1808 - - 48-37 Liese and Sonja

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 <>If Jin was thinking about how to answer the question,

Rhodes answered, "I am here to examine Mr. Graham at his request.

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 Rhodes answered, "I am here to examine Mr. Graham at his request. Jin nodded his head, as it was not a lie.

 The young female healer said,

"I see. ......"

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 The young female healer seemed to be in a quandary, but then said,

I understand. Please do it."

 She seemed to have decided to trust Jin and the others.

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 Then he added,

"Um......... what about the automaton that is accompanying you?"

 He asked them a question.

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 Of course, it is obvious that he is asking about who is wearing a white robe.

 <> has an appearance reminiscent of the young healer <> who once practiced in the village of Kaina with the village headman Giebeck.

"It's a healer-automata.

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 Jin replied, looking surprised.

"This is ......."

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 The female healer led Jin and the others to the second floor.

 The last room, which was Graham Darby's private room, was at the far end of the room.

"So this is Graham Darby. ......

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 He must have been bedridden for a long time, and he looked very thin.

(He has been bedridden for a long time.)

 (No IV either, I guess.) With only liquid food or juice in their mouths, it's no wonder they're like this.

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"Lise, please."


 Liese answered Jin's request shortly and immediately began to examine the patient.

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 This is a magic to check if the patient is under the influence of brainwashing magic.

"......It seems that a part of the frontal lobe is activated."

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"The frontal lobe or ......"

 The frontal lobe is said to contain the majority of dopamine-sensitive neurons.

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 This fits with the hypothesis of the other day, <>.

"Not only that. Conversely, there are also areas that are inactive."

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 The frontal lobe is also responsible for emotion and thought. If some of these areas are inactivated, it is possible that the patient is acting out of his/her own will.

Can you fix it?

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"Yes, I can fix it to this extent.

"Yes, I'm sure you can."

Yes, I'll take care of it.

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 The female healer listening in the back rolled her eyes, but Jin and the others had nothing better to do.


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 Liese was treated by breaking down the overproduced brain substances to normal levels, repairing the damaged brain cells, and restoring the normal function of the abnormal brain cells.

 Finally, the patient was examined again,

"I am cured.

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 He confirmed that the treatment had been carried out correctly.

"Now, we have to heal his weakened body.

 As soon as he regains consciousness, we will be able to manage that by administering recovery medicine and Persica juice made in Horaijima.

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"There are some bedsores, so we will fix them as well. "

 Lise's healing magic is based on Erza's knowledge.

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 In other words, it is not applied to the whole body, but to the brain cells, concentrating on the necessary areas.

 Therefore, it is possible to use the highest level of surgical healing magic <> on the brain, and then use the intermediate level <> on the back.

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"<>...... should do the trick."

"Thank you."

 Even Jin can see that Graham Darby's color is clearly better than before.

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 His breathing, which had been erratic, had changed to deep and slow, and his heartbeat, which Jin could not understand, seemed to have become more steady.

"It's over. ...... what's that?"

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 The female healer who had led Jin and the others here froze.


 Jin called out to her, but she didn't answer. So he decided to let Reiko tap him on the shoulder.

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"...... ha! What is this healing magic you're doing now? Most of them I had never seen or heard of before!"

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 The rebooted female healer rushes to ask Jin a question. She seems to know that Jin is Liese's master.

"Calm down. What you just used ...... is a healing magic developed by the best healer in the world.

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 The explanation seemed to bring the female healer back to her senses.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. My name is Sonya Banaka, an apprentice healer here at ......."


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I'm ...... Jin."

 Rhodes said his real name without hesitation, and Jin followed his lead.

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"Uh, uh, and, uh, that's the healing magic that your automata used,......."

 At this moment, Jin had a flash of realization.

 This female healer, whose name was Sonya Banaka, had recognized Liese as an automata at the first sight.

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"Sonya-san, how did you know that Lise was an automaton?"

 At any rate, Jin voiced the question that came to his mind. The answer came back even more surprising.

"What? You can see it when you look at it, can't you?

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"No, normally you can't."

 Unintentionally, Jin uttered such words.

(Maybe this girl has more talent in engineering magic than a healer?)

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 Jin thinks like that.

"Uh-uh. ......"

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 Just then, the bedridden Graham Darby moaned.

"Mr. Darby!"

 Sonya rushed over.

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"This ...... is ...... me ...... what in the world ......?"

 Sonya said to Graham, who was still a little dazed,

"Don't worry, this is a healing center. You've been bedridden and unconscious for a long time.

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 She said in a gentle and calm voice, "You have been unconscious and bedridden for a long time.

 Graham Darby seemed to regain his composure,

"Oh, I see. ....... I feel like I'm finally waking up from a long dream. ......

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 He sighed.