1256 - - 34-01 再始動

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, a long-period planet, collided with the fifth planet Pengolta, changed its orbit, and disappeared into the far reaches of the universe.

 However, even if the threat of the main body of the planet disappears, debris from the collision will attack Ars.

 The predicted date is October 15, 3458.

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 On October 4, Jin was in Horai Island, racking his brains.

"Hmmm, what should I do? ......"

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"Father, are you all right? You've been up all night, haven't you? Moreover, didn't you get a good night's rest the night before last?"

 Reiko asks with a worried look on her face.

"I'm fine. I used to stay up all night for about two nights.

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 Jin answered with a slightly tired look on his face.

"...... Jin, at least rest your body for a little while."

 Erza, who had also worked all night, brought him a cup of strong green tea to help him sleep.

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"Oh, thank you, Elsa.

 Feeling a little tired, Jin leaned against the back of the chair.

"...... wind."

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 But his eyes were staring off into the distance, as if he were out of his mind.

"Father, the tea that Erza-sama took the trouble to brew is getting cold.

"Uh, ah, ah, okay."

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 Reiko warned him and he hurriedly picked up the cup of tea. He took a sip.

"...... delicious."

"I'm thirsty, I thought. ...... pick some up if you like."

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 He also offers her a taro...... or, as the Shoro Empire would say, a as a teaside treat.

"Yes, thank you."

 Erza had made them for him, as she knew he needed some sugar when his head was tired.

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 She was acting on the assumption that Jin would never eat a proper meal at a time like this.

 He must have been hungry, because once he started to eat, he ate the takaimo one after another.

 After two more cups of tea, he finally seemed to be satisfied with his meal.

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"I guess I was hungry after all. Thank you, Elsa and Reiko.

 After thanking them, Jin started to think again.

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"Brother Jin, please tell me what the problem is.


"I think it would be better to sort out the problem once."

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 Jin nodded at Erza's suggestion.

"That may be so. In a situation like this, it might be a good idea to change our approach a little."

 Jin turned to Erza and began to explain slowly.

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"What I'm struggling with now is how to deal with the fragments that are classified as <><>."

"Hmm, that's good. <> is for pieces between 1 and 10 kilograms, and <> is for pieces larger than that."

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"Yes, that's right. So I'm wondering what I should do.

 Jin takes a breath before continuing.

"There are two main methods. Either we can make it disappear, or we can change its trajectory."

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"Each of these has its own problems?"

Yes. That's why I'm having a hard time.

 Jin gathered his thoughts in his head for a moment and then spoke again.

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"There are two ways to erase them, one is to turn them into plasma using a laser or something, and the other is to transfer them.


"Changing the orbit is still the same. Perhaps, if we change its trajectory even slightly, we can avoid a collision.

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 Elsa nodded.

"So each of them has its own problems?"

"Yes. ......"

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 Jin's shoulders slumped.

"First we have to transfer them. To do this, we need a huge amount of energy, because the thing is so huge. 21 <> and 1 <>. With the method at hand, it will be just in time or not in time, taking into account the time to generate mana from free magic element (ether).

That's a lot?

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It might take nearly a day to accumulate enough energy for one transfer.


 It takes that much energy to transfer an object that weighs about one kilogram.

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"The method of heating the object with lasers, heat rays, fire magic, etc. to vaporize or plasmaize it is also an energy problem."

"...... understand."

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"And changing the orbit, that's a time issue."


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Time? - Yeah, yeah. If you wanted to move a rock block that size, it would have to be Adriana.

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"Maybe, maybe not."


 If it takes a day for each one, we won't make it in time. Can you do it in half a day? The question becomes, "Can you do it in half a day?

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It is not enough to say, "We tried it and it didn't work. You can do it in 22 pieces at ......."

"...... I can certainly understand why Jin would be worried."

"I mean, we have the means to do something, but we don't have the time.

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"The day after tomorrow is the deadline. The day after tomorrow I will fly out with and the fleet. < and as well."

"...... I know it's a lot of work."

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 Erza was also lost in thought as he explained the situation.


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 Jin and Erza, both of them were thinking silently,

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 The old man reported.

"Hey, Jin, Erza......, what's going on with you two?


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 Both Jin and Erza had dark circles under their eyes.

"Don't tell me you've been thinking of countermeasures for a long time?"

 Reinhardt, who had returned from the previous day's meeting to find that the situation had become more serious.

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"If Jin is so worried, the situation must be more serious than I thought."

"Well, ...... but don't tell Bertsche, okay? It will only make her feel uneasy."

"I won't tell Jin if that's what you want, but ...... is there anything I can do?"

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"Oh, well, then listen to me."

 Jin explained again to Reinhardt what he had done to Erza.

"<> and <> processing or ......?"

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"Yes. It's also a race against time."

"Why don't you talk to the 700672?"

 Hitoshi and Erza are startled when they hear this.

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"Oh, yes. Oh, that's a good idea. Besides, I'll have to report this to them.

 Jin decided to go over there right away.

"Reiko, let's go. ...... Erza go rest. Reinhard, take care of Elsa."

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"Yes, I'm in charge."

 He knew that if he didn't tell her, she'd stay up until Jin came home.

"See you later."

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"Bye." "Bye."

 After Jin left, Reinhardt told Erza to get some rest.

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"Erza, rest now. If you fall ill, Jin will have even more things to worry about.

"...... Okay, I understand. Thank you, brother Rai.

 After Reinhardt's persuasion, Erza finally seems to be ready to rest.

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 She leaves the control room and heads for her bedroom in the <>. She was worried, so Reinhardt accompanied her on the way.

 After confirming that Erza is lying down, Reinhardt returns to the control room and waits for Jin's return.

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