1447 - - 39-32 Report Meeting No. 2

 After lunch, it was another debriefing in the afternoon.

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 Jin met Licia, Hannah, Erza and the others briefly and confirmed that all three were doing well.

"We will now have a debriefing session on the results of deciphering the golem materials found at the ruins.

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 As in the morning, the Minister of the Interior is facilitating the meeting.

 The attendees were almost the same as in the morning, but there seemed to be no knights or other military personnel present.

 Jin thought that it was useless to listen to a technical talk.

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 And this became a certainty when he heard the report.

"...... skeleton is endoskeleton and muscular tissue is ****. The surface treatment is done ++++ as a surface treatment to prevent corrosion."

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 It seems that **** and ++++ are parts that cannot be deciphered or are missing from the material.

"At the very least, materials that are resistant to strong acids should be carefully selected."

 There is no doubt that these contents are measures against giant ants.

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"The shields should be made large, and also be protected against strong acid. Biological materials are strictly prohibited.

 Jin nodded his head in agreement, "Indeed, it will dissolve almost all living materials.

 Even Reiko's skin and the wing membrane of a sea dragon dissolved.

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"...... and its control is @@@@@. ......The above is what was written in Document 1."

 Jin thought that Document 1 must have described the concept of a golem for use against giant ants.

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"Next is Document 2, which has a lot of missing material and is even more unintelligible," he said.

 If the leather paper is not well preserved, it can become moldy or, in the worst case, eaten by insects.

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 In this case, it seems to have been both.

"Well, I could only read that the golem was replenished, or that the core was something..."

 Jin speculates that the large amount of magical crystals (magi crystals) found in the ruins may have been used as bait to lure the golem, as well as for the control core to create a new golem.

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"Documents 3 and 4 are almost entirely covered with mold and are indecipherable. Document 5 describes the situation in which giant ants (Giga-ants) appeared in the mine at that time.

 According to the brief description, when the tunnel where the magi crystals had been mined for many years reached about 200 meters underground, giant ants appeared.

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 At first it was just one or two ants, but after 10 days, the ants became so numerous that they pushed back into the tunnels, causing a great deal of damage.

 Since insect-type demons are vulnerable to low temperatures, they were weakened by using magic such as <>.

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(I see, that makes sense.)

 Jin was impressed by the wisdom of the people of the former Leonard Kingdom.

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"Document 6" was a facility, i.e., a floor plan of the ruins. According to this, there is another place like a reference room, but according to the investigation at that time, it was under rubble, so I assume that it suffered from some kind of disaster in the past."

 Jin also thought that it was a pity that there would be no leather paper or other materials left in the area.

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"...... is all I have to say."

 There was a round of applause.

"Well, do you have any questions? ...... Jin-dono."

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 Jin was the first to raise his hand, because there was something he really wanted to know.

"Yes. The first part of the document that is not decipherable, is it all because you couldn't read the <>? Or could you read the letters but not understand the words?"

"I will answer. The musculature is the part of ...... that reads <>? but I did not understand the meaning at all. Similarly, after ...... as surface treatment, it is <>, which I could not understand. The rest of the text was completely unreadable due to insect bites, etc."

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"That's unfortunate. I understand."

 Jin thanks him and thinks for a moment.

(Is ......<>METAL? METAL? You mean ...... metal muscles?)

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 That's possible, Jin thought. (The other one is <, because metal seems to be more resistant to the body fluid of giant ants than biological materials.

(The other one is <> or ...... might be <> over here. PASSIVATE>>?)

 PASSIVATE treatment is a kind of rust inhibiting treatment for stainless steel.

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 In stainless steel, the passive film naturally formed by the chromium content is very thin, so this treatment is to artificially thicken it.

(If you think about it, it is a surface treatment to resist strong acids. ......)

 Jin, who is quite familiar with metallurgy, had a rough idea.

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(But I don't think he would understand me even if I explained it to him. ......)

 This made him a little bit impatient.

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"Is there any other ...... way?"

 While Jin was pondering, another question was already asked and answered.

 No further questions were raised, and that was the end of the debriefing.

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"After this break, we will have a review meeting with the officials of the Ministry of Magic, if any of you would like to attend.

 Before dismissing the meeting, the Minister of Magic, Mr. Kelihidole, made a declaration.

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 Jin wanted to attend the meeting, but since he had left Erza, Hannah, Licia and the others alone since this morning, he decided to forgo it this time.

 Then, he came to the door.

"Jin, now we can talk at leisure!"

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 It was Prince Ernest and Princess Rieschen.

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"I'm going to have tea now, would you like to join me, Jin? Of course, Erza and your friends who came with you will join us."

"Nest-sama, it's interesting that you say 'with the friends who came with us'."

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"Ah, ha-ha-ha."

 The two were good friends.

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The two of them were very good friends.

"Wow, I've never been in a room like this!

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"Haha, I'm glad you like it."

 Jin and his friends were led to the living room in Ernesto's living area in a corner of the royal castle.

 The living room was a room that made us want to ask how it was different from a reception room, and we were reminded that it was indeed the prince's living room.

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"Wow, what a beautiful wall hanging!

"Wow, that's a beautiful wall hanging!" "It's a tapestry from the South, I believe. It's ......, isn't it, Mr. Nest?"

"Yes, that's right."

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 Hannah is very excited to see the Egerian furnishings. Princess Rieschen looked at Hannah with sisterly eyes.

 Elsa, who had been to Egelea several times and was originally a baroness, was drinking tea in a calm atmosphere.

 On the other hand, Licia was drinking tea with a lot of tension because she was a new noble and the prince of Egelea was present.

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 And Jin was talking to Lotte, a golem standing diagonally behind Prince Ernest.

"Lotte, how are you feeling?

"Yes, Jin-sama, not bad.

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"I see. I'll check on you later.

"Yes, thank you."

 Jin's gaze then turns to Princess Rieschen, who is sitting next to Prince Ernest, and Tia, who is standing diagonally behind her. .......

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 Suddenly, he remembered his past promise.

(When was it that I promised Tia that I would take her to see her sister, Refa?)

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 Jin notices this and quietly tells Reiko about it in a whisper.

 Reiko tells the old man with her built-in manacam, and Jin hopes that the old man will take the best course of action considering the current situation.

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 The old man was on the move on Horai Island.