1635 - - 44-34 The Mystery of Slavery

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 On October 8, Hitoshi heads for the Nord Federation with Reiko and Rhodos.


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"Jin, welcome!"

 Zion greeted us as usual.

I have something to tell you today, Zion.

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"What is it?"

 Theon, who is still the same lovely grandma with a tilted head, invited Jin and the others into the house.

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"You're at ......?"

"Yes, actually ......."

 Jin explained that he had welcomed Rhodes into the second Jin family. Rhodes looked a little embarrassed.

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"Oh, really? Lo, congratulations!"

 Xiong is happy as if it were his own to have his grandson recognized.

"Oh, my God! I love you, brother!"

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 Then Rhodes' sister, Vita, appeared.

"Vita, what a shame. Say hello first."

"...... yes, grandmother. ...... Jin-sama, welcome!

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 After being rebuked by Zion, Vita apologized and greeted Jin. Then she said.

"Brother, you got that, didn't you? Let me see it!

"That? What's that?

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 Rhodes blurts out.

"Oh my God! I said that one! ...... what is it? The sign of family!

 Zion watches her restlessness with a wry smile.

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 Jin had not seen this kind of atmosphere for a long time, so he was curious to see how Rhodes would treat his sister.

"Well, if that's the case, just say so.

"Ugh, you tease me!"

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 Jin thought it was time to stop teasing her,

"Sorry, sorry. Here, look at this."

 As expected of siblings, Rhodotos showed Vita what she wanted and produced the bracelet.

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"Oh, it's this color, isn't it?"

 Theon, looking from the side, also produced the bracelet on his left arm.

 Theon's bracelet is marbled silver and light blue.

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 Rhodes' bracelet is white and light blue marbled.

"Oh, they match your brother's hair color and eye color," he says.

 The same is true of Zion. Both of them have silver hair, but it would be confusing if they had the same color, so Rhodtos' hair color was white because his hair color is lighter.

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* * * *

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...... and that's it."

 Jin told Zion everything that had happened so far. Vita joined him, listening with a twinkle in her eye.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

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"Oh, as far as I'm concerned, ......."

 Jin explained that he had decided to take care of some details that had been bothering him but he had not been able to confirm. Zion nodded silently.

 And then,

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"By the way, did you find out anything about the origin of Golbert Markitas?"

 He asked.

"No, I don't know. According to Elena, his descendant ......, or rather the man himself, Guillermo Marchitas, is now leading the League of Magic."

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"Guillermo Marchitas....... I've never heard of him.

"Yes, but I heard that he uses Divieniunschiavo."


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 This information seemed to surprise Zion.

"It's true, Grandmother. I was there myself."

 Rhodes corroborated.

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"Hmmm... ......"

 Sion pondered.

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"<> is not for everyone, right?"

"Yes, it is."

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"I think there was someone in the <> clan who was good at it. ...... I don't think so."

 There should be no such extremists among the Nords and Northerners today.

"But what about two hundred years ago?"

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 Zion shook his head at Rhodes' words.

"More than four hundred years ago. Because it was the djinn that brought us all together."

"Ah, that ..."

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 Rhodes is listening too.

"Yes. At that time, the radicals who didn't listen to Jin's advice got hit by the Aether Stampede.

 Zion looked a little distant.

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"That's why, as far as I know, there are only about five users. But they are all trustworthy people, you know?"

 Jin gave up, it seemed that the mystery of the Markitas clan could not be solved along these lines.

"Now we just have to wait for the information from the fifth column (Quinta)."

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 Unless they suddenly appeared in the world, it is not possible to erase their origins even if they try.

 Jin thought that he would be able to obtain some information sooner or later.

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* * * *

"......Well, let's get going then."

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 After being served lunch, Jin drank his after-dinner tea and sat up.

"Oh, you're leaving already?"

 Theon said regretfully.

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"Yes. I want to get some things done today. Rhodes can stay, okay?"

 Now Rhodes' left arm was in the firm grip of his sister Vita.

"...... we are going to Tsetsi Island," she said.

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 At the mention of the name, Rhodes, who had been eager to follow her, decided not to.

"Okay. Take care."

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 Tsetsi Island. That was the island where Shuki Tsetsi, the adopted father of Jin's predecessor ...... Adriana Barbora Tsetsi, <>, was said to be resting.

 Jin may not want anyone else to come to the island. Rhodes was concerned about this.

"I'll come back when I'm done," he said.

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"I'll be waiting for you."

I'll be waiting for you, Jin.

"Good-bye, Jin-sama!"

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 Rhodos, Zion, and Vita saw them off, and Jin and Reiko boarded the Pegasus 2.

 Their destination is Cape Magus, southeast of the city.

"What do you think is going on? Reiko, do you know?"

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 Jin asked Reiko, not afraid to ask about this.

Yes, father. The last time I visited this place was about 300 years ago. Things had not changed since then. After that, the old man must have sent the fifth column (quinta) regularly.

"Then, not much has changed, has it?"

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 Jin muttered as he looked at the blue ocean below.

 < was fast, and within an hour they were in sight of Cape Magus.

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