1643 - - 44-42 Lydmilla Participation

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 Since we can only consider fragmentary information, we can only draw inferences in a fragmentary manner.

"...... doesn't seem to help much, does it?"

 Belials said regretfully. And then,

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"Rather, how about having someone who can use <> work with Jin-sama for a while?

 I suggested.

"Oh, that might be a good idea.

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 Golbert Markitas, or Guillermo Markitas, has the advantage of a <> and a <>.

 If these two can be blocked, it will be easier to deal with them.

"Is there anyone who can help us?"

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 Zion asked Zikarat, the chief of the "puppet" clan.

"There is one person who is qualified," he said.

"Is it ......?"

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"My daughter Ludmila."

Ludmila. ...... She's a good girl, that's for sure.

 Rhodes, my daughter-in-law, muttered.

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"<> as well as a little bit of gravity magic, I think I can help you."

 Zicarato puffed out his chest.

"Jin, I can assure you of that. Can you take Ludmilla with you and Law? I think it would be a good experience for her.

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 Theon gave his recommendation, so Jin nodded.

"Okay. I'll be glad to accept.

"Oh, Jin-dono, thank you very much.

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 Zicarato bowed his head.

 < is a kind of status.

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"Jin-sama, please take care of me for a while from now on."

 Ludmilla came to Jin's side and bowed.

"No, it's my pleasure."

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 Jin replied.

"Master Rhodes, it is a pleasure to be of service to you, Jin-sama.

"Yes, it is. Yes, we will do our best, Liu.

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 Jin thought that Rhodes apparently called Ludmilla "Liu.

 Jin then talked with Rhodes, Ludmila, and the others.

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"Ludmila-san, have you ever been to the Laurentian continent?

"Yes, once. ......More importantly, Jin-sama, please call me by my first name, just like Rhodos-sama.

......Ludmila, is this correct?

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"......Ludmilla is very calm, by the way."

 Jin recalls the first time he saw her.

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 It had been three years since he had seen Rhodes, but he had greeted her calmly.

 Jin thought selfishly that since she was his daughter-in-law, something a little more would be nice.

"Jin-sama, Ryu is like this. She's always calm and collected. She's an intelligent lady.

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"Oh, Mr. Rhodes, you praise her too much."

It's true.

"Thank you for ......."

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 Jin looked at Ludmilla, who was lying on her face with a slight blush on her cheeks, and was impressed to see that Rhodes was also thinking about his bride.

 That was the end of the meeting that night.

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 Jin told her that he would head for the Laurentian Continent in the day after tomorrow or the day after the day after tomorrow.

* * * *

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 With nothing much to do the next day, Jin decides to tour the clan territories of the .

 Accompanied by Reiko and Hope, he walked around the village.

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"It's not a village anymore. It's a big village.

 The population growth of the northern tribes is slower than that of humans due to their longevity. The main reason is that each generation lasts about 100 years, about five times longer than the human population.

 Even so, 400 years is four generations, so it is not surprising that the population has doubled.

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"Father, there's a pump over there."

"Jin-sama, they're using golem horses here too."

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 Reiko and Hope report back to me when they find something they think Jin has made.

"Looks like it's in pretty good shape."

 Either they have a good mechanic or they haven't been used that much.

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"Oh, there's a store."

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 The Nordic Federation does not have a commercial system like the countries of the Laurentian Continent. It should have been .......

"This store looks like a general store."

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 Everything from daily necessities to food, clothing and farming implements were displayed in the storefront.

"We've been doing this on a trial basis recently," said a voice from behind me.

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 A voice called out from behind me. It was a woman's voice.

"Oh, Ludmila?"

 I turned around and saw Ludmila and Rhodotos standing there.

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"Jin-sama, if you were touring the clan territory, you should have asked for us," said Ludmila.

 Ludmilla replied,

"No, I haven't seen Rhodes for a long time, so I didn't want to intrude.

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 Jin replies.

"Well, I appreciate your concern, but, you know, ......".

 As expected, Ludmilla was a little embarrassed and turned her head down.

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 In the end, I asked Rhodes and Ludmila to show me around the clan territory.

"......It is true that, as you seem to think, the clans of the Nordic Federation did not have the concept of <>.

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 Then, how to obtain various goods was basically done by the clan leader.

 It is not too much to say that the clan leaders are there for that purpose.

 Other than that, they bartered with each other for what they wanted.

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 This is a society unique to the small population of the northern tribes.

 However, with the gradual increase in population and the beginning of exchanges with the countries of the Laurentian Continent, this system seems to have begun to change little by little.

"The germ of this system has been around for 400 years," Rhodes said.

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 Rhodes said.

"When Great-grandmother Zion went to the human race to negotiate during the food crisis, Master Jin served as the contact person and exchanged food for pelts and dragon skin, and from that moment on, Great-grandmother thought that she could not go on like this.

 I heard about Zion's activities in an unexpected place.

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"I see. Zion doesn't talk much about himself.

 Jin imagined that he kept quiet because he tended to brag.

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"It seems that foreign currency is also beginning to be acquired."

 Having studied in Avalon, Rhodes is familiar with the nations of mankind.

"I hope to build the Nordic Federation by adopting the good and learning from the bad," he said.

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"Yes. You're the future clan leader.

I'm sure you're a future clan leader. I never thought I'd hear you say that ...... Jin-sama.

 Rhodes was embarrassed by Jin's unexpected compliment.

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