1614 - - 44-13 Beginners' Courses

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 The girl who introduced herself as Paula Frau Charnedo was a pretty girl with bright gold fluffy curly hair.

 Jin and Rhodes came up to her and introduced Reiko and Hope.

"Wow, what a wonderful automata!

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 Paula looked at Reiko with a twinkle in her eye.

"Paula, Gin-sama is the Magi Craftsman who made that automata, and Rhodoth-sama graduated from the Bachelor Course of Avalon.

"Wow! Wow! That's amazing, both of you!

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 Paula's eyes lit up and the baroness said in a gentle voice.

"So I'm sure she will be able to answer all your questions.


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 Jin had no idea what was going on, but it seemed that this girl, Paula, had questions about something and was waiting for someone to explain them to her. Jin guessed so.

"Well, Mister Jin, Mister Rhodes. ...... Her question is, <>I mean..."


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 Jin couldn't help but to stiffen. The doubt, if ...... it is, is something that comes to mind. And then...

"Are you saying that you have doubts about the philosophy of the <>?"

 Rhodes asked straight out.

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"Yes, yes. Yes, that's right."

 The baroness was slightly dismayed,

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"Yes, yes! Can you tell me about it?"

 Paula looked straight at her in the affirmative.

"Oh, um, do the two of you have any connection with the League of Magic ......?"

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 The baroness asked anxiously, and Jin denied it categorically.

"No, I don't."

"I see. ......"

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 Seeing her obvious relief, Jin thought that the Federation of Magical Societies was influencing people more than he had expected.

 Then, Jin thinks.

(The flow of the ...... story seems to indicate that the two of you would like the League of Magic to deny its principles.)

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 (Although the flow of the story seems to indicate that the two of you want to deny the principles of the League of Magic, we cannot deny the possibility that it is just a pose, a trap to flush out those who oppose the League of Magic.

(Well, we'll see then...)

 Reiko is here. Jin had an idea if he was going to hand her over to the League of Magic by force.

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 However, that possibility seems to be very small.

 Jin started with a safe response and decided to respond according to the reaction.

"It's about magic and science, isn't it?"

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 Paula nodded her head twice when Jin said this.

"They are two different fields, but at the same time they have something in common.


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 It was the baroness who responded with a puzzled look.

"I don't know if this is easy ...... to understand, but let me give you an example. <> and <>. They are completely different, but share the common characteristic of being <>."

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"Oh, yes, they do."

 Again the baroness responds.

"Magic and science are the same. Both are useful. And both can hurt people depending on how they're used."

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"Oh, ......"

 Again the voice of the baroness.

"In other words, I don't see much point in making a distinction, is what I'm saying.

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"I understand!"

 The cheerful voice belongs to Paula.

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 Jin continues.

"<> is actually not a special study. ...... at least at the elementary level."

"Is that so?"

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 The baroness again.

 Jin wondered if not only Paula but also the baroness might be torn between and .

"Originally, was developed to explain things around us, you know.

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"And what do you mean by that?"

 Here Jin remembered the old days and decided to explain the introductory part of his beginner's course on science.

"For example, science is the answer to the question, <>.

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"That's interesting. Please tell me."

 The baroness was becoming more and more interested.

"I understand. What does it take for a fire to burn?

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"What does it take for a fire to burn, ...... not fuel such as firewood or oil?"

 Jin nodded once and shook his head.

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"That's only part of it. For a ...... fire to burn, you need <>, <>, and the fuel you mentioned earlier, i.e. >."

"Heat...... is somewhat understandable. But what is <?"

 When I explained this to him, he asked a question that most people would ask.

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"Oxygen is an element found in the air. Since this is not a formal course, I will not explain it in detail, but you can think of it as a type of air."

"There are different kinds of air?

"Yes, there are. There are. ...... Let's go a little off the beaten path and try an experiment. I'm sorry, do you have any wood paper?

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Yes, I do. Please bring me about 10 sheets of ...... paper.

 The baroness had the paper brought at Jin's request. Apparently, in this day and age, they don't say , just .

"Thank you."

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 Jin took two of the sheets,


 He had made a paper bag with his engineering magic.

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"If you don't mind, could you put this bag over your mouth and breathe into it?"

"Yes, that would be great."

 The baroness put the bag over her mouth and began to breathe. The bag swelled and deflated as she breathed.

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 After about a minute, Jin stopped her.

"You are beginning to have difficulty breathing, aren't you?"

 She nodded.

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"Yes, I think so. Why ...... is that? Air is air. ......"

"That's exactly the question that science has to answer. ...... Actually, humans need oxygen to live. The reason we are having trouble breathing now is because there is less oxygen in the air we breathe."


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"I know it was a short detour, but I think you now understand that there are different kinds of air."

 Jin said and the baroness nodded repeatedly. She was completely absorbed in Jin's conversation, ignoring her daughter Paula.

"And, well, this is <. Next, you may be asking yourself what good it will do for you to know this. ......"

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 Jin glanced at the baroness.

"Yes, of course. What good would it do?"

"Think about it the other way around. How do you put out a fire?

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"Pour water on it. ...... Oh! So I can eliminate any of the three conditions I just mentioned?

Correct. The reason for sprinkling water is to remove heat. In a fireplace, the fire is extinguished when the combustible wood is gone. And if you take away the oxygen, the fire goes out. When you put out a fire in an incense burner, don't you put a lid on it? That stops the supply of air ...... oxygen to burn."

 The Viscountess expressed her delight by clapping her palms together.

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"Oh, my God! Well, well, well! The darkness seems to have lifted!"

 Then she noticed and looked at Paula.

"......, you see what I mean? Paula?

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"Yes, Mother."

 Paula also seemed to be impressed by Jin's explanation, though not as much as her mother.

"So, when you use fire magic, you can use it better if you remember what you just learned!

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 And he seemed to have a good understanding.

"That's right. So there is no need to separate magic and science ......, I think science is also useful to use magic better."

"I understand very well. Thank you, Master Jin.

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 He is so impressed that <> has become <>.

 Jin is a little embarrassed to be called by a small child.

 Reiko is smiling happily when she sees him like that.

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