1864 - - 50-05 Second time

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 It is a biplane with low wing loading, so it is strong at low speeds.

 The biplane lost some altitude during the turn, but did not stall and regained altitude.

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 The final time was 28.9 seconds, which is approximately 12.5 kilometers per hour.

 It seems that there is more variation in the low speed competitions than in the high speed competitions.

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 Zion had not seen the high speed competition, so he was checking it again.

 Number 6, with its extended wings and low wing loading, is making good time.


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 The time was 31.5 seconds, or about 11.4 km/h. That's quite a good result.

 And number 7, Werner Randall, is a tapered wing with an extendable and retractable wing. This is another gimmick that works well at low speeds.

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 The time was 31.2 seconds, or about 11.5 km/h.

 Number 8 Florence Fahlheit's retractable wing airplane <> flew at a higher speed in the first attempt to avoid stalling, which was a mistake, and turned too far into the turn, hitting the outer wings, and was disqualified in the first attempt. He was disqualified in the first race.

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 Elvis Alcott, number 9, flew a biplane <>.


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 The time was 29.6 seconds, about 12.2 km/h.

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>, is off to the start! >>

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 As Sion pointed out, Rubina's < was flying at about 15 degrees above the horizontal.

 This makes the speed much slower.

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 Jin agrees.

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"Rubina, you are a very good pilot. ...... I guess you are young."


 At this point, she is in second place behind Natalia.

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 And now it's Jin's turn.


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 A loud cheer went up.

, this time with triple sliding main wings to secure a large main wing area! Now, let's get started! >>


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 Jin's flies slowly from the start. Those watching felt as if they were gliding on a transparent board.

 Thanks to its low wing loading, it was able to make turns with ease, and its final time was 34.7 seconds, a best speed of about 10.4 km/h.

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, start now! >>


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 The Swallow, with its lightweight fuselage and high-powered engine, flies nimbly.

"Oh, that's great!"

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 Jin is impressed by the speed. Slowly and deliberately, flew.


 The time was even better than Jin's.

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 <> The audience gave a thunderous applause.

<! They have started! >>

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 Stayhardt explained to a wondering Zion.

 True to Zion's words, Marikka's <> continues to fly slowly.

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 Her turns are graceful. And .......


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 At the end of the first lap, Maricka is in first place. Rhodes is next, followed by Jin, then Natalia and Rubina .......

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 The contestants were encouraged but not resentful because of the outstanding skills of the three contestants.

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 Her time is 34.8 seconds, a little faster than the first attempt, and her speed is about 10.3 kilometers per hour.

She is steadily improving her time.

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 Jin could see that Natalia was doing well.

 Number 2, Shu's time of 34.9 seconds was good this time. That is about 10.3 km/h.

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 Number 3, Eugene's tapered wing plane was a little slower, clocking in at 32.1 seconds, or about 11.2 km/h. The speed was about 11.2 km/h.

 Number 4, Grina's elliptical wing plane did 32.3 seconds at about 11.1 km/h. Everyone did better than the first time.

 Everyone's times were better than the first.

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 However, the biplane of number 5, Shireen, tried a little too hard to make a good time, and when she made a turn, she lost too much altitude and touched the wings, resulting in her disqualification.

 The folding rectangular wing aircraft of number 6, Sydney, improved its time to 34.1 seconds. The speed is about 10.6 km/h.

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 Number 7, Werner's tapered wing plane was also disqualified after pushing too hard and losing altitude.

 Number 8, Florence's retractable wing plane, despite the previous stall and Werner's disqualification just before, flew consistently this time and set a good time of 33.5 seconds. The speed was about 10.7 km/h.

 The biplane of number 9, Elvis, further improved on his time, setting a new record of 35.1 seconds, which is the fastest time so far. That's about 10.3 kilometers per hour.

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 While we were talking, Rubina's < was slowly making her way around the track and reaching the finish line.


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 Finally, it was Jin's turn.

"I'm going to go as slow as I can this time."

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, the number 11, Jin-sama's start! >>

 Spreading its variable wings as wide as they will go, <> flies away.

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<<<......Goal! The time is 36.3 seconds and the speed is about 9.9 km/h! He finally broke the 10 km/h barrier! >>

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 The audience burst into applause.


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 The only two remaining are Rhodes and Marikka.