1868 - - 50-09 Free acting settled

<! Now ...... take off! >>

 <<> spreads its wings to the fullest and takes off lightly with a small wing loading.

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 It is a level flight ...... and then it soars, or so we thought.

<90 degrees......, no, 120 degrees! >>

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 While the host and commentator were puzzled, did a reverse somersault at an altitude of about 40 meters, then leveled off, flew briefly, and then did another reverse somersault.


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 <>Ruckhardt and Stayhardt exclaimed at about the same time.

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 Theon adds.

 The Hour Glass is an hourglass. It is one of the flight patterns of a wired U-control airplane.

 Jin knew it because he borrowed a magazine on U-control planes from his classmate when he was in junior high school and read it often.

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 Since the number of turns is smaller than that of the figure-8, it is easier to recognize the shape of the figure-8, and the audience cheered.



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 There is a way to use afterimages to appeal to the eye.

 By tracing the same trajectory over and over again, it appeals to the eye and makes an impression.


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 Jin's <> has climbed to an altitude of about 80 meters.

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 The monitor makes it clearly visible, but to the naked eye it looks like a small dot.

 From there, the wing retracts and the begins a vertical descent.

<>Oh, wow!

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 The combination of thrust and gravity causes <>'s speed to increase rapidly. In the blink of an eye, <> has descended to the surface of the earth.

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 That's what everyone thought. The maximum speed is estimated to be over 300 km/h.

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 But <> deploys its wings at once and raises its nose. The speed drops drastically.

 Then, two meters above the surface, the plane leveled off gently and landed slowly.

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 Even though I knew there was a protective barrier, I still instinctively feared a collision.

 Zero is applauded generously as he lands.

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<>, take off! >>

 After takeoff, the < spirals gently upward.

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 The aircraft flies horizontally at an altitude of about 20 meters. Then it begins to make a large turn with a radius of about 50 meters.

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 From what I have seen so far, it seemed that the audience liked the more relaxed performance better than the fast one. Perhaps Rhodes has taken this into account, and is performing at a slightly slower speed.

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 More of a wave than a zigzag.


 The same thing is done on the back of the load toss <>.

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 And not a horizontal figure 8 ......, but a pattern of three wave flights with a somersault at each end. There should be no name .......

 After that, he did a series of inverted somersaults from the back flight, Immelmann turns, split S, etc., and landed.

 The audience applauded loudly.

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, take off! >>

 The < took off softly and moved from a level flight to a horizontal figure-8 flight. However, the radius of the figure-eight is unusually small.

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 The , which performed the figure-eight with a radius less than half of the one used in the prescribed performance, continued to draw a .

 Theon commented.

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 In the latter half of the ascent, the aircraft did not do a somersault, but turned and descended.

 Then the <>, which has lost altitude, turns around and flies horizontally. It climbs again and descends with <>.

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<<...... what did you say ...... yes, it was an inverted wing-over>>.

 Xiong recalls the memory of having talked to Jin on Horai Island a long time ago. I'm sure Marikka was with him at that time.


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 Marikka is reproducing some of the flight patterns of the planes that Jin had told her about long ago.

 The most important feature of the flight pattern is the turning based behavior. The most important feature of Marikka's flight pattern is its turning based behavior. There is a virtual pilot at the center of the turn.


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 But Maricka thought it was fine.

 She recounts some things that Jin taught her when she was young. Believing that this would be respect for Jin.

, landing! ...... now everyone's performance is over!!! >>

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 The audience burst into applause and cheers.

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 In the meantime, Jin and his team will check and maintain their aircrafts for the last race of the day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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 1st place, number 11, Jin, 88 points

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 2nd place, number 12, Rhodos, 86 points

 3rd place, number 10, Rubina, 85 points (1st place for competitors)

 4th place, number 5 Shireen, 82 points (2nd place for competitor)

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 5th place, number 13 Marikka, 80 points

 6th place, number 1 Natalia, 78 points (3rd place for competitor)

 7th place, number 2 Shu, 73 points (4th place for competitor)

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 8th place, number 8 Florence, 72 points (5th place for competitor)

 9th Number 3 Eugene, 69 points (6th eligible competitor)

10th place, number 9 Elvis, 66 points (competitor 7th)

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11th Number 7 Werner 64 points (competitor 8th)

12th Number 6 Sidney, 36 points (9th place for competitors)

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13th place, number 4, Grina, 35 points (10th place for competitors)

 The result was as follows.

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 Theon commented and Luckhardt commented on the results.

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 Yes, the last event of the competition, the race, was about to start.

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