1581 - - 43-07 The bond between the two

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 Jin was assisted by Rhodes and proceeded to analyze the golem.

"This one is ......."

 The structure is clearly not from the lineage of Adriana Barbora Zetsi.

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"You don't mean < ......?"

 Rhodoth muttered when he saw it.


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 The other day, Zion had just told him about this word.

"Yes. It is a group that opposes <> ...... and hates Avalon."

"Dislike ......?"

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 Jin continues to read information from the control core.

"...... surely this golem belongs to the ."

 However, why they are trying to destroy Reiko remains a mystery.

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 However, there is no time to spare.

I won't let them destroy my Reiko!"

 Jin leaves the disassembled golem there and climbs back into Pegasus 2.

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"I'm going to clean it up!"

 He is going to make them suffer the same fate as the previous golem.

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 He circled the area, firing <>, <>, <>, and <>.

 Soon the moving golem is gone.

 Still being cautious, we checked with the <>. Nothing moved.

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 All that remained was to find Reiko. But that's the hard part.

I wonder how they knew Reiko is around here.

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 That information could not be read from the control core. Well, of course.

"Anyway, we have to find Reiko before they do."

 At this point, Jin realized that Reiko is likely to be in < or mode.

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"In that case, ...... is good."

 Jin thinks for a moment, and then it occurs to him that Reiko is also wearing a bracelet.

 Jin adjusts his <>, thinking that he can track her magic ....... However, contrary to his expectations, there was no response.

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"Either he's not wearing a bracelet, or he's not ......."

 Jin pondered.

"Or ...... they could be shielding them from easy detection."

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 If so, how would he find out?

"...... hmmm."

 Jin ponders.

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 Reiko must know that Jin is coming to look for her. If so, she may have set a marker that only Jin can see. What could it be, he wonders.

"I can't think of any ......"

 I mean, there are too many and I have no idea how they are marked.

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 For example, in that describes that only know.

 < that only Hitoshi and Reiko know? And what is ?

 As you can see, there are too many variations to narrow it down to just one.

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"Perhaps it is something visual.

 Jin thinks of this, and sends Pegasus 2 into the sky.

 The night had just begun to dawn, and the surface of the earth was now clearly visible.

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"Let's go up to an altitude of one kilometer.

 The air is clear and cloudless. Pegasus 2 was gaining altitude rapidly.


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"Is that ......?"

 Something looks like a pattern on the surface of the earth.

"Is it a geoglyph?

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 Jin raised the altitude of Pegasus 2 a little more. About three kilometers.

"Oh, I know what this is."

 No balloon or airship could have reached this altitude, so he thought that only someone with a high-performance aircraft, namely Jin, would have noticed it.

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 A huge terrestrial painting far surpassing that of Nazca spread out below Jin's eyes.

"Horai Island ......"

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 It was in the shape of Horai Island, although it was missing in some parts.

 There are unmistakable features such as Mount Horai and Tatsumi Bay. Especially, Mt. Horai was made of a natural small mountain as it was.

 Certainly, there is no one who knows the whole picture of Horai Island except .

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"So that would be ...... the top of Mount Horai? ...... No, I don't think so."

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 The summit is where anyone who stumbles across the painting is likely to aim for.

"The Institute".

 The place where Jin and Reiko first met ......, or rather where Jin was summoned.

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 Jin was sure that Reiko would be waiting for him there.

"Reiko, I'm coming!"

 Jin slowly lowered the Pegasus 2 to the location of the research center, with the map of Horai Island in his mind.

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"It's around here."

 After getting off Pegasus 2, Jin and Hope walked around the area and identified the location.

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 There was a rock protruding enough for a person to sit on, and it could be imagined to resemble a laboratory.

"I guess we can dig here," he said.

"Oh, I'll help you with that."

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 Rhodes, who had been unable to do anything so far, offered to help.


 Rhodes digs a hole with earth magic one after another. Jin alternately casts <> on them.

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 Hanako keeps a watchful eye on the surroundings, and Hope is in charge of removing the dug-up soil.

 Ten minutes passed. The hole is 10 meters in diameter and 6 meters deep.

"There's something in there."

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 Rhodes noticed first. A piece of what appeared to be metal peeked out of the soil.

 Its color was probably hyperadamantite. An indestructible metal.

"Hope, move the dirt out of the way.

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"Yes, sir."

 From this point on, the work was done by hand by Hope.

 Another 15 minutes passed, and at the bottom of a large hole dug in the ground, an object reminiscent of an oblong egg was revealed.

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 The length of the object was about 2 meters. Its width is one meter.

"Reiko is in here.

 Jin was convinced. Because the hyperadamantite surface was inscribed <> in Japanese.

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(If I hadn't come, ...... would this container have been Reiko's coffin?)

 ) Thinking so, I examine how to open it. However, there was no way to open the container because it was one piece.

 Then, there is only one way to open it. Engineering magic.

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 Hyperadamantite is highly resistant to magic. Only Jin and his associates can process it.


 Jin used engineering magic without hesitation. The container transformed and its mouth opened. Water poured out of it.

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 It filled the container like amniotic fluid, but it was not just water, but <>.

 This liquid, which contains a large amount of free magical element (ether), is supposed to be for preservation.

 Demonic materials do not deteriorate if they are stored in an environment with a high concentration of free magic element (ether).

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 And in the container from which all the ethenol had flowed out, a black-haired automata was lying.


 Jin finally found Reiko.

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 Then, Reiko's eyes are opened by Jin's words.



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 Reiko got up from the container and jumped on Jin.

"...... I've met ...... your father again," she said.

"I'm glad you waited for me."

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 For Reiko, it was a reunion after almost 300 years since the death of her ex-husband, Jin.