1616 - - 44-15 Water, Ice and Steam

 Jin and Rhodes are still talking about <>.

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"But there haven't been any major events in the last 100 years or so, and the budget is supposed to be shrinking."

"Where did the budget come from?"

"Oh, that's right. The budget of ...... is borne by the countries participating in the World Congress.

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"Of course they are."

 Jin nodded in agreement.

"The World Conference is meaningful. Five members from each country have been appointed and are stationed in <>. Contact with the home country is made by an improved manaphone.

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Yes. It used to be as big as a desk, then it became about the size of a small drawer, and then it became possible to switch the destination of calls.

 It is said that something like a switchboard was developed. No, perhaps it was created by a man of the past.

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(......I guess it's better to know what I've made so far by knowledge transfer (transinfo). ......)

 Jin pondered a bit.

 He felt that it would not be interesting if he knew what he had made in the past.

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 However, when he thought about it, it would be a waste of time to try to develop something that already existed, or to make something that was inferior to something that already existed.

Let's discuss this with the old man the next time we return to Horai Island.

"Mr. Jin?"

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 Rhodes overheard what I had just said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Actually, ......."

 Jin explained to Rhodes what he was thinking.

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"I see, that's very complicated.

 Rhodes chuckled.

 They decided to leave these discussions until then and relax for the rest of the day.

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 < was spacious, and Jin was satisfied with the quality of the bath.

 The food was also refined in the sense that quality is better than quantity, and Jin was satisfied in this respect as well.

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The next day, after breakfast, I went to the hotel.

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 The next day, after breakfast, Jin and his friends made arrangements to stay another night. The room was still available.

 At 9:00 a.m., five minutes before the appointed time, a golem carriage arrives to pick them up from the baroness.

"Mr. Jin, Mr. Rhodes. I'm here to pick you up."

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 The butler who had met them at the Viscount's mansion yesterday appeared and invited the two men and two bodies into the carriage.

 The carriage took the group to the Viscount's mansion.

"It's quite a comfortable carriage," was Jin's comment.

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 was Jin's comment. It seems that not only the suspension but also the dampers have been properly adjusted.

"Mr. Jin, Mr. Rhodes, welcome!"

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 At the entrance of the Viscount's residence, Baroness Foale Laska Charnedo greets the group.

 They were taken to the same dining room as the day before.

 Her daughter, Paula Frau Charnedo, was waiting there.

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"Welcome, Monsieur Gin, Monsieur Rhodotos."

 She picked up her skirt and bowed in a curtsey. Her gesture was still a little awkward, but it was elegant.

"Thank you for inviting us today."

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 Jin and Rhodes bowed too.

We would like to continue where we left off yesterday.

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 They took their seats and took a sip from the drinks offered, and then the baroness started.

"Yes, please.

"I would like to talk a little more about the connection between science and magic.

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"The interface... ......?"

 This was a bit vague, and Jin wondered what he should do.

 Then Paula came up with a suggestion.

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"Well, um, I've been wondering about something, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, go ahead."

 Jin decided to ask Paula's question first, thinking that it might be easier to ask in the form of a question.

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"When water is put on fire, it becomes hot water, doesn't it? The hot water gives off steam, but it gradually disappears. Where in the world did it go?

 Jin was impressed by his keen sense of observation.

"Yes, that is a phenomenon that can be explained by <.

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 Jin began his explanation.

"Not limited to water, everything in this world is made of small <. They are called , and water is made up of .

"Molecules, you say? ......"

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 Paula tilted her head cutely.

"That's what you think it is now. Now, those molecules are so small that you can't even see them. But when a lot of them come together, they become visible. This is water."

"Well, the grains of sand are so small that it's hard to see them one by one, but when they come together they form dunes or beaches that are easier to see, is that right?"

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 This is a baroness. That's a good analogy, Jin thought.

"That's a good analogy," Jin thought, "but let's start with that image. ...... Now, using the sand analogy, the sand is water. And rocks can be compared to ice.

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"Rocks are ice?"

 Now Paula asked the question.

"Yes, that's right. If you break rock into gravel, it becomes gravel, and if you break it into smaller pieces, it becomes sand, doesn't it?

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"Oh, yes, that's right.

"If you grind sand more finely, it becomes like dust and even a little wind can make it fly up. This is steam."

 And now it was time to answer Paula's question.

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"The dust is further crushed into invisible particles. This is called . This is invisible to the eye, so it looks like it's gone."


 Jin reflected a little on the fact that the explanation of molecules and grains was mixed up, making it a little difficult to understand.

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"Well, <> is a systematic study. If you follow the steps you should learn, it should be a little easier to understand.

 Jin finished his explanation for the time being.

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"I think I have a vague idea of what you mean. Well, Mr. Jin, what are the conditions or causes of water turning into ice, steam, or water vapor?

 The baroness asked.

"Well, that's exactly what you learn in the intermediate level of <, so it's hard to explain in a few words. ......"

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 Rhodes interrupted at this point.

"In <> it is explained by <>. Think of energy as the <> of a molecule."

"Genki ...... enerugi, is it?"

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Yes, it is. In the case of water, when it gets cold, the molecules lose their energy ...... and become still, shut up in a room. That's ice."

"Oh, and then when it gets a little more energetic, it starts moving around the room, is that water?"

 The baroness was quick to understand.

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"That's right. When it gets warmer and more energetic, it runs out of the room. That's steam, and when it gets more energetic, it goes off to play somewhere far away and doesn't come back. That is steam.

"That's very clear!"

 Paula bowed her head.

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"By the way, ice is a solid, water is a liquid, and water vapor is a gas. All substances have these three states. It is just that the temperature at which they become so varies from substance to substance.

 Rhodes finished his explanation by adding that the temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid is called the melting point and the temperature at which a liquid becomes a gas is called the boiling point.

"Ah, that makes sense. So iron can become a liquid or a gas ...... and air can become a liquid or a solid?"

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 Jin and Rhodes asked with pleasure that the baroness understood so much.

"That is correct. You can imagine that metal becomes liquid when you make a casting. If you raise the temperature of the metal higher and higher, it becomes a gas. I don't think there is any use for metal in such a state, though."


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 The morning ended with this exchange.

 Jin and Rhodes took turns explaining the connection between magic and science, hoping that their understanding would deepen.

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