1136 - - 31-03 Goose with family

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"Whoa! This place is amazing!"

 The day after Stearina's birthday party, i.e. August 3rd.

 Jin brought Goose to Horaijima.

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"Goose, you need to calm down a bit."

 Saki was with him.

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 During the grace period, Jin had assessed Goose's personality and decided that he would join the .

 At the same time, he gives her a bracelet. The color of the bracelet is grape brown.

 Goose rolls his eyes when I show him how to use it.

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"So this is what being a <> is all about! I'm honored to be a part of your family!

"Haha, I'm glad you're pleased. I apologize for being a little late."

"Of course! Now that you've told me, Goose, I'll cooperate with you and I promise not to reveal this secret.

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"Yes, please."

 Thus, Goose joined the Jin family.

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"Goose, I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Thank you, Saki. Thank you, Saki.

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 Jin then gave a brief history of the civilization 500 years ago.

"Hmm. ......500 years ago. ......Church. ......I see. ......."

 Goose listened and thought for a good ten minutes, then looked up and opened his mouth.

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"......I've been going around to different countries and synthesizing the bits and pieces of information I've gathered. ......"

 Guth began to speak.

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* * * *

"Roughly 600 to 700 years ago, a religion emerged.

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 The name of the religion is now unknown.

"One of its tenets was to return to nature. It seems to have been a kind of 'do-it-yourself' kind of thing."

 Therefore, <><><> were ostracized, and magecraftsmen and alchemists who created them were persecuted.

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"But <> was not banned, but rather encouraged, because it fell into the category of <>."

 There was a time when schools of magic sprang up like bamboo shoots after rain.

"However, as is usual with religions, not all people were devout, and there were many who rebelled.

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 These people left the cities and went into hiding in the countryside, continuing to lead a small, independent life.

"The standard of living declined, and the gap between the upper and lower classes of people became stark. I mean the gap between those who could use magic and those who could not. The church grew in power and a powerhouse called the clergy was born."

 The power of the clergy seems to have been so great that it even exceeded that of the king.

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"After about 400 years ago, the racism seems to have eased considerably.

 We only know that one of the reasons was apparently a conflict with another religion.

 But this is said to have led to the restoration of magical engineering and alchemy.

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"But in the end, it seems that the church remained in power until the ."

* * * *

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"...... is a synthesis of what I have researched and supplemented with some speculation."


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"That's great, Goose."

 Saki began by complimenting Goose.

"Yes, indeed. It's easy, but I think I understand how the world works now."

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 Jin was also impressed with Goose.

"Really! You're a better researcher than I am! I'm jealous."

 Vivian also praised Goose with open arms.

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"No, I'm embarrassed. Vivienne is a storyteller and I'm not.

 Goose is more focused on the content, while Vivienne is more focused on the expression.

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"But maybe this solves the mystery a little bit," Jin said happily.

 Jin said happily.

"So if we wanted to find 500 years old technology, we would have to look in the countryside!

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 Stearina shouted.

"But I guess that's why magic technology once declined..." said Reinhard.

 Reinhard said. Jin agrees.

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"Of course. After a few generations of inadequate facilities and failure to study each other's skills, it's bound to decline."

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"I'd be curious to know the origins of that religion. ......"

 Perhaps that's Vivien's next goal.

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 In any case, Jin and his family have taken another step forward now that Guth has joined the family.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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 The same evening.

"Brother Jin, I have something to tell you.

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 Erza came to Jin who was cooling off in the front yard of the institute.

"Yes, what's up?"


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 Erza fidgeted a little, as if she was having trouble saying something, but eventually she opened her mouth slowly.

"...... about the members of the family."

"Yeah, so?"

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"Well, from the Shoro Kingdom are myself, my brother Rai, Ms. Belce, my sister Saki, Mr. Toa, and my mother."


And from the Kingdom of Egelea, Bina and Luis.

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And in the kingdom of Elias, Marcia and Rodrigo.


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 Jin gradually began to understand what Erza was trying to say, but he just kept on listening to her for the time being.

"The Kingdom of Celuloa is in exile, but Stearena and Vivienne are still in exile.

"They're in exile, but so be it.

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And now, Mr. Goose from Huso.


"...... the kingdom of Klein is missing. Hannah's a little different... different...

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I guess you're right.

 Hannah is more like the village of Kaina than the kingdom of Klein.

"...... and Licia..."

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"...... yeah."

"She's already been through a lot, and I don't think she's the kind of person who'd let a secret slip."

That may be true.

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 As for Jin, Licia has taken good care of him in the past, and I would like to bring her into the family.

"......Licia is an independent person, so I can understand Jin's hesitation."

 Erza paused for a moment and then said, "It's just that...

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"It's just, she's the one who's been talking about my brother Jin ......."


"...... nothing."

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 Erza remembered Reinhardt and Saki.

 She remembered that Reinhardt had been in a relationship for many years and had been a simpleton who was unaware of Saki's feelings for him.

 Jin was the same way.

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 And she felt that it was not right for her to point this out to Jin. So, I wrote to him,

"......, the rest is up to my brother Jin.

 I said nothing more than that.

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