I wish I could have learned more from my father ............. I wanted to go with you to more places. I wanted to make more things with you. I wanted to ...... be with you more and more, Dad. ......"

 Adriana cried silently, holding Shuki's cold body in her arms.

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* * * *

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 Adriana built a monument on the cape that Shuki had loved so much, and took a boat out to the sea.

 She wanted to bury Shuki on the most remote islet visible from the cape.

 Together with the golem and the automata she had created, Adriana built a cemetery for Shuki.

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 In the graveyard, two automata, one of her father Shuki and the other of herself, were placed as the tomb guard.

 Adriana Barbora Tsetsi vanished into thin air, leaving behind a diary in which she and Shuki wrote their last days together.

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