1238 - - 33-23 Antarctic Research Fleet No. 1

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 The date and time will be back a little.

The Antarctic Survey Fleet has been replaced by the Penglai Island Honeymoon Fleet.

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The Honeymoon Fleet is returning to the island.

The Antarctic Survey Fleet has advanced to 40 degrees south latitude and 80 degrees west longitude.

 Because they were approaching an area where the concentration of free magical element (ether) was low, the vessels that were not equipped with <> decided to turn back for safety's sake.

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 The dispatched by Jin continued its steady march southward.

 On September 25, the fleet headed for the South Pole with a view of the islands that would later be named the on its starboard side.

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 At the same time, a small number of <> were dispatched to observe the situation on land.

 The receiving Raptor analyzed the images and came to a conclusion.

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 At the same time, he calls Jin.

"What's the matter, old man?"

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No, that's okay. I was just servicing my tools. I was just working on my tools. ...... But what's more, what happened?"


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 The old man first shows the image in question without giving any unnecessary information to avoid giving any preconceptions.

"This is ......"


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 The images shown on the screen are of various animals. They are various kinds of animals, which Jin had never seen before.

 An elephant-like animal. A giraffe-like animal. Animals that look like rhinos. Animals that resemble hippopotamuses, monkeys, squirrels, .......

 There were also bears, wild boars, and other animals that Jin had seen before. However, they looked somewhat different from the ones Jin remembered.

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 The flora also seemed to be more abundant than in the Pleiades, which Jin had visited the other day.

"Is this the biota of the southern islands? ......"


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"Hmmm. ......"

 Jin is not a biologist. But he knows the name of the Galapagos Islands. He has heard of the Ogasawara Islands.

"Did they develop their own biota because they were isolated?"

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 The "ark" that the old man is talking about must be Noah's Ark mentioned in the Bible, Jin thought.

 And then it occurred to him what it meant.

"Are you saying that you are protecting the species?"

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"I see. ......

 The old man sometimes comes up with outlandish ideas.

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 This is not a problem of thought process but because his thinking speed is so fast that he can handle a huge amount of information at the same time.

 Therefore, they can instantly consider several times or dozens of possibilities that are several times or dozens of times greater than Jin's.

 It is not the same as having an idea that Jin cannot have.

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 If only he took the time, he could do it .......

"Maybe they were trying to preserve as much of the current inhabitants as possible when they <> Ars."

 It was thought that at least some of the creatures had not been demonized by the high concentration of free magical elements (ether).

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"Still, I wonder how many of them were able to overcome the doubled gravity."

"That would be nice."

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 It is possible that the doubling of gravity has reduced the size of the body, Jin thought, but did not say it. He did not say it out loud, because he had no proof and it was just a hunch.

 Jin asked about something else that had been bothering him.

"Have you checked the continent?"

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"I see. It is true that the current members are not enough. We should increase the number of members. ......"

 Jin thought for a moment and decided to increase the number of members. He is not sure if he will need more mobile air force in the future.

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"Let's increase the number of skies to 1,000. We will increase the number of aircraft on board to 1,000.


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 Land force is 1 to 1000, Marine force is 1 to 50. Mermaid squadrons are also available from 1 to 1000, but Sky squadrons are only 10 Mermaids have 1 to 1000, and Marines 1 to 50 0.

 The Mermaid team also has 1 to 1000, but the Sky team has only 10 to 1000.

 With the help of 1000 craftsmen (smiths), the Sky 1000 were ready in half a day, and the Sky 1000 are already in place. In another day, the Raptor as a passenger plane was manufactured up to the number 500.

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 I'll leave you with this.

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"What is it?"


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"An island? Something special?"

"180 degrees west longitude and above the Tropic of Cancer ......, no way!"

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"Yes, it's ......, isn't it?"

 According to the map defined by Jin, 0 degrees west longitude is Horai Island. Moreover, Horai Island is on the Tropic of Cancer.

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 This means that the island in question is on the opposite side of Ars.

"I guess so."

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 Jin pondered.

 Although it was just a hunch, he could not help but feel that there was some important secret hidden on the island.

 After thinking about it for 10 minutes, Jin came to a conclusion.

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"Okay, let's investigate the island at the same time.

"Yes, that's right. It's not that urgent, so it's fine.

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 It would be inconvenient to have a name for what we are going to do.

"Let's see ......, how about <>?"

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 Onogoro Island is an island mentioned in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters), which legend has it that when the land and sea were still in chaos, the gods stirred and lifted the heavenly floating bridge with an ama no ukihashi (heavenly spear), and the tide that dripped from the bridge accumulated and became an island. .

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 When Jin was at the facility, the director told him a myth about this island, so he remembered it.

 It was a name he came up with as a name for a mysterious island.

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"Perhaps it is a counterpart to Horai Island."

"It could be a clue to the singularity of the free magical element (ether).

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"Right. Vivienne will sulk later if we don't call her too."

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 Thus, the survey of the southern hemisphere progresses.

 Later and .

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 It seems that the planet Ars is not yet ready to reveal all its mysteries.

"I wish I had more time. ......"

 Now that the long-period planets are approaching, Jin has begun to think that he needs more time.

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"I guess you could say that the bill for everything I've done is coming due."

 Jin reflected on the fact that this was the result of putting it off when he had the time to do it.

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"I used to finish my summer vacation homework as soon as possible ......."

 There is no use in grumbling about it.

 Jin renewed his determination to do his best.

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